The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: Unnatural Fatigue
Chapter 3
Mental invalids
What then can a human being do in order to be cured of this devastating fatigue? An understanding of the true innermost cause of the fatigue is of course necessary. Only when one has understood this can one begin to work in the right way and begin a real fight against the illness, and be thereby led back to a normal mental life and its attendant normal enjoyment of life.
      It is true that medical science does an extraordinary amount to help people, over and above the large hospitals and the psychiatric hospitals that have been and are being built. And many of the slightly ill patients are cured. Yet this does not prevent hundreds of thousands of people living their daily lives today with a greater or lesser degree of this dangerous fatigue syndrome. Of these great numbers of people there is a certain percentage that will end up being incurably mentally ill. Many of those whose illness has progressed far into the dangerous stages cannot be healed within their present incarnation. Their organic structure has already been too badly damaged. For them the cure is temporarily put off until the next incarnation. If someone loses a foot or a finger no new finger will grow in its place. In the same way one can also be so badly damaged or injured in the mental areas that one cannot possibly be restored to normal health in one's present incarnation. The human being's mental organs can become defective in that certain parts of them wither or die. Here the individual cannot be helped. Just as new limbs cannot regrow on the physical organism, so, within a certain mental sphere, new organic parts cannot regrow either, where the normal parts are dead. People with such defects cannot be healed or be restored to normal health within their present incarnation. It is thus not these lifelong disabled people that I am addressing here. It is, however, those that for the moment perceive this illness as nothing more than unnatural fatigue. These people can, if they really pull themselves together, be cured and become totally free of this fatigue and its undermining and lethal consequences.