The Creation of an International World Kingdom
by Martinus

1. If there was not such confusion among human beings regarding national government
We live at a time in which there is a very great deal of confusion among human beings in their attitude towards forms of government and national constitutions. If this confusion did not exist there would be absolutely no grounds for all the various political parties that have been formed and that spring up everywhere like mushrooms, quite apart from the fact that all war and cultural disintegration would naturally be an impossibility. Restrictions and heavy taxation, economic slavery, servitude and ruthless profiteering would also be totally impossible. All human beings would be completely free of any dependency on money. Money would be totally superfluous, as nothing whatsoever would be encumbered with the artificial sense of value known as the "selling price". Nothing whatsoever would be identical to an "article of commerce". One would not be able to sell or deal in anything. Consequently all grounds for theft, assault and coveting one's neighbour's property would be totally obliterated. What interest would there be in stealing something if it had no value as an article of commerce and therefore could not be sold?
2. Human beings are living in a furious battle on an otherwise rich and wonderful globe
The Earth is so abundantly rich in resources and so sparsely populated in relation to this richness that all these resources could be truly recognised as a fact if human beings did not throw themselves recklessly like a herd of ferocious animals on the resources, tearing both themselves and the resources to pieces, leaving the already established cultural resources as a heap of ruins and millions upon millions of human beings as mental and physical wrecks.
While the Earth is sailing through the heavens in radiant harmony, shining among the stars with these immense resources lying ready for human beings, the human beings are living in a furious battle, murdering, slaughtering, shouting and calling out and are paying no attention whatsoever to the wonderful paradise that every single hour of the day they are bespattering with one another's blood, shame and disgrace. This is truly the hell of weeping and gnashing of teeth, screams and torment. What other form can this hell possibly take?
3. Limited mental horizons or human beings encasing themselves in ideas that they have accepted as a result of suggestion
In the midst of this confusion, misery and suffering, in the midst of this hell or Armageddon, it might be of interest for the most calm and collected of you to stop for a little while and if possible survey as a whole what it is that is really happening. But how does one do this? How does one survey other things as a whole? Is it not by climbing to the tops of the mountains? In the valleys or on the lowest lying ground one cannot take in the fronts, whether physical or mental. So what are these valleys and what are these mountain tops in this death-dance, this Hell or Armageddon that human beings are in? The valleys in this human death parade are all the various forms of limited mental horizons, in the same way that physical valleys are limited physical horizons. In a valley one cannot take in the mountain tops, but from the mountain tops one can take in the valleys. The mental valleys or limited horizons are in turn the same as human beings encasing themselves in ideas that they have accepted as a result of suggestion and that are really only hypotheses or suppositions.
4. War-cells within the religious and political parties
Such hypotheses or suppositions can, as a result of suggestion from strong-willed people, be taken as absolute reality. And people who through suggestion have become adherents of such suppositions have a fanatical belief that their idea is the absolute truth and must therefore be the one and only road to salvation. This in turn gives rise to a correspondingly fanatical intolerance towards those beings who cannot allow themselves to be suggestionised to see these suppositions or hypotheses as reality. This means that the adherents of the idea have become a war-cell instead of a peace-cell among mankind's millions. We can see that such adverse circumstances are overwhelmingly prevalent just as much within the religious as the political movements. When a sect or political party consists mainly of such war-cells, it is bound to result in social conditions similar to the very conditions that mankind is suffering and groaning under.
5. Being free of all suggestion and influence from other human beings
Every human being who really cherishes a hope to see the true meaning behind all the darkness and chaos that terrestrial human beings find themselves amidst must first and foremost find their way out of the valley and up to the mountain tops so that he or she can look out over the limitations and horizontal obstructions caused by the valley. The researcher must first and foremost free him or herself from the suggestive influence of the sect or party that they belong to and the truths and dogmas that they lay claim to, and render themselves free and open to every kind of objective research. Only in this state of freedom will they have any hope of being able to see behind the veil, where the real divine plan is freely accessible. Being on the mental mountain tops means being free of all suggestion and influence from other human beings, in such a way that there are no longer any horizontal obstructions. One will then be able to look out over all human beings' ideas, confusions and superstitions.
6. What life itself has to say about human beings' situation and their future
If from now on you are able to free yourself from the belief or suggestion, the religiosity or politics that you have perhaps devoted your life to, I will, with the help of this freedom that you have, be able to show you from this mountain top, without the need of sacred books, prophets or sages, without the need of politics or moralising, what life itself has to say about terrestrial human beings' situation and their future.
The following concluding paragraphs in Martinus' manuscript consist more of headings:
First and foremost we have to find out what purpose life has for mankind. What is the meaning of light and darkness? We therefore have to take a deeper look at the cycle. The 24-hour cycle, the cycle of the year, the cycle of one's life on Earth and the cycle of matter, as well as the four seasons of the cycle. Next, through the cosmic spiral cycle, we can see terrestrial mankind's mental position, which is the culmination of the killing principle, darkness or the winter zone. The spring zone or the beginnings of the life-giving zone is therefore what lies ahead.
The development, through religions, of humanism with law and justice. How plundering and exploitation through a business principle that is protected by law can ruthlessly continue only as long as it is camouflaged.
How such an abundance of private property that it leads to wastefulness and corresponding destitution, and such poverty, hunger and misery that it leads to death are the prevailing factors.
How countries become enormous business concerns and owners, and under the concepts of nationalism and sovereignty can monopolise the vital resources of the whole of mankind for their own benefit and consequently at the cost of the rest of mankind.
How this has to lead to the final world wars and ensuing cultural disintegration, the rise of dictatorial political movements that undermine humanity and bring about cultural disintegration.
The structure of the world kingdom.
Original Danish title: Et internationalt verdensrige under skabelse. An unfinished manuscript for a lecture given at the Martinus Institute on 11-12 October 1948. Manuscript edited by Torben Hedegaard. Section titles by Torben Hedegaard. Revision approved by the council 7 August 2008. First published in the Danish edition Kosmos no. 10/2008. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2008.
Article ID: M2548
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 1, 2009
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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