At the Turn of the Year
by Martinus

1. The Earth – a craft on the vast ocean of eternity
A small craft is crossing the vast ocean of eternity. It is travelling in space. It is floating between the stars. It is moving in "the heavens". This little craft is called "Earth". Its most distinguished passengers are human beings. But it has also other passengers, namely all the other living beings that belong under terrestrial forms of life. It is a kind of "Noah's Ark". This craft is following a particular route that extends just as far as the "ocean" does. This route is called "time". Thus time and eternity are equal in duration. But time, like all other much frequented routes or public highways, is divided into units of measurement. The kinds of units of measurement that are perceived by the terrestrial human being as milestones in its cosmic journey are those we have become familiar with as years, months, weeks, days, hours and seconds. Of these the years are the most fundamental for this being. Every "New Year" is thus a fundamental "milestone" in the terrestrial human being's journey with the Earth through space. There are of course "landmarks" for far greater units of measure or distances on this journey, such as centuries, millennia, millions of years: but such units of measure are for "celestial travellers" who have attained to live in layers of consciousness where a thousand years are as one day, and one day is as a thousand years. And this kind of "passenger" is still very rare on Earth. For these travellers the Earth is still too primitive a means of transport. For such a state of consciousness it has not yet suitably comfortable "cabins", "saloons" or "staterooms" fit for real human manifestation or for beings that live and sense exclusively through "the holy spirit", for beings, with their masculine and feminine poles equally developed and united in balance, that have long since left the zone of the mammal behind them and, as completed "godlike human beings", have resurrected in "the kingdom that is not of this world". These beings have their special "crafts": beautiful, shining worlds; oases between suns; harmonies of colours, rays and love.
This is not the case on Earth. It has not yet been made fit for "celestial travellers" of such rank. Its most distinguished accommodation can as yet still be regarded only as "stables", since it is intended for beings with partly animal consciousness, beings that by virtue of the energy of gravity of the male or female form and as individuals of the mammalian zone can by nature regard only the opposite sex as its "neighbour". So they can observe the great commandment "Love one another" to some extent only in relation to the opposite sex, or, like the animals, can still understand love only as marriage, offspring and family, and can thus experience love only as "seeds", not as "flowers" or culmination. The most distinguished "passengers" on the Earth must still share a room with the animals, must still "eat with the swine". The Earth is still merely a "ship" for unfinished beings, "prodigal sons", but on a journey in "the heavens" on course towards the eternal Father.
2. The light radiation from the divine principle of creation
Thus the Earth floats like a little star through time and space. Its course in eternity is, as previously mentioned, set on the eternal Father, the centre of the world, the "fixed point" of all things. Its goal is harmony and love. It draws closer and closer to the land of true happiness. This must of course influence its spiritual atmosphere. This influence manifests itself as the "light radiation from this divine principle of creation" mentioned in Livets Bog. And about two thousand units of measure or "New Years" ago, the Earth, on its cosmic journey, sighted the first faint gleams of light from a glorified land. These gleams of light, which from afar lent lustre to the terrestrial "heavenly ship" in the form of three great world religions – "Buddhism", "Christianity" and "Islam" – were this craft's greatest enlightening factors and fundamental signs of a "promised land" ahead. They became visible proofs of the Earth's journey towards the centre of the world, towards the source of culture and civilisation, towards the source of all harmony, happiness and love. These religions were thus the outermost outposts of a glorified zone, the visible signs of the Earth's accelerating course towards the kingdom of light, towards the sun of suns.
3. The source of light and the shadow side of the Earth
The little heavenly craft in the shape of the Earth has thus in the last thousands of years permanently been within the light from the kingdom of the Father. This, however, does not prevent the same craft from having had very strong glimpses of this divine atmosphere thousands of years further back in time in the form of an outstandingly high culture. But it was still too far away from the centre of the light. Dense, "cosmic clouds" welled forth and obscured the light. And the Earth sailed once again in the darkness, only faintly lit up now and then by "memories" of the past. These memories can still be traced, as fragments in a very disintegrated or obscured form, in the moral concepts and ideas about life of primitive human beings.
But the Earth is now so close to the source of the light that no cosmic clouds can any longer obscure the light completely. The Earth will never more in this spiral move completely in the darkness. But this of course does not mean that people are thereby free from everything that is of an unpleasant nature. On the contrary, the more the Earth approaches the light, the more enlightened it becomes, and the easier it is to see how imperfect it is. Things that in the darkness were previously thought to be beneficial, wonderful and pleasant, now in the first rays of light appear to be extremely damaging and undermining at times. In the darkness of the past, conquest, killing, war and revenge, for example, were thus perceived as the most distinguished goal for mankind, the highest and most beautiful purpose of life. In the light, on the contrary, these realities appear as the triggering factors for everything that comes under the concept of "an unhappy fate", everything that is suffering and pain. That which in darkness is perceived as "paradise" appears thus in the light as "hell".
That no great harmony, happiness or balance can occur on Earth as long as its passage extends through such a state of unveiling is not so difficult to understand. Just as every other thing that is lit up from a distance by a source of light has a shadow side, so too has the Earth a shadow side, namely that which turns towards the darkness or away from the spiritual light ahead on its cosmic course. And the "passengers" on the Earth who have their places on the part of the "deck" or "cabin" facing the light will certainly be influenced by the revelations, and get another view of the Earth and existence than those whose places are on the part of the "craft" that is in the darkness or faces away from the light. The opinions about what perfection is, what "hell" is and what "paradise" is will inevitably differ. So the "passengers'" views of all things differ entirely, from the smallest to the greatest details of life, from hygiene, nutrition, clothing to their view of the greatest problems of life itself: the law of existence, immortality, morality and neighbourly love. But when their views are so different, any form of peace, harmony and balance is thereby without fundamental prerequisites on the Earth for the time being, or as long as it has not yet travelled so far on its celestial journey into the light that this light surrounds it on all sides, so that none of its "passengers" are in darkness. And the prerequisites for peace have become even fewer in the last few years, since the Earth has slipped into a new great cosmic wave of light from the divine kingdom ahead. Because the Earth's meeting with this wave of light lies two thousand units of measure closer to the source of light than its meeting with the religions' wave of light, the former wave of light will of course be very much stronger and more brilliant than the latter. An even stronger contrast between light and darkness will thereby become apparent. That which in the religions' wave of light seems to be perfect, now in the new wave of light or world impulse often appears to be imperfect. Details that in the brightness of the religions seem to be quite insignificant and meaningless sometimes emerge or are revealed here in the stronger light as great decisive realities in the formation of the individuals' fate, the cause of their tremendously adverse fortune or sufferings. And to the same degree as the contrast between light and darkness is thus heightened, the unrest and disharmony between the "passengers" on the Earth are also strengthened. The struggle between light and darkness has increased and will become even more violent as the Earth continues to approach the highest source of light in the universe. Over the continents of the Earth blood will again come to flow. Great, diverse concepts about light and darkness will turn people against one another. All people believe they are working in the service of happiness and light, and concentrate the whole of their energy and force on carrying out their ideas and plans. Many parties, both political and religious, arise, and each believes itself to be the specific, particular good thing that will save mankind from its present chaos and erroneous ways. But the ideas from the dark side are still too dominating and further strengthen the power of this dark side, just as the light side increases in strength. Here we see the validity of the law of Nature that states that the stronger the light the stronger the shadow. But the light will of course gradually come so close that the shadow side must disappear entirely. And it is almost as if the dark side feels its "downfall" approaching, indeed, it has even already begun to manifest a kind of death struggle. We have already experienced something of this in the events of 1914 -18. Millions of souls the world over can confirm this. Through a four-year-long night of terror they experienced sheer "hell". But after the dark night, light broke through once again. Darkness, however, was neither destroyed nor overcome. The Earth was still far too far away from the great source of light for the light to be able to really get the upper hand of the shadow side. "Hell" was continued on Earth in new forms. Tremendous energies or forces from the dark side bloom prolifically. New, fantastic means of committing murder are invented. The Earth is at the moment equipped to manifest the killing principle in such an absolutely unadulterated form and with a strength so great that it supersedes anything it has ever encountered before on its cosmic course in the universe. The Flood and the world war are merely trifling matters in relation to the manifestation of darkness that will now be manifested on Earth; and the Earth is really only waiting for the triggering factors, like "a thief in the night", to manifest themselves. For this reason the parable of "the ten bridesmaids" is more valid today, more for the present than for any other point in time in the history of the world. Since "no one will know the day or the hour when this will happen". But the time is nigh. Death, sorrow and sufferings will again make their great harvest on the continents of the Earth; wailing and the gnashing of teeth will again culminate. Therefore the divine warning, "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak", should resound with renewed force around the world. It ought to resound through the broadcasting systems of the whole world; it ought to be heard right down in the Zulu-Kaffirs' kraal and the Fuegians' wattle-work huts and all the way up to the most northerly settlements on the wastes of the ice-field, as well as throughout the East and the West. It cannot be shouted too loudly that the Earth is speeding towards "the end of the world". Everyone must prepare themselves. A great plan in the divine world order is about to be completed. The Earth is about to be hurled into a new cosmic course, where everything that is not "pure" or loving must remain outside. The strong vibrations from the zone of the Father dissolve all details that are not insulated by love.
4. Love one another – the great commandment of love
While the human race is arming itself for combat, killing and mutilation, while the "passengers" on the dark side prepare not to turn the right cheek when they are smitten on the left, not to pardon their neighbour, but on the contrary to let him slave for them as much as possible, so maintaining their own lives in luxury and joy at the expense of the health and vigour, happiness and wellbeing of others, as well as taking revenge, hating and persecuting as much as possible and so on, the Earth, as previously mentioned, is rolling on into a new tremendous cosmic wave of light that casts its rays forward through space from "the zone of the Father". This wave of light will accelerate the evolution of the Earth. But accelerated evolution means intensified suffering. The people of the Earth will get their remaining sufferings, which means the returning effects of the causes that their erroneous way of living has produced, concentrated in a relatively short period of time. For this reason the sufferings are more intense than if they were released over a longer period of time. But this in turn has the effect that the course of the Earth towards the regions of light is likewise accelerated, and mankind's celestial craft will thus in a shorter span of time than three thousand years manage not only to "make sight of" "the promised land", but also reach so far into its actual regions of light that most of the shadow sides at that time will be removed. The Earth will then have left the animal zone and the principle of killing behind and will no longer be a means of transport for sorrow, illness and mutilation, but, with its completed passage through the zone of suffering, will have become a cosmic "craft" with "divine travellers" that have "completed the course", attained certainty, and become one with the Father.
Therefore, let us bid the new year welcome remembering: that at the end of the old year terrestrial mankind has come yet one unit of measure closer to the regions of happiness; that its individuals, despite present and coming sufferings, are, however, "celestial travellers", immortal "passengers" on a star in a world of stars on course towards the pinnacles of life, light and happiness; and that even now up above the dark Earth and the dark animal kingdom an atmosphere of light has begun to shine and emanate from the distant horizon ahead, an atmosphere of light that vibrates exclusively in the great commandment of love, "Love one another".

Symbol no. 44
The Law of Existence – Love One Another!
Original Danish title:Ved årskiftet. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 1, 1934. Translated by Mary McGovern.
Article ID: M2454
Editorial note:
Symbol no. 44 comes from a New Year's article entitled "At the Turn of the Year", which Martinus published in Kosmos 1934, no. 1, pages 1-5. The article is reproduced in its entirety in The Eternal World Picture, vol. 4 as sections 44.1-4 The symbol was not supplied with an explanation, but with the following caption, which corresponds to the last sentence of the article: "and that even now up above the dark Earth and the dark animal kingdom an atmosphere of light has begun to shine and emanate from the distant horizon ahead, an atmosphere of light that vibrates exclusively in the great commandment of love, "Love one another".
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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