The Road to Initiation
The article: The Culture of Giving
Chapter 4
The sufferings of society, dictatorship and the principle of giving
As is evident from the above, the current social order is still of such a primitive evolutionary standard that it makes the appropriation of things of value and the desire for capital or wealth an almost all-pervasive vital necessity for every single human being. This social order cannot prevent all the world's things of value being owned by a certain part of the population of the Earth, while the remaining part owns nothing. And in this way two economic aspects arise: a light aspect and a dark aspect. As the dark aspect means destitution, slavery, privation and hunger, rags and tatters, destitution and degradation, the way to the economic light aspect of existence becomes the focus of the terrestrial human being's present mentality. Daily existence is a perpetual war between the representatives of these two aspects of life. Everyone is fighting everyone else. Those without means are fighting to escape poverty and slavery. The wealthy are fighting to keep their wealth and thereby to safeguard themselves against destitution and slavery.
      The fact that circumstances are as they are is the source of almost all terrestrial human suffering. It is the source of war. It is the source of crime. It is the source of oppression and degradation. It is the source of the misery, "the weeping and gnashing of teeth" that makes people cry to heaven for "salvation" and thereby makes world redemption an urgent matter.
      Changing the world's vital things of value from being "articles of commerce" to being "gifts for all human beings" is the "salvation" of the world. To change people's desire to make everything "private property" into the desire to make everything "common property" is to lead mankind away from the animal traditions; it is to liberate it from true heathendom and thereby incorporate it in that kingdom which was originally "not of this world". It is to remove the main cause of all so-called "evil". And with the removal of this, any basis for envy, robbery, theft, fraud, poverty, slavery and degradation will thus be removed.
      But changing the world in this way cannot be brought about by a dictate. An ape cannot become a human being at the command of a dictator. And terrestrial mankind cannot jump over centuries of evolution through dictatorship. Evolution can be promoted only by knowledge. But knowledge can be generated only by personal experience.
      It is true that there is something called "education" but, regardless of what form it may take, it is only a way of cultivating or training the ability to experience personally. Everything that is not personally experienced is merely supposition. Only real personal experience can turn a "supposition" into a "fact".
      Nothing that exists under the term "dictatorship" can thus directly raise people one jot from their present step in evolution. The "culture" that is in this way forced upon terrestrial human beings is merely a dictated, compulsory way of living, which is a representation of the attributes that constitute the step in evolution on which the dictator finds himself. For those individuals who find themselves exactly on a level with the dictator's step in evolution, these attributes must of course be perceived as the highest idealism imaginable, and the dictator as their guardian angel, because it is precisely their natural traditions, desires and ideas about life that are maintained by force through his material power. But for those who have long since outgrown these attributes in, for example, the military, marital, racial, religious or purely cultural area, and thus find themselves on a different and higher step in evolution – a step quite incomprehensible to the dictator – dictatorship and the compulsory way of living prescribed by it become a hindrance, a "straightjacket" that must more or less split or burst because of these people's superior and more powerful inner mental completeness, dignity and growth. As they hereby collide with the dictator's laws and are a threat to his power, one well understands why dictatorship must have very many detention camps, prisons and scaffolds. The "dangerous" and "undemocratic" people, that is those who are against the dictator, must be rendered harmless.
      And so, without "knowing what one is doing", one "stabs" evolution, one kills the embryo of a higher culture, and in a mighty military array marches blindly and rapidly towards one's own execution. For to "stab" evolution, to kill a higher culture, is to go against the eternal structure of the universe itself; it is to reproach God. And to such a superior power everyone must ultimately and inevitably yield. Here "all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword".
      For people who are far below the dictator in evolution, dictatorship is no salvation either. Forcing primitive people to suddenly manifest a higher step in evolution than they by nature have reached does not make these beings mentally sublime. One cannot raise beings from one evolutionary step to another that easily. This results in this enforced behaviour being only a "cultivation" or "training" that is analogous with that imposed by an animal trainer on his wild animals, namely a disturbing and unpleasant "training" that these beings therefore hate. And it does become something of a "circus performance" when primitive people show "deference" and "obedience" to a dictator who cuts down every form of opposition with superior modern military technology and ruthless punitive measures.
      When respect and obedience are not voluntary gifts but only an enforced means of avoiding torture and the death penalty, they are but stolen realities. And it is a matter of course that peace cannot exist in such a zone. Here life must be bloody. The oppressed seek freedom. Evolution does not allow itself to be dictated or prescribed by terrestrial human whims. Everything of that nature must be destroyed. The course of evolution obeys a far higher mentality than the terrestrial one. And dictatorship is thus not the means by which world peace can be attained. Only the opposite principle can save mankind. But the principle that is the opposite of force is freedom. And freedom is of course the same as a "gift", since any "gift" can exist only as something that is set free, regardless of what form it may take.
      So "giving" is the opposite of "forcing". Mankind can be saved only by "giving". The very principle of world redemption will therefore consist exclusively of developing "the ability to give" in the terrestrial human being. And to the same extent as the being's talent for giving grows, so he will get on to the same wavelength as life's own principle, which is in itself the giving of one great gift. From a cosmic point of view it costs nothing to be born into the world; it costs nothing to die; it costs nothing to grow, just as little as sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch are "bought" or "paid" realities. People are wallowing in cosmic wealth. The world is full of all the vital things of value, that is all the resources in terms of heating, nutrition and entertainment, that terrestrial human beings need for their evolution and joy in living over vast centuries of time. But people do not yet understand how to be on the same wavelength as the principle of life itself. Are there not enough coal mines? Why then must thousands of people freeze or more or less lack access to this source of heat? Is there not sufficient electricity or other sources of energy in Nature? Yet thousands of people must nonetheless toil in the sweat of their brows, making themselves bent, twisted and emaciated. Is there not enough grain or food? Yet thousands of people must die of starvation. Is the Earth not equipped with sufficient vast, beautiful, temperate, sunny and fertile regions? Yet thousands upon thousands of people must burn up or languish in hot deserts while thousands of others must endure a frozen, primitive existence in the winter darkness and icy regions of the arctic regions? Are there not sufficient materials for beautiful clothes and equipment for all people? Yet great masses of people nonetheless walk around in rags and tatters. Why all these calamities? Is it not precisely because all these cosmic gifts, the Earth's great stores of vital things of value, are impounded as "private property"? Why is this so? Is it not because terrestrial human beings' lives are still very much based on animal traditions and because they find themselves on such a low or primitive stage in evolution that the principle of giving is as yet but a minor detail in their mentality, while "the principle of business" or "principle of taking" is the main thing?
      People have therefore developed a great talent for "taking" or "receiving", but only a very small talent for "giving" and are thus predestined to be in disharmony with life's own principle, which, as previously mentioned, is the culmination of giving gifts. Where it is not so, it is exclusively the living beings themselves that prevent it from being so. By making an all-pervasive display of "the principle of taking" a vital necessity one cannot get onto the same wavelength as the fundamental provision of the eternal world plan which – free of charge – "lets the sun shine on the righteous and the unrighteous". And one here better understands that the road to life or the salvation of mankind can be taught in the eternal sentence: "It is more blessed to give than to receive".