The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: Unnatural Fatigue
Chapter 9
The effects of self-tyranny
Martyrdom and happiness can no more be combined than oil and water. And to this must be added the anger and bitterness towards any other person that keeps one in a state of opposition and deliberation thereon. But anger and bitterness cannot possibly co-exist with normal joy in living either. And since the maintenance of absolute health of body and soul cannot possibly be promoted in any way other than by a normal enjoyment of life, we see here how such a human being now in reality, albeit unconsciously, tyrannises itself by maintaining thoughts of anger and martyrdom. Since all thought is a radiant force that pervades and courses through not merely the brain but also the atomic or microstructure of the blood, the musculature and the nerves, it is by no means unimportant which kinds of thoughts thus pass through the microlife and organs of the organism. Since joyful thoughts constitute the normal vital force in the animal organism, this vital force will be damaged to the extent that the human being is filled with thoughts of anger, depression and martyrdom. And when the vital force is damaged, its capacity will be insufficient to promote normal vital functioning, which finds expression exclusively in a permanent enjoyment of life. And not having the energy to promote normal, daily vital functioning can be felt only as "fatigue". Fatigue is exclusively a symptom of a lack of vital force.
      So the cause of the human being's unnatural fatigue is that it is no longer a prehistoric human being pure and simple. Its evolution through the ages has led to it being unable to endure living according to the unwritten laws of the prehistoric or savage human being, which focus exclusively on the morality of power: "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth". Its nerves simply cannot stand being continuously pervaded by the animal mentality, which can be expressed by the concept: "Every man for himself". It has become too much a "human being" for this. But nonetheless in their daily thinking thousands upon thousands of people today promote an enormous amount of angry and depressive thoughts, merged in a feeling of martyrdom that keeps all joy in living and thereby normal vital force away from both body and soul. And we have here arrived at the innermost cause of all illness and misfortune.