The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: Unnatural Fatigue
Chapter 4
The great mental strain on the modern human being
What then is unnatural fatigue? Unnatural fatigue, which is very widespread, is due in the first instance to the current rapidly accelerated transformation of the life of the modern human being who has embarked upon an accelerated evolution and use of the ability to think. The use of this ability is excessive for the human being who, from a cosmic point of view, is still primitive. Before people in general obtained modern schooling and the intellectual horizon that developed from this, they did not have any particularly noticeable mental horizon over and above the instinctive functions, these being the urge to mate and the need to scrape together their daily bread. Since the majority were to a great extent slaves of a privileged upper class, they were given their daily bread, albeit scanty rations. Since the daily life of the majority had thus assumed a more or less permanent form, dictated to them by this upper class, they could not experiment or speculate very much about the maintenance of their existence, as is the case today. What did the primitive human being know of all the phenomena or spheres of thought that today flourish within the mentality of the modern human being? What did primitive peasants know about geography, astronomy, history, literature and art, about the structure of the Earth, about arithmetic, writing, photography, film, radio, television or all the other things that are more or less inculcated in every child and young person of today as vital subjects and skills? That this state means a strain on, or use of, the nerves and the ability to think that the great-grandparents of the same children and young people were never ever encumbered with, is an irrefutable fact.