World Salvation
by Martinus

1. Love is the one thing needed to save the world
What is it that human beings should be saved from? Is there anything at all that they should be saved from? Are they not as they should be? They are a long way from that state. Human beings are undergoing evolution or creation and it is a question of seeing what can remove human beings from all the many dark states that they find themselves in. For example, why do they wage war? Why do they build concentration camps and torture other human beings to death? Why do they build atomic weapons? Why are they intolerant? Why do they speak ill of each other?
It is a question of finding the cause of these dark states, and they have only one single cause, and that is lack of love. Love is the only thing that can remove human beings from the dark states. The one thing they need is therefore to get to the bottom of what love is.
Ultimately, love is the radiation of the spirit of God itself. It is the intention that human beings should radiate God's spirit one hundred per cent. Their consciousness will become the perfect manifestation of the "holy spirit".
2. Weapons cannot save the world
In nature we can see that all the phenomena that God has brought to completion are, in the final analysis, to the very highest degree a joy and a blessing for living beings. It is clear that human beings should be too. It is not the intention that they should be subjected to cursing, suffering and sorrow. They should not go on being the cause of other human beings' suffering. They will be in the image of God, and in order to understand what this image is, one has to study love.
There are many people that believe that weapons can save the world. They build enormous killing weapons and believe that with these weapons they can create peace and liberate human beings. This is impossible. There is nothing whatsoever that can liberate human beings from war and suffering, illnesses, hardship and misery, other than one thing – love.
3. Marital love cannot save the world
Marital love has been praised to the heavens by writers and artists as the one thing that will bring about salvation. And it does, during a certain evolutionary epoch in which marital love is the only state of warmth that human beings can obtain. But it will not go on being so. Such a slight state of warmth cannot save the world. If marital sympathy could save the world it would have done so long ago, but it cannot even save itself. We see how marriages are degenerating, and how infidelities are coming about and many unhappy marriages, which are the cause of unhappy children of divorced parents, and many other unpleasant things.
4. The spirit of God manifests in the act of copulation
It is not the case that I am against marriage. In the epoch to which marriage belongs, it is a divine phenomenon. Marriage has led human beings through many unhappy states and has been the highest light throughout the primitive, dark states where they were, one could say, early human beings. Copulatory love was the only occasion, or the only reality, during which they had a connection to the divine power. This divine power manifested in the so-called act of copulation or the sexual act, which promoted procreation and gave human beings the highest sensation of rapture that exists at all. This sensation of rapture is nothing less than a tiny glimpse of light of the divine spirit! One is not used to calling it the spirit of God. One is used to the spirit of God being the words that one hears in sermons in church, but that is only indirectly. The direct sensation of the spirit of God appears through the divine light that manifests in the act of copulation, and that has led the entire animal kingdom forwards in evolution to the human state, and that also leads human beings in their first primitive states.
5. Universal love is different from marital love
In the primitive state, marriage is the highest divine light that human beings can achieve, but they are created in order to achieve a far greater light. They should become in the image of God. We therefore see that they are evolving onwards and that a new state of love will appear. Human beings will experience a completely different state of love – universal love. In essence, marital love is not love, it is of course a warmth, but there are conditions. One is not expected to give rather than to receive; on the contrary, one is expected to possess. If the two parties do not have the right to possess each other, disharmony arises and the marriage is unhappy. As we have said, marriage is divine as long as human beings are predestined to be able to be happy with it, and as a result it will not come to an end as long as there is any need for it.
6. Spiritual science – the comforter, the holy spirit
But human beings have now reached a stage in evolution where they are able to think and understand more than they could previously, and as a result the world plan can now be manifested differently for them. What remains to be manifested of the world plan is everything they did not get from the Bible, but which Christ promised that the Father would send them in the form of the "comforter, the holy spirit". It would teach human beings everything that Christ could not explain at the time, since they had not developed to the stage where they could understand it. The comforter the holy spirit is not a man that will come. It is not a world redeemer. On the contrary, it is a science. It is a knowledge of the very highest phenomena, an explanation and amplification of Christ's great truths so that, to mankind, they become clear facts.
7. The purpose of spiritual science is to explain the transformation of the sexual poles
With the help of spiritual science we are able to follow human beings' evolution, and it is not particularly complicated or mysterious. One can follow it all the way, through the organs that promote human beings' evolution. These human beings' organs are the masculine pole and the feminine pole. All beings have within them these two poles, although they are not equally developed. Symbolically, the one-poled being emerged when God created Eve from Adam's rib. Eve-beings are one-poled beings, since one of the poles is latent. These one-poled beings are created in such a way that they can experience the contrast that is absolutely necessary if they are to be able to experience the highest light. This contrast is darkness. The experience of the dark contrast, or the "fall" as it is called in the Bible, is promoted by the "Eve-principle" or the one-poled state. It is not a fall. We are only talking about mistakes, and human beings gain knowledge from their mistakes. We also know that the serpent guided the Eve-beings to eat of the tree of knowledge. It is written that Eve said to the serpent, "if we eat of the tree of knowledge we shall die", and the serpent answered, "no, you will not die, on the contrary you will be able to know the difference between good and evil, like God himself". And this was precisely God's plan. The serpent did not tempt, it guided the Eve-beings, and this was the first sign of the principle of world redemption, whose purpose it was to guide human beings. This it has done over the ages through the Godhead having sent more highly evolved human beings as leaders and guides.
We are familiar with Christ, for example, who was a great guide for human beings. He led them up to the stage that they are at today. But mankind can now no longer be led in this way. The religions have been created as nourishment for the feelings, but they have now lost their power over human beings, as they have developed an exceptionally large intelligence, and consequently require that everything should be logical. They should be able to see that it pays. It should be something really positive. The only way to explain it to human beings is by revealing it in intelligent analyses, which at the same time also satisfy the feelings and the other senses that human beings have developed to date.
8. Animal and human thought climates
What human beings now have to learn and get used to understanding is the birth of this new love, which will save the world. This love is the universal love that is ascribed to the Godhead, but which human beings will also reach the point of being able to manifest. Every single human being will reach the point where it has in itself a radiance of the Godhead's own radiant aura, which is sensed as the highest light. Human beings will reach this point. But what are they radiating today? They are radiating dark thought climates that make other people distressed and ill, that make people murder and kill, that cause other people to suffer and feel anger, hatred and the urge to persecute. That is to a large extent what is happening on terrestrial human beings' present step, on which everyone is at war with everyone else. It is true that we are not at war in Scandinavia, but why is that? The countries that are not at war are bound by other forces. The super powers are controlling the smaller countries. One can say that there is a cease-fire, but there is certainly not peace. But that is precisely what human beings are longing so much for. They are longing for peace, and that can only be created through God's spirit in human beings, in other words through love. The love manifested in marriage is not the "true" love. It is a tremendous divine principle where human beings are primitive and have no other light, and are forced to defend themselves against the world about them, which is in reality hostile. They have to kill animals and sometimes also human beings in order to survive.
9. Universal love is not a platonic love
But we also have another kind of love, the real love, that manifests through "giving rather than receiving". It is the highest pleasure for the beings to be able to give and help wherever there is hardship, to be able to pour oil on troubled waters, to spread sunshine in the minds of people who are sad, to offer someone a helping hand so that they are better able to manage their life, offering them guidance and so forth. That has been a very great joy and pleasure for those human beings who have evolved to the point where they have universal love. This universal love is in the process of developing in human beings, but they have not realised it. They probably hear a little about love from the Bible, that one should love one's neighbour as oneself and so on. For example, people say that "he was a loving person" and that "she was a loving soul" and so on. They all certainly have something of this universal love, but one should not confuse it with marital love because it has nothing to do with it. It is true that married couples can certainly be loving towards their surroundings, but it is a platonic love. It is not a "love with fire". It can be satisfying to be able to create joy around oneself, but it will become a far greater love. It will be a love that is not in the same category as the divine pleasure of the spirit of God that they had in the act of copulation. In the new love, the spirit of God will stand out in abundance. That is what human beings will develop towards, and it will come about through the double-poled state.
10. Marital love forms the basis of war
When God took out a rib from Adam, Eve was formed. Eve was not a woman but a state of being. These new beings were one-poled beings. This one-poled state began to emerge in the plant kingdom, and since the beings had become one-poled the animal kingdom came about, and out of the animal kingdom came early human beings that still lived in accordance with the animal principle. The human beings began to gain intelligence, and they began to gain a well-developed feeling. They could feel hatred and could take revenge and so forth. They could develop war, they could develop weapons for killing, and they developed it to the stage where today it is at its very highest point, a point at which they can use the forces of nature to wipe out cities, together with millions of human beings and their cultural valuables. They can do so in a matter of seconds. It is not universal love that forms the basis of this, but lack of love. It is an attribute of marital love or animal love. But it is of course clear that human beings that create atomic bombs and other weapons, human beings that can lie and steal, murder and kill, cannot be in the image of God or be completed human beings. They create darkness and suffering wherever they go on the Earth, but it is intended that they become something else, and they will become something else. Human beings are using the human abilities in the service of the killing principle and this leads to the whole world today being maintained on account of the animal manifestation of power. Wars are an animal manifestation of power. The strong can impose their will on the less strong, but it is not peace. It is imprisonment. It is dressage. It is not the peace that human beings should have.
11. Suffering gives rise to neighbourly love
Human beings will have peace when everyone, of their own free will, gives themselves to each other. It is this love that will make itself evident, and we can be glad that it is developing rapidly in human beings. It has come a certain distance in all civilised human beings. It can be measured by what they can bear to do. Wherever they cannot bear to cause pain they have neighbourly love. And where they have no difficulty in slandering, lying or taking revenge, they are contributing to maintaining the darkness and the animal kingdom. Where they help those who are suffering and are against all the dark manifestations, that is where they have neighbourly love. But that is not enough, it will reach a far higher stage so that it can completely rule the world. It is not the intention that everyone should live at war with everyone, but the situation cannot be changed by reading books, by priests preaching or by people giving lectures. That cannot save the world. The fundamental factor that brings about salvation is the suffering that arises when one acts wrongly. It develops the humane ability, and this ability is the first signs of the love that will transform the world.
12. The sheep and the goats
When human beings, for example, have undergone the terrible conditions in a concentration camp with its torture, wounding and agonising death, and they are born again, they will not be able to remember that they have undergone these sufferings, but something has happened to their mentality. When they come across other human beings who are suffering, they will have within themselves an ability to feel the suffering. They will therefore have become humane.
At the moment suffering is painful, but in future lives it will be an enormous advantage to the beings, because every time they undergo a dark fate or state of suffering their humane ability grows. They have become humane, and it is these beings that Christ calls the "sheep" and who he will place on his right side on the day of judgment. The "goats" are those who have still not suffered enough. They are those who can still murder and kill and who say, "That's the limit, we are not going to put up with this. We need weapons. We need an army". They need to have all these things in order to be able to manifest the cause of the sufferings that will eventually bring them the humane ability, so that they come over onto the right side, to the sheep that will go towards light, happiness and peace. Every day human beings are, so to speak, transferred to this group, and when they are in the majority on Earth this will mark the beginning of a new form of existence, and human beings will begin to be able to create peace. But they are still not in the majority; on the contrary, it is the human beings with the animal mentality that are in the majority.
13. The sixth commandment
These human beings, however, have many good sides, but they also have sides where, without knowing it, they manifest the cause of dark fate. For example, they slaughter animals. Here in Denmark thousands of pigs are slaughtered every day. Mink, foxes and other furry animals are bred so that they can be skinned for their fur. In good faith human beings eat meat, thinking that it is a tradition and an old custom, and that one cannot live in any other way. One cannot blame them for living in this naive state at this moment, but one will not continue to kill animals. The sixth commandment states: thou shalt not kill, it says nothing about being perfectly free to kill animals. It also states in the Bible that plants were made as food for human beings. The fact that there have been other times of famine when human beings have become used to eating meat is another aspect of the matter, but it does not alter the principle that it is against the law of love. If you really want to take part in creating culture, humanity and peace in the world, you should make sure that you are not taking part in manifesting these killing states. It is not a vital necessity for human beings to eat animal flesh in order to exist, on the contrary, the more highly developed one is, the more difficult it is to tolerate food of animal origin.
14. When theoretical knowledge can be of use
In everyday life human beings also do many other things without thinking that there might be anything wrong with doing them. But they will reap the effects of these actions, and this will make them humane. Once they have become humane and are against waging war, killing and eating meat, spiritual science can help them. It can then be of use to speak and write books because people will then have become interested in this new form of existence. People come to my lectures in order to hear about life, its structure and the divine world plan that shows that "human beings will become in God's image after his likeness".
15. Falling in love with the opposite sex will be replaced by a greater state of warmth
So how can one recognise this love, which is growing in human beings? Well, it is not the marital love, which is merely a feeling of warmth within marriage, offspring and the family. This cannot save the world. It is an instinct of self-preservation, an urge to possess, which was necessary when the being was primitive. But gradually human beings have become civilised and humanised so that they can reveal greater feelings of warmth. One can see that a new state begins to emerge in them. Those who had previously fallen in love with the opposite sex lose this inclination. They discover that they do not have this tendency. It does not attract them. On the contrary, they have a completely different great feeling. They can radiate love to the one or the other human being, quite independently of whether it is a man or a woman, because they see the humane state, and the human state, in the human being. They have an extreme power to evoke love in themselves, which is why they feel the greatest inclination to hug and caress. Of course, one cannot always do what one would like, but one can do it in one's thoughts. Thoughts are alive, thoughts are things, and they can affect human beings in the most loving way. In this way one begins to get used to sending out loving thoughts.
I cannot caress all the people that I would like to, and not in the way that I would like to, but I can do it in my thoughts, I am able to send out loving thoughts. It is out of love to human beings that I have sacrificed my life. I have been allowed to create these analyses, and it has become my life's task to play a part in leading human beings towards the light. It is not on account of a marital love, but a universal love, a love for all human beings, a love without conditions, a love that does not demand that the beings should be of this or that sex. It is this love that is beginning to emerge in human beings, and it is this love that, due to human beings' misunderstanding and lack of thought, is now called "homosexuality" and "perversity" and some other terrible thing that in its pure state it absolutely is not. It is quite simply a question of the being having its poles in balance. The completed human being has its poles in balance and is double-poled.
16. The appearance of a new love
All human beings have two poles, but the majority are mainly one-poled, since the opposite pole is not fully developed. It is the opposite pole in human beings, in other words, the feminine pole in men and the masculine pole in women, that creates the human consciousness. It is this opposite pole that will develop love. It has its own love, just as the ordinary pole has marital or copulatory love. The new pole creates the human being and distances the being from the animal state. Human beings are not intended to go on being mammals, giving birth to their young and living in this primitive state. They will reach an elevated state where they will be initiated into living in the spiritual worlds, which is their rightful place to live. But in order to live in these highest spiritual worlds, the human being must have the form of consciousness that is in God's image. They must have finished murdering, killing and waging war and so forth. They must have reached the point where they radiate God's spirit in all directions. This is precisely what they were evolved or brought up to do here on the physical plane. This new love can sometimes become evident in the way that two beings of the same sex can caress each other too much. People then begin to think that it is strange, and they cannot be blamed for thinking so. They have not the faintest idea that it is something else. They think that there must be something wrong, but there is nothing wrong.
17. Universal love is based on an organic state
Here human beings are now entering a very difficult situation or epoch, since this hunger for love that is arising is not based on marriage or the opposite sex. It is based on that which is human in human beings. When a human being receives this talent or hunger for love, it is fond of that which is human in human beings, in the same way that a woman is fond of a man and a man is fond of a woman. It is an ability that comes about, and love cannot be manifested without an ability. We cannot see without eyes or hear without ears, and neither can we display love without having an ability to love. Just as there is an organic state behind marital love or copulatory love, there is also an organic state behind universal love, otherwise it would be worthless. What would maintain universal love if it were not an organic state?
18. The new love is misunderstood and detested
When this love occurs in human beings, there are many people who misunderstand the double-poled state. It has become very distorted, since human beings might be afraid of showing that they have such a sympathy or that they are in fact fond of their own sex. They have therefore held it back and kept it secret, and they go on keeping it secret, and fear builds up around the secrecy. The sexual urges grow and grow, and a damming up occurs in the mentality, which sooner or later has to burst. This force, which is in essence the highest force in life, makes its way towards release in one way or another and it can gradually turn into perverse phenomena, sex murder, rape, kleptomania, pyromania and all the many terrible, unpleasant states where what one sees is the opposite of what was intended. For example, what a pyromaniac wants to see is that living beings are burning in the fire. Of course, there can also be other causes of these things but one of the most important causes is that the new love is detested. The new love has not been understood, and in many countries two beings of the same sex are punished if they are discovered to have too strong a feeling for one another.
The laws of Moses state that two beings of the same sex that have such feelings of warmth for one another will be condemned to death. Moses was a powerfully masculine man, which is why he could lead these troubled Israelites through the desert for forty years, and which is why he could wage war and be as stern as he was. But times have changed. Moses also acknowledged that another leader of human beings would come, who was the opposite of him. This other leader was the world redeemer, Christ, who showed that love would lead human beings. With Moses it was power and punishment.
19. There also has to be morality behind the new love
The word "homosexual" has acquired unpleasant associations, but one should not attach too much importance to this as it is generally an expression of excesses in those who have lost control of their consciousness. This new love has to be cultivated, and morality is needed behind it otherwise it can give offence and lead to excesses. Human beings can also enter a developmental stage in which the opposite pole is much too developed, and we see some men who are almost women and some women that are almost men. All these muddled up things have developed due to a lack of guidance, or because people were of the opinion that there was something wrong. It was something that should be wiped out. It was something that one should punish or repress. That is not how it is any longer, and in the future there will emerge a great many double-poled human beings.
20. The greatest leaders in the history of human beings are double-poled
It is double-poled human beings that have led mankind forwards. The greatest in the history of mankind are not those who are content to live in a one-poled state. Can one imagine a Mrs Jesus? Christ was also one hundred per cent double-poled, otherwise he would not have had the consciousness that he had. I can speak from experience because I am myself completely in balance concerning my double-poled state. I am content and glad about it. I tell people about it because it has given me the consciousness, the abilities and the intimate and rock solid connection to the Godhead that I have. And this is also why I know that human beings will have no regrets when they work their way towards this state.
It is not the intention that one should begin to practise being fond of one's own sex. One should absolutely not try that, as it would then become a derailment. It should grow from within. This feeling should come about completely by itself – and grow slowly. It is not something that one should hurry, as it would then, as we have said, take over and become a derailment. It would then not come into balance, and suffering and karma would come in its trail.
But what I really want to emphasise is that human beings will gain an understanding of the fact that it is not only a question of some perverse human beings, it is the expression of an enormous divine force. It is the thrust of the divine spirit through human beings that will transform the animal into a human being, and that will wipe out the final animal residues and make the human being into a divine being.
21. Keeping one's marriage vows
There is one more thing that I want to emphasise. It can be difficult for people who have developed neighbourly love to a certain degree and who are not finished with marital love, because they will then have two kinds of sympathies. The first sympathy has brought them into a marriage, while the second sympathy causes them to be fond of beings of their own sex. So what? Well, they cannot leave the marriage. The law of marriage says that a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and to the wife it says that the man is the head of the woman, just as Christ is the head of the church. If a married man loves another man, he is committing adultery with his wife. If a married woman loves another woman she is likewise committing adultery with her husband. As a rule this does not lead to happiness. At this point one should be in touch to the very highest degree with one's moral standard, otherwise one will oneself become derailed.
This love does not lead only to beings of one's own sex, it can also become connected with the ordinary pole, so that, in the case of beings with this greater sympathy, it happens much more easily that they feel sexually attracted to a new partner and they are unfaithful. At the time when the beings were primitive they did not have neighbourly love, and so it was easy to cleave to one's marriage partner. This is a field where one should be sure to keep to one's moral standard.
There are people who think that once they are so developed, there is no need for them to be faithful, and that it is old-fashioned to be faithful in a marriage. This is completely wrong! Of course, one should not make solemn promises in order to break them. If someone is married and has children, and they develop this new tendency, they have to say no to the other person. They must hold the other person at a distance, as long as they have their commitment. A free person, on the other hand, is someone who has not promised himself or herself in marriage, or to some other person. That two such free people are fond of one another should not be a crime, should it? It is one of the first signs of neighbourly love.
22. Neighbourly love is not directed towards a man or a woman, but towards the human quality in human beings
Regarding neighbourly love, it can look as if the being is fond of only its own sex, but in fact the being is fond of that which is human in human beings. It is not a question of the sex of the being, whether it is a man or a woman, but as the situation is, it is not so easy for them to show their neighbourly love towards the opposite sex. For example, it is not so easy for a man to show this neighbourly love towards a woman, because she will perhaps mistake it for marital love. It is therefore always the case that it mostly appears that they love their own sex.
But this love can also bring misfortune and suffering. It is of course wrong if it destroys a marriage, or if it becomes mixed up in something else. If such a person seduces a child and leads it into a sexual situation, it is immoral to the highest degree, and it can cause very much damage to the child. Morality has, of course, to be present.
Those human beings who have developed in the right way go largely unnoticed, as they are noble and cultivated and could never think of bothering other people with their feelings, even though they would very much like to embrace and caress them. It is the case that once one has gained this loving development, one wants to love everyone. But one can embrace in one's consciousness. If one sees a picture in a newspaper or someone in the street, it is the human being that to a large extent one is fond of – that is how it is! – It is clearly visible that it is universal love.
23. What can save the world
It is also clearly visible that it is this universal love that is needed. When it comes to the fore one will not be able to commit crimes, or be evil, bitter and full of hatred, it will be the case that "one will forgive not only seven times, but seventy times seven times". If the world is to be saved and become the "kingdom of heaven" that Christ spoke about, it can only come about through universal love. It cannot come about through marriage, even though marriage is a divine arrangement during the epoch when human beings are in the primitive or animal state. But eventually universal love will develop in human beings and they will become beings that are by nature human, and beings that are by nature human can create a world that is by nature human. Wherever the love that appears through beings of the same sex is maintained on a moral basis, is where one has the love that will save the world. There is no other love that can save the world. There is no other force, no other military force, no other kind of mentality that can save the world and liberate human beings from war and suffering, from the dark fate and the dark conditions. The one and only thing that can save the world is to be fond of all human beings.
24. Who can understand and have use of the analyses of the poles
We have the divine joy that this love is under development in all human beings, and it is therefore a question of taking good care of it, so that it is allowed to grow, and so that it is not punished, slandered, disgraced and distorted as is the case. But one has to forgive this behaviour, because human beings are not familiar with this form of love. It is clear that a human being that is conscious only of its marital state cannot understand that the other state can be right. It can only be understood by those who have it and who have grown into it. There are millions of human beings that have come so far, and it is those beings that need it at present. I am not addressing those who are today in happy marriages; they do not need it so much. I am addressing those who are advanced in the development of their poles. It is necessary that it comes out into the world so that it will not become even worse and so that there will not emerge even more perversities, distortions and misunderstandings of this divine state.
So what is this neighbourly love? It is nothing less than the divine spirit itself, and in time it will display itself through human beings' relationships, through caressing, kissing and embracing. It will in time display itself in the divine sensation of wellbeing that was a mere bagatelle in the animal kingdom and the primitive human kingdom. It will be an unconcealed radiation from every single human being to every single human being, so that evil will have completely disappeared.
25. The last days on Earth
In the last days on Earth human beings will love everyone. Everyone will then have this divine ability, marriage will cease and human beings will no longer be born of women. They will have access to the ability to manifest themselves on the physical plane through materialisation, and they can disappear from the physical plane by dematerialisation. They can do this because they are finished with being physical. They are here on the physical plane in order to learn what is good and what is evil, and in order to become geniuses in doing good. When they are geniuses in doing good, they no longer need to be at this "school", they are then qualified to live in the highest worlds and help the Godhead to steer other physical worlds and mankinds that are still groaning under the yoke of primitiveness and are in ignorance, pain and suffering.
In the highest worlds there are many beautiful things. There art is culminating, there are to be found only geniuses – in music, painting, sculpture, literature. There are to be found geniuses in all fields, otherwise they would not be completed human beings. There one has access to the greatest artistic creations, in fact the imagination itself cannot exaggerate it. If I stick to logic, I cannot with my wildest imagination demonstrate sufficiently the enormous divineness that is revealed here to human beings.
Here on Earth human beings will arrive at the stage where they will be given a divine world, which I have described in Livets Bog, a physical world in which money will have disappeared, where all the many horrible things, political struggles and military service will no longer exist. It is in this epoch that human beings will reach the final, great initiation – cosmic consciousness, and as a result they will no longer need to be born on Earth, unless they have the wish to visit it. They can materialise and dematerialise and the human beings of the future will therefore live amongst both materialised beings and beings that belong to the Earth. It will be a totally everyday experience that one will be visited by beings from the spiritual world.
26. The greatest hindrance
The divine plan is very beautiful and all this is lying waiting for human beings. They merely have to remove from their consciousness whatever is hindering them from reaching it. So what is it that is hindering them from taking part in saving the world? Well, it is wherever they cannot forgive their neighbour, wherever they want to slander and take revenge, wherever they are envious and jealous and so on. All these realities are what are holding human beings back on the plane of darkness.
As soon as you begin to train in combatting such things, and you reach the point where you do not do them, you will realise that you are growing. You will realise that you are no longer the same human being. You will realise that existence is becoming lighter and more pleasant. There is nothing more pleasant than to radiate God's spirit to your surroundings. You can do that through speech, but also through many other forms of genius – art, science and so on. That is the greatest experience in the higher divine worlds.
27. All human beings will become double-poled
What you can do today is to remember this divine plan and become familiar with all these things. You can think about these realities, even though they might seem surprising, and even though to begin with you dislike it, you can try to understand that there is no other way! Everyone will become double-poled! But everyone does not need to be perverse. Derailments occur because other things and realities come into the picture. If you follow the morality that has now been given, you will not become perverse, and you will be radiant also throughout this state. Eventually mankind will understand these double-poled beings in precisely the same way that today one understands a man and a woman. But previously one did not understand that the real human being in God's image is neither a man nor a woman, but a living human being – a being with these two principles in divine combination, in a way that the being can feel both the masculine and the feminine states. The Godhead is neither a man nor a woman, the Godhead is a being that radiates both the masculine and the feminine states.
28. Eating of the tree of knowledge
That is how the world plan is and it is the salvation of the world. Atomic weapons, war and so on merely take part in creating the sufferings that human beings still lack in order for them to become humane. If you are humane and only want to be humane, if you recoil from killing, there will be no need for you to be afraid of war, you will already have begun to be in God's radiant power, you will have begun to be in the true human state. War is something that needs to take place, since it is an initiation. If human beings were not permitted to eat of the tree of knowledge, they would go on creating weapons and being evil. They would not become complete human beings. That is why we have to understand that it is a link in the divine plan.
29. Life is wonderful and pleasurable once one understands how to live it in the right way
There is nothing that prevents us from creating the kingdom of heaven in our own world of thought. Christ said, "the kingdom of heaven is within you". We should begin within ourselves. If it does not begin inside, it will never come out into the outer world. There is nothing that produces greater joy than beginning to create the kingdom of heaven in one's own consciousness. It creates security, joy in living, good health, in fact it creates a great many divine things that today's human beings lack, due to the fact that they do not understand how to live life in the right way. Life is wonderful and pleasurable, but one needs to understand how to live it, in other words one needs to forgive and beam out light and warmth in all directions and, following the example of the sun, shine into human beings' consciousness and light up their icy terrains, frozen marshes and dark conditions, and melt all this with one's warmth and love. There is then something to live for, and one is therefore taking part in saving the world!
The article is based on a tape recording of a lecture held by Martinus at Kosmos Ferieby on Monday 11th July 1966. Original Danish title: Verdens frelse. Section headings and editing of the transcript of the recording by Ole Therkelsen. Approved by the Council on 28th April 2002. Article ID: M2490. First published in Danish in Kosmos no. 12, 2002. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2017.
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 2017.
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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