The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 12
Doomsday is cosmic psychological education
Through the culminating state of darkness or Doomsday God can thus transform the beings into Man in his image after his likeness. Here the beings come to feel the effects of the deadly dark existence they inflict on their fellow beings. Through the effects that cause the unhappy fates and states of suffering the beings will learn how they should live and how they should not live, how they should behave towards their fellow beings and how they should not behave towards them. As we live in the epoch of Doomsday foretold in the Bible it is not difficult to observe it and see how God creates the truly perfect human being by means of this epoch. We see how the old traditions are declining. The religious royal power, through which God ruled and guided people in the past, now exists only as a shadow of what it was. People want to have the power themselves, they themselves want to rule. We have seen people of little development and in whom the animal is still extremely prevalent come to the pinnacle of power, directing with force of arms and big drums millions of people into the killing principle's derailments and mutilations of war and massacres. And what then was the result of their might? What did they leave behind for people? They left behind great cultural centres or metropolises in ruins. They killed the fathers of millions of children, the spouses of millions of spouses, made millions of people invalids, quite apart from the millions who languished to death in concentration camps and gas chambers or died on the battlefields themselves. They left behind hunger, need and misery everywhere. Demoralisation, materialism and godlessness prevailed among great sectors of the population, becoming to a certain extent ideals within science, art, literature and film. The lasting, true peace for which people are beginning to long is an impossibility in the world as long as war is still raging over the earth, held in check here and there only by terrifying armed cease-fires and balances of power. And how has it gone for these warlike rulers who believed that they could save mankind by the force of arms, torture, murder and killing? Have they not themselves perished pitiably in the bottomless pit of war into which they, with such great energy, had led the people? They did not know the eternal law that commands: "Put back your sword in its sheath, for he who takes the sword will perish with the sword"; "What a man sows, so shall he also reap"; "What you would have others do unto you, you must do unto them also".
      We have here had a little of Doomsday or the culmination of darkness at close quarters and have seen its terrifying conditions. As we have said already, these conditions are not in any way whatsoever punishment for sins people have committed. There is absolutely no question of any anger, punishment or vindictiveness on the part of the Godhead. What we have seen is exclusively people having violated the laws and principles that determine the continued existence of the universe or the cosmos. As these laws and principles are eternal realities and cannot possibly be abolished or destroyed, it is people who get the worst of it. And so will all who violate the eternal and the imperishable get the worst of it. It is an eternally unalterable law that one can only reap what one has sown. One cannot sow barley and then from this seed grow wheat. One cannot sow anger, hate and bitterness towards one's fellow beings and then reap their sympathy or love. Seed and reaping, whether purely physical or spiritual, are eternally bound by an irrevocable law, namely the law of cause and effect. In their ignorance people behave and act in such a way as to become the cause of effects bringing unhappiness into their own fate. But by virtue of the law of fate, which determines that all releases of energy must return to their source, all beings will come to experience the effects of their behaviour towards their surroundings. They will thereby be able to create their fate themselves so that it becomes a blessing, happiness and joy both for themselves and for others. They will see that when they sow hate they will come to reap hate, and likewise reap love when they sow love. The epoch of Doomsday is nothing less than a cosmic psychological education. Through the events caused by this Doomsday God demonstrates for people what they must do and what they must not do, which people they must put into power and who they must not put at the pinnacle of power. The dark events of this century speak their clear, divine language, showing as fact that war gives rise to war and that war cannot possibly be wiped out by war. We must here repeat: "He who takes the sword will perish with the sword."
      And what is it we see in the terrors of Doomsday? Why were these millions of people who were tortured in this hell or Armageddon not protected? They were not protected because it was the result of an unfortunate way of behaving they had practised in many previous lives that now hit them. It was a seed they had sown in these lives that they then reaped. It is true that the people in question cannot remember their previous lives and cannot therefore understand that they have themselves created the causes of their unhappy fate. But this cannot exempt beings from this fate. This unhappy fate has precisely the purpose of developing the being's talent for sympathy so that the humane faculty can come into existence, and a being, with the growth of this faculty, can come to love his neighbour as himself, which is the total fulfilment of the law of life. As a being thus comes to reap that fate it has inflicted on others it cannot in the long run avoid coming to discover this, its situation. And with this discovery it begins to change its actions and behaviour or way of being in order to become a joy and a blessing for its surroundings or its neighbour.
      As we know that the organisms or bodies that are killed and mutilated are not identical to the living being, but are only a vehicle for the same being, there is thus no one who in the absolute sense dies because of the existence of darkness or Doomsday. Everyone survives even the worst state of darkness and has with them experiences in the new terrestrial life in the form of gifts, talents and character traits. The experiences of suffering do not only promote the development of intelligence but they cause the being to advance, as previously mentioned, in the development of humaneness. For every terrestrial life in which the living being experiences a dark fate and way of being, it becomes more and more humane or loving in order finally to be able to fulfil completely this state of loving one's neighbour as oneself, thereby being the fulfilment of God's creation of the human being in his image after his likeness.