World Reason
by Martinus

1. The universe consists of all contrasts that exist
The universe consists of the sum total of everything that exists. It consists of all the various kinds of movements or created things as well as non-created things. It is both the "visible" and the "invisible". It is both the silence and the noise, both the "evil" and the "good", both the love and the hatred, in short, it consists of all contrasts that exist. But if the universe thus consists of all contrasts that exist, that is to say all opposites that exist, we can draw the conclusion that in reality it can have absolutely no analysis whatsoever. If it is just as good as it is evil, if it is just as black as it is white, if it is just as dark as it is light, one cannot say that its appearance is evil or good, black or white, dark or light, as every analysis we give it will be immediately counteracted by the opposite of this analysis, which it also represents to an equally high degree. Something that has all analyses at the same time cannot be more one than the other. This therefore means that the universe, when seen in this cosmic wholeness, can have one and only one analysis, namely that it is "something that is". The universe cannot be got rid of, there is no getting round the fact that it exists. We are therefore forced to describe it as "something that is".
2. The ability to experience and perceive is also a part of the analysis of the universe
But we nevertheless arrive at the conclusion that this analysis is not sufficient. There is something more than the mere fact that it exists. This something has life. We cannot avoid the fact that we ourselves exist, and along with us there exist millions upon millions of living beings, indeed just one drop of ditch water contains myriads of life forms. So what is life? Life is the experience of our own existence. This experience is a concrete fact. And this experience has to do with being able to differentiate between black and white, darkness and light, evil and good. We therefore have to add this ability to experience to the analysis of the universe. It is a concrete fact that this "something that is" has life. The universe is alive. But if something is alive it must have an ability to perceive, and the slightest manifestation of this ability cannot be below the level of vague sensing, as that would signify total unconsciousness, which is the same as death. And it cannot be higher than the perception of the truth, as that would then endow its originator with falsehood or unreality, which in turn would be the same as believing in something that does not exist. This belief in its most extreme form would be identical to the imaginary phenomenon that we call "death". We can therefore recognise as a fact that the universe not only exists as "something that is", but that this "something that is" has the ability to organise all the opposites and contrasts of which it consists in such a way that it can perceive any one contrast with the help of the other.
3. The contrasts in the universe and in the game of chess
The absolutely only way any form of perception can exist is by being highlighted with the help of its opposite. This means that the contrasts in the universe exist like the black and white squares laid out on a chessboard. But just as a chessboard has absolutely no meaning without the chess players, the universe has no meaning without the invisible something that is playing with the contrasts and through them is able to win or lose the game. But just as the black and white squares on a chessboard are not enough for the game to be manifested – chess pieces are needed – the invisible "something that is" must also use chess pieces in order to juggle with the opposites or contrasts and thereby win or lose the game, which in this case is called "life". The chess pieces used by the originator of the universe are the living beings. They are therefore the kings, queens, pawns and other chess pieces in the great game of chess we call life. In this great game of chess there are both winnings and losses. Here we call winnings "life" and losses "death". And as already mentioned, winnings are the same as "truth", while losses are the same as "falsehood". Life is thus reality, while death is unreality or illusion. All opposites or contrasts that exist in the universe do not therefore exist only as "something that is", they are organised in such a way that an invisible something can experience and perceive its existence. But it is not merely this experience and perception that it is able to manifest. With the help of these contrasts it is also able to give colouring to its experience. It can imbue this experience with every nuance that exists, both physical and mental, both in primitiveness and intellectuality, both in reality and unreality, both in life and death.
4. The cycle is an organisation of the contrasts of the universe
This giving of colour and detail to life is actually organised in a specific, fixed and eternal form. And this organisation is in turn the same as what we call the cycle. It is this organisation that determines day and night, winter and summer, birth and death, childhood and adulthood. It is this organisation that determines the preceding "involution" that is a precondition of the beings' subsequent evolution. It therefore determines all mineral phenomena, plant and animal species as well as human races, religions and cultures. As a result of this organisation of the contrasts of the universe the functions of the universe become visible as expressions of mentality, consciousness or life. And every one of us is, as a result of our appearance, so fortunately placed that the life of this universe dwells within each one of us. We are animated by the life of the great chess player. Every one of us is an eternal organ that the great chess player can use to bring the contrasts into that state of imbalance that highlights the lack of balance in one direction or another, which in turn means gain and loss, victory and defeat, life and death. The only difference is that the great game of life is not a casual pastime between two players who can stop playing whenever it suits them. It is an eternal, unshakable organisation, upon which life depends and which cannot possibly be changed. It is the very structure of Providence's or the Godhead's consciousness, will power and creative process. We can see that the aim of this process is the creation of life and death, in other words the creation of a highest and a slightest form of experiencing life.
The slightest form of life experience is the state of being able to sense vaguely, with which the plant being begins its physical appearance, and which in connection with an uncontrolled feeling creates the culmination of the belief in death, that is to say the belief that we are created beings that will once again perish and become nothing. The slightest form of life experience is thus the culminatory experience of falsehood, unreality or the belief in death. Death is therefore merely an imaginary opposite of life. It is the imaginary opposite of reality.
5. The highest experience of life
The highest form of life experience is the culminatory experience of intellectuality, the perception of one's eternal, unshakable identity with the eternal "something that is", placed and maintained consciously by means of one's eternal position in the equally eternal organisation upon which life depends, and which reveals the universe to us as not merely a dead "something that is" but as a living, thinking, all-encompassing being, an ocean of mentality, thought, and will, and of perception, creation and life experience. But as we can therefore recognise that the universe is mentality, consciousness, thought, life and creation, it also becomes clear that this creation must have a keynote. This keynote must be that use of energy that brings forth the brightest and most noble and perfect result in the universe's great creation of consciousness. And one cannot deny that this will be that part of the spiral cycle that culminates in high intellectuality, that is to say in the culmination of reason. In the universe's most noble, perfect and radiant products of creation we can see with unshakable clarity the aim of the whole universe's act of creation. As all the oceans of the various manifestations of energy that exist – whether they be tears, war, blood-letting, torture, sorrow, illness, hunger, need and misery, concentration camps, gas chambers etc. – lead to a final conclusion that brings with it an injection of experience, mentality, wisdom and thereby the culmination of high intellectuality or "life spirit", which will transform Adam or the living being into a human being in God's image, the keynote of the universe is therefore "reason". This in turn means that everything that exists or that is released by forces is made to serve an absolutely useful purpose. But a useful purpose is the same as a blessing. A blessing is in turn the same as a caress. A caress is in turn the same as a revelation of love. And as a result the keynote of the universe is love.
6. The animation of the being by the universe's all-governing wave of energy – love
Behind all manifestations in the universe and therefore behind all phenomena in everyday life there lies a higher release of energy that causes all manifestations to consist of the final conclusion: reason, which is in fact love. And it is because of this that every human being reaps what he has sown, or ends up experiencing that whatever he does to his neighbour he does to himself, totally irrespectively of whether the manifestations are pleasant or unpleasant. The absolutely only way one can build up one's own fate is through one's relationship to one's neighbour. Through the universe's eternal organising of energy every action will therefore sooner or later lead the individual to perfect reason or love, namely to that reason or love that is not orientated towards oneself. Streaming through the universe is this all-governing radiance or wave of energy. To receive it into one's consciousness in such a way that one perceives it through one's senses and experiences it as thought, that is as consciousness, is the objective that terrestrial human beings are increasingly faced with. To be animated by love gives rise to a feeling and devotion for everything living that puts any other feeling in the shade, an insuperable urge to dedicate oneself totally to the creation of joy, light and peace in all minds and in all hearts. To caress all beings with life's highest knowledge and capability is the very sensation that the universe's wave of love gives rise to in all minds in which it is totally or permanently present. But for this to be present requires initiation, it requires the great birth, it requires that one is a human being in God's image.
7. "Father, not my, but thy will be done"
In this way the universe or everything that takes place is very good. Even when the individual is experiencing hard times and has no idea where to turn, this means nothing other than that the keynote of the universe or world reason will guide him back to the state in which he is in contact and at peace with himself, in a form, however, that is elevated or ennobled through wisdom and reason. Being able to see clearly as quickly as possible this keynote of the universe or world reason and to bring one's own reasoning into contact with it will guide the individual safely through every kind of phenomenon, through all hardships and suffering. So why commit suicide, why become angry and full of hatred and revenge, why lose heart, why shout at and curse other beings, and at life and existence? Why not cry out: "Father, not my, but thy will be done", since with this call you will be connecting with world reason, bringing it into your brain and your heart? Why not cry out: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit", since in so doing you will be removing the final remnants of the foolish resistance that is preventing your own spirit from being amalgamated with world reason or God's will? Why loose any time in dedicating your life so that it is of benefit to everyone else, as in so doing you will be removing all the obstacles that are preventing world reason from immediately creating your own healthy wellbeing? Why not today give up worshiping nationalism and exaggerated idolization of your native country, which nowadays are preventing world reason from playing a role in the creation of peace? Modern civilised human beings have to arrive at the point where they understand that they have it in their power, with the intelligence that they have now developed, to bring world reason into immediate use in their everyday lives, so that it is directly transformed to perfection instead of coming into contact only indirectly with world reason through many tears and sufferings. The formula for bringing this enormous, radiant force into our innermost being is quite simple. It consists merely of placing behind all our wishes and desires the thought: "Father, not my, but thy will be done". And world reason will immediately begin to shine and sparkle on the road ahead of us.
Original Danish title: Verdensfornuften. A manuscript for a lecture given at the Martinus Institute on 14th December 1947. Headings by Ole Therkelsen, approved by the council of the Martinus Institute on 10th August 2007. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 10, 2007. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2010.
Article ID: M2435
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 2, 2010
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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