The article: Mankind at One with God
Chapter 11
Devil-consciousness or the culmination of darkness
The living beings in such a cycle thus go through all the existing stages of experience of life and manifestation or creation. If we look at the plant forms of life we will see that on the physical plane their psyche consists of mere instinctive movements or instinctive creation. The plant can only vaguely sense pleasantness and unpleasantness. It cannot analyse the pleasantness or unpleasantness and thereby experience it as day-conscious fact. But the plant organisms evolve towards becoming animal organisms. These organisms in turn evolve into human organisms. And it is at this stage we find the terrestrial human beings at the moment. They have still a great deal of the animal nature in their mentality and behaviour while having, to a certain extent, developed a human psyche or mentality. Of the human nature it is mainly the intellectual faculties that have been developed. By virtue of this acquisition of human intellectual faculties without yet having acquired the human humane faculties, the behaviour of such a human being will be excessively animal since it is the animal principle that in this case is the dominant one. In accordance with the fact that this person, by virtue of his human intelligence, can promote his animal tendencies to excess he takes part in promoting the culmination of darkness. No beings on earth can compare with the terrestrial human being in spreading massacre, mutilation, hate and revenge, war and blood-bath or death and ruin over other beings. Terrestrial human beings have thus grown from the stage of the animal when it is a matter of intellectuality, but they are still at the stage of the animal when it is a matter of humanity and love. They therefore constitute neither pure animals nor pure human beings. They are thus beings of mental darkness. Their murderous and pain-inflicting mentality can be expressed only as "devil-consciousness". They constitute the opposite of the perfect human being in its purest form, who can elicit only intellectualised feelings, which are in turn the same as justice and love. Through this devil-consciousness or excessive animal mentality terrestrial human beings experience that contrast by virtue of which they, as previously mentioned, acquire the ability to experience light.