The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 2
Doomsday is not a punishment for sins committed
Never before has mankind possessed so much knowledge about, and competence for, waging war, murdering, destroying, sabotaging and mutilating as now. With its atomic and hydrogen weapons it could wipe itself out totally if there were not a hidden power stronger than mankind, namely the power determining that the trees do not grow right up to the heavens, and likewise determining the course of suns and stars through infinite space. But just as there is a meaning or purpose behind the course of the suns and worlds in the eternal universe, so there is also a divine logic and loving purpose behind mankind's experience of Doomsday. It is absolutely not, as preached up to now, a punishment for mankind's "sins", for, according to the cosmic analyses of the universe, no being whatso ever can either do anything unjustly or suffer unjustly. Any living being constitutes itself the absolutely first cause of its own fate. No energy whatsoever can be released if not from a living being. This holds true just as well in the macrocosmos and microcosmos as in the mesocosmos, which means just as well in the so-called "forces of Nature" and the manifestations and creations arising from these, as in the forces, creations or manifestations arising from those beings we otherwise know as "living beings".