The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: Unnatural Fatigue
Chapter 6
The connection between the ability to conceptualise and egoism or self-centeredness
The new sphere of consciousness plays an important role in people's daily lives together. Their expanded sensitivity or sensibility now gives rise to experiences in the being's mentality to which it was previously immune. These new experiences can of course be pleasant and healthy, and thereby invigorating, just as they can be unpleasant and unhealthy, thereby paving the way for illness or death. But in a sphere that is newly born there is every possibility for making mistakes. And this is the case here in the human being's relatively new and as yet feeble mental sphere. And since it is in reality this sphere that constitutes the world of thought through which all human beings today contact one another and build up their life together, one now understands how this life together in so many situations is a manifestation of mistakes, how it becomes unstable and leads to disruption or division, hatred and persecution. Because of the expanded ability to conceptualise that the modern human being has come to possess, it has become a genius at forming concepts or ideas in the light of which it sees itself as the most innocent being in every conflict it has with its neighbour. To the same extent of course it sees its neighbour as the villain, as the persecutor, or as its evil genius; it therefore wants this neighbour punished or pursued with every kind of malice. And since the neighbour as a rule feels the same about his opponent, the life of two such people must inevitably end in mutual persecution, hatred and bitterness, which in the worst cases must end, like it did for the Vikings or primitive children of Nature, in murder and killing.