Spiritual Suicide
by Martinus

1. Spiritual suicide is a new term
"Spiritual suicide" is likely to be a new term because for a very long time there has been a saying that "you can kill the body, but you cannot kill the soul".
We are going to look at the matter in a slightly different way.
2. The I, the superconsciousness and what is created
It is not the case that one can kill the living being. Of course, the living being cannot be killed.
The living being consists of the being's kernel, an I, which is completely outside of time and space, and which exists under completely different laws than what we can sense and observe. This I has a superconsciousness. This superconsciousness is also beyond time and space. It is outside of reincarnation. It is outside of death, and in a way it is outside of life, since both these realities are something created.
That which is eternal is existence. The I has an eternal existence. But there would not be so much to this existence, if there were not at the same time something called life. Life is the experiences. It is being able to experience that one exists and equally it is being able to make it known that one exists. This is assisted by what we call mentality or consciousness.
3. The physical body constitutes merely one of six bodies
In order for the consciousness to be able to express itself the being exists as an eternal, immortal kernel of the being, which has a superconsciousness, to which are connected several bodies, of which you are familiar with the physical body. But the physical body is not the whole. It is merely one of six bodies.
4. Physical matter is mixed with mental energy
The physical body does not exist simply as something physical. If it was only physical we would not be able to sense. We would not be able to experience anything at all. We would not experience that there was such a thing as life, and we would not be able to make it known that we existed.
The part of our physical organism that is completely physical is the mineral part, that is to say our nails and our hair. We can clip and cut these phenomena and we do not feel it at all. Why do we not feel it? Because here there is no awake day-consciousness.
It is only the nails and the other mineral parts of our physical organism that are completely physical. All the other parts are not exclusively physical. They are also spiritual. How can we be sure of this? We can be sure of it partly due to the fact that physical matter is mixed with a mental energy called instinct. In this way a state emerged in physical matter that caused it to appear as vegetable matter, that is to say physical matter directed by instinct. What is instinct? Instinct is a form of energy that can connect with physical matter and direct it in certain definite forms. And these forms appear as the beginnings of the creation of organisms. The organs that are now so perfect in our animal organism began to take form, or have their origin, in vegetable matter.
Vegetable matter became mixed with yet another energy. This energy was feeling. And so vegetable matter became animal matter, in other words what we know as flesh and blood. It is mainly this matter that the physical organism consists of.
Yet another energy plays a part in the physical organism, and that is intelligence. Physical matter is directed with the help of the animal organism. We can see how the living being can direct matter and can also build up its physical organism in logical forms so that it becomes a perfect tool.
There are two more energies that we know that also penetrate matter, that are also found in physical matter, or in the organism, and they are intuition and memory.
5. Each basic energy is governed by a particular body
All these forms of energy are in evidence in the combination of matter that we know as the living being's physical organism. They are not equally prominent in all organisms, but they exist in all organisms. And we can see how they have a mission. They are not placed haphazardly in this matter. Each of them is specially organised and has a particular role to play. But as each of these energies can therefore be directed to carry out its particular role, this means that for each energy there must be an organ through which the energy can be directed and guided.
There therefore has to be an organ for instinct. Instinct is present in us. It stimulates all the functions that lie outside of the control of our will, all the functions that we do not have anything to do with, such as the beating of the heart and the pulse. The breathing is also something that we cannot stop. It is completely automatic. And the glandular functions and the digestion. All these functions take place automatically. And these automatic processes are taken care of exclusively by instinct.
Just like instinct, each of the other forms of energy also has a particular body through which it is directed, reaches a certain strength, and expresses a certain force or lack of force, all according to the current need that there is for it in the organism in question.
And as the other forms of energy, for example feeling, also have a certain form of expression in the being, there is also something that decides that each energy has precisely its form of expression. For this reason, there is also a body or organ for feeling, one for intelligence, one for intuition and one for memory.
6. Without the basic energies there would be no experience of life
If these energies were not present in the physical organism there would be no experience of life.
When we look at each other or we see the details in our surroundings – colours, light and matter, human beings – it is an interplay of these various organs. What we can see is not only a physical phenomenon. The physical function ceases already in the background of the eye. Here on a membrane a physical image of whatever is in front of us is formed. But it would be of no significance if it was just the formation of a physical image. The same thing would apply to a camera. The camera cannot experience anything. But the human being or the animal, the living being, can perceive. There the image that is in the membrane in the eye is transformed to constitute a statement. That takes place with the help of feeling. That takes place with the help of intelligence. That takes place with the help of memory.
If we had no memory we would be unable to recognise anything at all. We would be unable to learn anything at all. Every time we experienced something, or every time we spoke to a person, this thing or this person would be a totally new experience to us. And once we had turned away from the person, we would not be able to remember that we had talked to him. But this is not now the case. Every experience leaves an impression or a mark in the consciousness so that with the help of memory we can remember what we have seen before. And when we see the same thing, we recognise it.
Without intelligence we would be totally unable to calculate anything at all. It would be impossible for us to work out that two and two is four. It would be completely impossible to carry out the most elementary forms of analysis.
If we had no feeling we would be unable to sense. We would be unable to sense the difference between pleasure and displeasure. We would be unable to notice the slightest thing. We would be able to flay and cut our organism without being able to feel the slightest sign of it. But feeling also shows itself on a higher plane, in such a way that we can sense wellbeing and displeasure also in our mentality, in our thoughts.
And if we did not have the energy of gravity – that is to say the energy of the sun or the energy of fire – if this was not present in us, we would have no normal body temperature. There is fire in us! Our normal temperature is a balance between the fire and the coldness of the universe. And that is of very great importance because it is due to this combination in us that we have the strength to lift our arm or to speak a word. With the help of the combination of these two energies, the energy of gravity and the energy of feeling, our heart and our breathing can function, and our entire intake of nourishment and digestion can take place. Our entire sensory perception, our entire exercising of will, is based on the presence of these two energies.
The physical organism is therefore not a physical organism pure and simple. It is a combination of the various mental energies that together temporarily appear in a form that we call physical, because the organism it built in such a way that we, with the help of certain physical senses, can observe it and lead the observations into the area in our subconsciousness where we can analyse them. We can perceive and feel and remember and so on. Everything we can sense is lead into that area.
7. The mental organism is immortal
The function of life is a function that consists of memory, intuition, intelligence, feeling, gravity and instinct. And we therefore consist of such a concerted organism. This organism is immortal. We can destroy one organ, for example the physical one. What appears to be physical we can certainly destroy. But the organs of the various energies are self-contained. One could say that each of them is a kind of division of the human being's personality.
Even though the physical organism is murdered, the human being does not die. It does not lose its consciousness. It does not cease to experience life. That is a great illusion! But the human being ceases to be able to sense or receive impressions from the material world. They cannot do that – not directly – like they can when they have the physical organism. But the organs that make up the other part of the organism are on the mental plane. Even though the being has lost its physical organism, it still has instinct, feeling, intuition, intelligence and memory. The organism exists as a concerted combination of these characteristics. So real death – real, absolute death – does not exist.
8. Human beings cannot live for ever with the philosophy that one is mortal
We cannot see when the physical organism separates from the mental being. As we cannot see the mental being but see only the physical combination of matter, and we see that it is now lying there dead, with not a trace of life in it, with nothing to move it – what previously directed and moved it, what previously experienced life through it, has disappeared – that is the reason why the irrational belief came into the world that when one is dead, one is dead. That there should be reincarnation, that there should be a life after death, is seen as only something naive, or as false ideas!
But that is not how it is! No human being can live or die with such a philosophy. Human beings can live with it only as long as things are going well in material existence, and they have a healthy body and are economically well off and everything is in order. But if this person falls on hard times they will certainly discover their helplessness. Human beings cannot live with the philosophy that they are mortal.
9. Physical suicide
When a human being commits physical suicide this is actually not a murder of the whole. It is a murder of the physical function. The function that is formed by the combined bodies, and that results in physical experience, is knocked out of action.
But the human being goes on living on the spiritual plane. Straight away one of the other organs bears the consciousness. In the case of terrestrial human beings, and also in the case of animals, the body of feeling bears the consciousness, just as soon as the physical body is destroyed or separated due to old age. The arrangement is so ingenious that when the physical body, which is a tool, has been injured and cannot be used, either as the result of a catastrophe or old age, it separates itself from the actual being, which continues to live on the mental plane.
10. Can one kill the soul?
(See Matt. 10:28)
We have heard that "one cannot kill the soul, but one can certainly kill the body". This means that we can perfectly well kill the physical organism, as it says. We can certainly do that. But we cannot kill the soul.
The person who pronounced this sentence was Christ himself. But one has to understand that at that time people had not reached the point where they knew about the spiritual structure. Of course, Christ knew about the spiritual structure. But he was faced with people who it was totally impossible to explain this to. They had no vocabulary with which he could make them understand, and they had no desire for this knowledge. For this reason he had to make do with saying "the soul".
They said that a living being consisted only of soul and body. And if it consisted only of soul and body it is correct that "one cannot kill the soul". But in the true analysis of the living being the soul is not the actual living being. The "soul" is then the subconsciousness and the superconsciousness. But as well as these two realities there exists the immortal I. And the superconsciousness is also totally invulnerable, totally immortal.
The subconscious spiritual bodies that create the day- and night-consciousness are what, in the spiritual science of the future, will appear as the "soul". So we can say that the living being consists of an I, a superconsciousness, a soul and a physical body.
When we are now talking about spiritual suicide, it is something that should correspond to physical suicide. And there is absolutely no reason why not. One can perfectly well commit spiritual suicide.
You now know that physical suicide does not actually murder the whole. It is not a complete killing of the individual.
Neither is spiritual suicide a complete killing, a complete annihilation of the individual. It is merely a breaking down of the organs that I mentioned previously.
We have these spiritual bodies: feeling, intelligence, intuition, memory and instinct. Each of these kinds of energy forms its own body, which – when we are in the physical organism – flows through this organism. But if we are not in the physical organism, it does not function on the physical plane but on the spiritual plane. These mental bodies have been fashioned. They have been created. They have been improved. They have come from primitive conditions just like the physical body, and they are therefore subject to creation. But everything that is subject to creation can be destroyed. It can be broken down. It can degenerate and it can be built up. It can be made perfect etc. It is subject to all these time- and space-dimensional phenomena, but the basic principle itself cannot be annihilated.
11. Spiritual suicide can lead to mental disability
When I talk about a spiritual suicide, it means that besides being able to commit physical suicide one is also able to create a murder of one's mental state of experiencing, so that one cannot create a proper physical organism.
One can destroy one's mental bodies to such an extent that one can perfectly well be born in a physical body but one's intelligence is destroyed, one's ability to feel is destroyed, one's memory is destroyed, one's faculty of intuition is destroyed. What do you think a being looks like who comes to the Earth with such destroyed sensory organs? There are a great many of them. A great many human beings are born to this world in this state. We are not used to calling them spiritual corpses but they are in fact beings who have committed spiritual suicide.
Beings who are born after they have committed a culminatory spiritual suicide we know as "mentally disabled" beings. Mental disability is the greatest defect a living being can meet with. This is the culmination of the least expression of life. I once saw a person who – as far as I remember – was twenty years old. This person was like a little child. He was fed, and he had no sensory faculties. He did not recognise the people who were looking after him. He just lay there. His life functions were at a low level and there were no signs that he could be otherwise in this life.
12. Spiritual suicide takes place unconsciously
It is of great importance that we look into how such a state comes about. It is in itself a suicide. But the difference between this suicide and the physical suicide, is that the physical suicide is generally conscious. It is something the person wants. He does it with his will. He has become unhappy. He has become depressed. He thinks he cannot find any solution to his life. It is a completely wasted life. There is no hope, and so he believes that by destroying his physical organism he will not experience anything any more. So he believes that it is in a way a better existence. It is better to be completely obliterated than it is to experience such a state of suffering.
So physical suicide is something one does with one's will. Spiritual suicide on the other hand is something that takes place totally without the being himself being aware of it. He knows nothing about it. He does not know how a spiritual suicide arises. The fact is that as long as one does not believe that there exist several lives, as long as one does not understand that one has come from previous lives and that the present life is merely a result of these previous lives, just as there will be lives in the future that will be a result of the present life, as long as one does not have this understanding, this knowledge, it stands to reason that one cannot know anything at all about spiritual suicide.
Spiritual suicide is not something that arises either as a result of a shock or an accident. It is not something that arises because one wants it. It is something that arises as a result of a derailment from the true and natural road of life ahead.
13. Trees do not grow up into the sky
Today we can see these spiritual corpses. They are not all equally dead. That is to say that they are not "dead" in the sense that they are completely lifeless, because that can never come about.
The same law applies here as it does when we look at trees. They cannot go on growing so that they grow up into the sky. At a certain point they stop. We can also see that with all the other phenomena in physical existence these creative processes have a certain limit that they can go up to, after which a new cycle begins.
The same also applies to people who commit suicide. The physical suicide can bring one to the very point where one does not experience on the physical plane, but one experiences on the spiritual plane. The spiritual suicide brings one to the point where one can experience neither physically nor spiritually. One can however experience a little bit. There is a kernel of life left behind that is untouchable and that can only just hold the consciousness alive. But all the special functions that should make life a divine experience are weakened.
14. Derailments that human beings bring about in good faith
So how does such a suicide come about? We can observe it in everyday life around us. When you can "see and hear" in the mental area and can observe mentality and such things it is easy to see who is on their way into a spiritual suicide. Then you can also see that here is a person who is completely at the culmination, and here is a person who has just come out of the spiritual suicide. He is on his way up towards recovery. You can observe everything once you have learnt all the details and symptoms etc.
Particularly in evidence in spiritual suicide are derailments, which human beings cause in good faith, thinking that they are entirely in contact with life.
They are phenomena that have a direct effect on the spiritual bodies. Human beings can do things that can directly break down their intelligence. They can do things that can directly break down their memory. They can do things that can directly break down their feeling. They can do things that can directly break down their instinct.
They can do such a variety of things here on the material plane, things that have a real influence on the various spiritual organs. And human beings do such things! It is not something that they can be blamed for. They cannot know. They have to go through this process.
But not everybody. To the extent that they can bring themselves to know and understand the true road of life, not all of them need to take that road.
15. Life is continually making examples
There are in the world so many results of spiritual suicide that one can point to, and that one can analyse and show the road from normal existence, where the spiritual suicide began, and on through the various stages all the way to the culminatory stage where one is totally mentally disabled. By being able to point to these things as tangible realities they become a concrete guidance for those human beings who find themselves normally gifted.
Examples are always having to be made. Life is continually making examples. It is always making tremendous experiences through which things can become concrete facts, so that it is not only ideas that are presented to human beings. There have to be really tangible experiences.
16. The free will to act wrongly or correctly
When we look at human beings' everyday existence we can see a great many things in their everyday lives that really have nothing whatsoever to do with health, either on the physical plane or the spiritual plane. We can see that human beings have grown accustomed to a great many things that have nothing at all to do with reason, that have nothing at all to do with the real laws of life, but are a direct contravention of the laws of life. They are bound to do so because they are beings wandering in the dark. They are in a large area in which, just as soon as they tread wrongly, a destruction of life takes place. If they tread correctly, a building up takes place.
How else would they be able to learn to take the right road? How would they be able to learn to tread in the right places, and to avoid treading in the wrong places? It would be completely impossible. At this point you may well ask: "But why do there have to be different roads in the first place?" Well, if there were not different roads, you would not be a free being, and you would then not be able to gain experience. You would not be able to learn which was the correct road and which was the wrong one. And that would be unfortunate.
It would mean that you were more feeble than an idiot. You would have absolutely no specific ideas, you would be unable to calculate anything, you would be unable to decide anything. What would be the meaning of a free will if we had no idea of how it should be used and what it should be used for? If we could not know that there was something that was good and something that was bad, that there was something that was wrong and something that was right, what should we use our free will for?
That is why it is completely natural that there are possibilities of derailments. There are possibilities of spiritual suicide as much as physical suicide.
17. Spiritual suicide takes place over several lives
Spiritual suicide takes place over several lives. The spiritual structure is not so easy to break down, since there are several bodies all at once, and it is mental matter. It is not nearly so easy to break down as purely physical matter. Physical matter is easy to destroy. It takes only a moment. But the spiritual structure that the human being has built up over several lives, with special organs that are outstandingly developed, are not nearly as easy to break down. It takes a long time. It takes place over several incarnations. From one incarnation to the next, the human being sinks down, and becomes less gifted, less intelligent, less sensitive to feeling. He steadily loses more and more and more, if he is not corrected on the way.
18. The greatest vices that human beings have grown accustomed to
Some of the things that will particularly cause human beings to become "mentally disabled" in the future are of course the greatest vices that they have grown accustomed to in their present existence. The greatest vices – what are they? What is a vice? A vice is to act absolutely foolishly with one's precious divine organs.
It is absolutely foolish to sprinkle poison in one's stomach, where there should be healthy and tasty food. It is foolish to fill oneself up with poisonous substances. Is that what one does? Of course, what is alcohol? What are narcotics? All these poisonous substances are to a great extent mental energies, which therefore have a direct effect on the mental organs.
We can see that by smoking tobacco a great many human beings have to a great extent grown accustomed to filling their lungs with poisonous fumes. They more or less accustom themselves to not being able to live without having this extremely poisonous state in their lungs.
Doctors are beginning to say that smoking can cause cancer. Yes, it is true, it can. But that is nothing compared to what it does to the mental organs. One should not believe that just because it finds an outlet as cancer, that that is the end of the matter. What does it mean when such a cancer patient dies? Is that the end of the matter for him? It definitely isn't! If it has reached the stage of being cancer, and it has become so serious that it murders, it kills, the human being's faculty for physical existence, it will then have brought about in the mental structure an undermining of the talent for breathing and an undermining of the talents for creating lungs. The talent that forms the basis of the breathing is undermined. It is undermined every single time that one lights and smokes a cigarette.
I have absolutely nothing against you smoking. I am not criticising you. I presume that you would like to know how things work. You would like to have the solution to such phenomena, and so I have to follow you. And when I follow you, I have to tell you about tobacco and spirits etc. So you have to understand that it is said in all friendship. I will not be angry or annoyed with you if I see you smoking a cigarette in the street or some other place, just as long as you do not smoke here in the lecture hall.
And it is the same with eating meat. Is that really so bad? It is bad in the sense that to make such a mistake in one life after the other contributes to breaking down the human being's inner core.
19. The downwards road from life to life
Narcotics and alcohol in particular have a destructive effect on the spiritual bodies. We can clearly see that. Nevertheless, it is the case that at every festive occasion, at every ordination, confirmation and christening, at every wedding or other gathering, it is taken for granted that one should drink a toast. One should drink many different kinds of alcoholic drinks, even though one knows that one will be totally confused. One will be confused in the head and muddled in one's thinking.
It has become a habit. It is a derailment. It is debauchery. It is quite harmless in one single life or at one single gathering. But if you have the opportunity of seeing the perspective unrolling in front of you so that you can see from one life to the other, you would see that it is a road that leads downwards. A human being that had come up to a very high plane, is now going downwards and will end up lower than the animals. That is spiritual suicide!
It is a tiny step here and a tiny step there. Perhaps it is only a little bit in one life, but when it is another bit in the next life, and in the next?
Why are children backward at school? Why are they not normally gifted? What is the reason for it? Because also here there is something that has broken down the talent kernels, so that they are not normally gifted, so that they are not so quick in their understanding, and cannot keep up. It is their intelligence that there is something wrong with, it is their memory that there is possibly something wrong with. Why are people dyslexic? Why are there so many mental phenomena that are faulty? They are all the effects of suicide. They are all expressions of the fact that something is being undermined.
20. Poisonous kinds of thoughts also lead to spiritual suicide
If at the same time there are poisonous kinds of thoughts in the consciousness – hate, envy, bitterness, anger, constant dissatisfaction with this or that, constant criticism of anything at all – there will then be a strong dive in the downwards suicide, since these thought substances have a directly harmful effect on the particular organs in the organism that are exposed to these substances.
Every single harmful thought that goes through our brain has an effect on one organ or another, on one part in the organism or another, so that it can either increase or undermine the force in these areas. This is not normal. What is normal, the normal strength, the normal supply of force to the various places, takes place through a truly well-balanced, normal thinking, a truly normal state of happiness, an everyday sense of wellbeing in being alive. This gives rise to the normal life force throughout the organism.
The various swings – from hot temper or anger, and then perhaps in the next moment up to powerful ecstasy, and then back to hot temper and anger, and so on – are powerful swings. When these are supplemented with poisonous fumes and poisonous drinks and also a permanently wrong kind of food, it is not so difficult to understand that it nevertheless must have a consequence. This consequence cannot be a perfect structure of the organism. It must be the opposite.
And this is what we can see. There is no shortage of proof. There is no shortage of facts. Is it not the case that we have a great many mentally disabled people, where suicide is at its culmination? And we have a great many other mental illnesses.
21. The knowledge of the effects of one's own inclinations
It is my intention here just to show you the very culmination. To show you how dangerous life really is. To show you what it means that you can open up your consciousness so that you live in an area where your horizon does not only include the small area that you can remember with your present memory, as has previously been the case. You are on the point of entering a structure with which your consciousness surveys not only back to your birth but forward into future lives, just as it is able today to work with analyses from previous lives so that you can follow your current phenomena, your current tendencies, your current inclinations and you can learn how to see which effects they have.
22. Sexual derailments lead to the destruction of the consciousness
What is it that is going on when a person wants to burn down houses, wants to see fire? In really serious cases, pyromaniacs would rather have that there is something living inside the house that they want to see burning. They do not shrink from knowing that there are people inside. It adds to the tension!
Just as when one smokes or when one drinks, it is because the normal sense of taste is not nearly enough. One wants it to be severely irritating.
In the case of pyromaniacs, it is to do with sexuality. Something that should be the most divine has become an excessive desire. More tension is needed! The normal tension that is a result of seeing the opposite sex or taking part in a sexual act in the natural way etc., has become something dormant. There is too little tension!
It is similar to an alcoholic. Would he appreciate some milk? A glass of milk is not something for him. Or a glass of water? "No let me have a beer!" That is how it is also with human beings' sexuality.
That is not the worst. It is much, much worse when a human being, in order to reach sexual satisfaction or their real sexual release, has to murder. He has to strangle. He has to see another human in fear of losing their life, because this tension is the one thing that he has to have in order to make his nerves react in such a way that he can find a release. He has to see the very opposite of what is the meaning of life. For it is the meaning of life that a sexual release should be an experience of the previous "paradise". The "heaven" that human beings have left behind by being "driven out of paradise" is what they will experience a glimpse of in the sexual connection. It should be a culmination of love, but here it has become a culmination of hell. Why is that? It has turned into illnesses that lead human beings down towards the destruction of their consciousness. Already here it is impossible for human beings to think normally. They have to seek satisfaction in this way.
Do we not often see dramas involving stranglings taking place here and there? Are not stranglings on the increase? What is it that is taking place in these violent acts?
Human beings are beating other human beings who are not doing anything to provoke it. Again it is the tension-factor. Again it is the initial derailments of the sexual state. It is not because these human beings are lowly evolved. They are certainly not. They are outstandingly evolved, but they are in the initial stages of a derailment. And that is the case in many areas.
What about when grown human beings want to have sexual relations with children? That is also outrageous. The power of attraction of sexuality should be directed towards the mature, fully grown, fully open flower. Not towards the tender, little bud.
23. When what is natural becomes unnatural
By indulging in something excessively, what is natural disappears and human beings therefore have to look for new desires, since the force cannot be extinguished. So they look for new desires, and these desires will always be unnatural because nothing other than what is unnatural exists when one goes outside what is natural. As long as they are not aware of their state, human beings can find hundreds of ways in which to carry out infiltrations. They can then bring what is unnatural further and further and further, so that with every life the human being becomes more and more feeble, until it has finally succeeded in destroying its entire mental structure.
We should not presume that these derailments make human beings happy. It can be that they shed tears and are unhappy afterwards because they are particularly evolved in other fields. They are unhappy about the power that they have become a slave of, and that they have allowed to grow by practising it and cultivating it all the time, so that it has turned into giant-sized talents in these areas. It creates an enormous depression, quite apart from the conflict that such beings come into with society if they are locked up and find themselves in institutions for psychopaths or in prisons. In former times they would have been put to death and tortured. All this contributes to destroying the human being's sensation of real life.
24. Development of natural talents
This cannot be healed all of a sudden or through a miracle. It can be healed only by becoming accustomed to something new. It can be healed only through these newly developed, monstrous, unnatural talents for this or that passing over their culmination. It is fortunately the case that nothing at all can reach beyond a certain culmination. As I said before, trees grow to a certain height, after which they grow no further.
This is how these talent kernels, which have arisen as a result of derailment, are healed, just like one can acquire a good talent kernel. One can become skilled in music and have outstanding talent kernels for music. One can have talent kernels for singing. One can have talent kernels for painting and drawing.
That is how one develops talent kernels for being an arsonist who causes death, talent kernels for strangling, for finding the most sophisticated, sadistic methods of achieving one's satisfaction. One can have outstanding talent kernels and become a genius in being demonic, in having devil consciousness. It sounds drastic, but that is how it is.
25. Human beings are in the dark in everyday life
The world is the way it is because previously there has been no spiritual science. Human beings are acting in the dark in everyday life. They know how to build a bridge, how to build a house, how to make an aircraft and how to make machines that churn out useful objects by the million.
But they do not know what they are doing in their thinking, or regarding their intake of food, or what they are doing when they smoke and drink. They do not know what they are doing. They do not know whether it is something good. To them it seems pleasant and they think it is good. A completely different faculty of observation is needed, a completely different knowledge is needed, in order for human beings to become truly what they should become: "human beings in God's image".
There are therefore plenty of dangers surrounding human beings. But it is not such a big problem as long as human beings advance just far enough that they begin to understand things, begin to understand the analyses, begin to sense "life's speech".
It is therefore not such a big problem because it is like on the physical plane when a human being begins to understand what is the right kind of food and what training a human being should acquire etc. It is then possible for the human being to turn his existence around.
He can also learn in just the same way on the spiritual plane once he has reached the stage of having the desire to gain knowledge, the desire to arrive at the truth. And there are nowadays a great many people who have such a desire. They are now ready for the great truth, which is why it has been revealed on Earth.
It is not the intention of life that we should go on having institutions for the mentally disabled. It is not the intention of life that we should go on having people that to such an extent blindly gamble with their own experience of life. It is intended that we should be extremely logically thinking, clear-headed individuals that can radiate only love, that can sense only how life should be lived. That is what is intended.
26. Human beings with broken down feeling
We can see that it is not just to do with how we behave towards our surroundings either. Individuals that are at present arsonists, stranglers, sadists or gangsters etc. are an outrage to society. But they are also an outrage to themselves. They are human beings that are filled with talent kernels for murdering and killing other people, human beings that have broken down their feeling, their ability to sense, to such an extent that they can bear to do things that they actually could not bear to do if they were normal. Such human beings also destroy their own organisms, because they are not built for these kinds of thoughts, which are natural for lions and tigers and beasts of prey. When human beings become accustomed to such an extent to having thoughts such as these it stands to reason that they will eventually have a pitifully unhealthy organism.
We can see gangsters who are very smartly dressed in fine clothes and who have an expensive car, which is the result of their plundering and robbing. But how do these human beings eventually end up? If you were to see them in the next life and the life after that, you would then see some poor miserable wretch that has succumbed more and more to drink and who has been through more and more intellectually abnormal states. You can see how earthly punishment does not have much meaning. It is merely an emergency measure, a wall that people have temporarily erected against human beings' animal characteristics.
27. What is needed is spiritual science
What is needed is something entirely different. Knowledge is needed. If we did not have material science we would not be able to build the material wonders that human beings build. And as we do not have spiritual science, we cannot know how the perfected human being should really live. That is the reason why human beings today cannot know how they should act.
That is the very reason that experiences and illnesses, including mental illnesses and mental disability are shouting and screaming out to human beings: "Look out! Beware! Take care! That is how you will also end up! That is how you will end up if you go on like this!" It is a question of not sticking your fingers in your ears so that you do not hear. It is a question of opening your ears and using all you senses to attract to yourself what there is to learn, and in so doing you will be able to get the better of yourself. You will then not need to sink down to this culmination of darkness, where you are in a state in which – so to speak – all the destroyed talent kernels have to be removed from the individual and you have to begin to grow forward.
28. The emergence of new talent kernels
What in fact happens is that when a human being comes into such a terrible state, the normal state is something constantly present as something tremendously bright, and that becomes more and more attractive in the being's consciousness. It comes in the form of a longing or a powerful hunger to be able to be normal.
It is this light, this source of light that is present by divine decree in all living beings. It will signify the change, that is to say the turning point, in as much as a disgust for the derailed existence has gradually come about. The light is shining brighter and brighter ahead. The being is longing to become perfected, and so it begins to build up its existence.
New talent kernels begin to emerge, but they cannot be built up in one life. Three or four lives are needed. But they grow life by life. We can see that clearly. There are human beings who are more or less mentally disabled. One can observe all the stages, once one has learnt to recognise the symptoms and you know how they function.
We can see that it is all present here. It is an immense open book. It is a colossal training that life is giving human beings, gradually as we learn to read and understand this book, which is the expression of life itself.
Precisely because you cannot live as you would like to, precisely because life demands a certain way of living, there is then a possibility for human beings to use their will power, their energy and power, their desire and longing, to build themselves up to be perfected beings in "God's image".
29. You should love God and your neighbour
What is the road like, if one should describe it in as few words as possible? Well, one can say that we have already been told thousands and thousands of times. Is not the saying that frees up all derailments, the very saying that "You should love your God above all things". That is to say that you should come to an understanding that it is an expression of life, a divine speech, that surrounds you – in your fellow beings' unhappy states, in their happy states, in the forces of Nature, in Nature's construction, in the logic that there is in the whole. You should learn to see that there is a living force behind the whole, a Godhead that through a logical plan radiates its manifestations.
Next comes that "You should love your neighbour as you love yourself". You should be a joy and a blessing to all that you come into contact with. And that does not mean only your surroundings: human beings, animals and plants. It also means the microbeings within your own self that you should love, and you should therefore never ever eat food that is bad or drink water that is unfit to drink or think harmful thoughts, because then you would really not love the microbeings within yourself, and that would create a hell, or illness and wretchedness.
These sentences by the world redeemer are the actual great answer, the truly enormous guiding cloud, the radiant cloud that leads the way. It is, as he says, "the fulfilment of all the laws".
I think you have now been given a little insight into seeing how you can be a joy and a blessing to everything that you come into contact with both outside and within yourself.
I think you have been given the opportunity to have a little sensation of how in this you have the very "compass" that will enable you to become a "human being in God's image"
This article is a transcription of a lecture that Martinus gave one evening in 1954. The lecture was recorded on tape, and the transcription of the recording was edited by Aage Hvolby and approved by the Council on 21th Jan 1997. Original Danish title and date of publication: Åndeligt selvmord, Kosmos 2/2000. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2016. Article ID: M2645.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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