Out of the Darkness
by Martinus

1. Whitsun is the display of God's spirit in nature
Thousands of people are spending their Whitsun holiday in the country. In order that this holiday, this stay in freedom of the lovely natural Whitsundays, shall be successful, fulfilling many dreams, the sun must be shining and the weather fine and warm. We have Whitsun at that time of year when all nature has reawakened to life after its hibernation. At Whitsuntide nature displays its most beautiful and natural splendour. Everywhere there are wonderful perfumes, abundant glowing colours and beautiful sounds. Thousands of small singing birds jubilate skywards. Even the darkness of night has left our latitude and day and night is a true orgy of well-being and life itself. At Whitsuntide God lets the domain of real life shine right through the material, physical world. Every leaf, every branch, every flower, every insect, every living being is just then surrounded by the Holy Ghost, meaning the divine Father's own consciousness, will and thought, in its display of summer or light. To the one who can see, the divine will is visible everywhere in nature. Everywhere the divine will and spirit is present in the form of the living beings' joy in the summer and the consequent joie de vivre, the mating tendency and bodily well-being.
2. The human beings' mental sphere does not constitute a Whitsun or evidence of a sunny summer
The terrestrial human beings are the beings playing the least part in any display of a higher world in the life on earth. From a cosmic point of view they find themselves in the zone or sphere of death, the sphere where all cosmic life, God's consciousness and the beings' identity with God and eternity have become something quite incomprehensible and even so incredible that they simply stultify everything concerned with the road forward to human beings' lost paradise. Here one does not trust in such foolishness. Here one is able to create quite a different marvellous existence. We are able to weigh sun and moon, we can see into macrocosmos and microcosmos of the universe by the help of optical instruments. We can control millions of nature's horse power. We have made ourselves master of the elements. What have we to do with God or Providence? But does not this foolish attitude, or cosmically unconscious adjustment to life, dominate many scientific authorities? Do not the greatest materialistic dictators teach the same naivety in good faith? Of the human beings already having left the domain of authorized religion long ago, have any faith in the power of prayer? And what is the result? Is it not so, that the beings, in the middle of materialistic splendour and advancement, are imprisoned beings? They are bound and tied in a particular slavery. They are as far from being really happy as it is possible to be. What other animal-beings on earth - quite apart from the animals themselves, whom the human beings in their cosmic foolishness have imprisoned in Zoos - are so fettered as terrestrial human beings? Must not millions of human beings every morning go to work at a certain time and remain there for so and so many hours? Does this not hold good for the superior as well as for the inferior employees?
3. Mental and physical slavery holds good for the employer as well as for the worker
But in regard to the above, someone may perhaps say that the owners of work-shops or business concerns are free beings. They can spend their day as they like. That is quite right - they can certainly spend the day as they wish. They need not even count their own profits. Sometimes they have sub-directors, heads of offices, cashiers, managers etc. to do the work. They can go for holidays and pleasure cruises. They can be ostentatious. They can lead a life crammed with material goods and possessions. Apparently they are as free as could be. Their life has become a kind of ideal existence from the viewpoint of common people, who are tied to mental and physical bondage by modern trade's economical methods and power. But are these beings as free as it seems? Isn't the freedom these beings have appropriated in many cases an artificial freedom, a substitute for freedom? It is not maintained by any natural means whatever, but solely by artificial means. Isn't this freedom in reality a conquest of war? Hasn't it at times been acquired by a fight, in which the employer had the best or most superior weapons, which in this case means a superior intelligence, a superior brutality and recklessness, promoted by an exaggerated materialistic craving for possessing goods himself, no matter what the cost to other human beings in sweat, tears, suffering and destruction? And is there any guarantee that this freedom can last? Are not enormous powers working in order to undermine this system of battle? Are there not continuous strikes, lock-outs and labour-conflicts? Haven't the workers organized themselves into trade unions and haven't the employers also organized themselves into unions? And what are these two forms of unions but two armies, which in every country divide its inhabitants in two front-lines?
4. The two permanent battle-fronts of the state or nation
We are here facing two permanent battle-fronts and each part releases strong energies or powers in order to conquer and control the other part. Humanity's domain on earth is thus a scene divided into so-called free nations, states or people, of which each such a people in reality are an example of two battle-fronts. The people are here divided into two fighting armies in form of trade unions and employers federations. Now and again armistice is created, but never peace. What is a labour agreement but an armistice agreement? It is certainly not real peace terms, the war, the federation of trade unions must still exist. There is absolutely nothing whatever in such a labour agreement that can ensure the employer a quiet existence, so that he need not be on guard for his conquered freedom or economic victory over the other party. He must continuously maintain his freedom with power. And is a labour agreement for the workers or the subordinates ever a fulfilment of the longing for freedom and sovereignty which they have imagined? Must they not continuously be prepared to fight, must they not be on guard in order not to lose ground on the employers' front?
5. The state or the nation constitute both an outer and an inner front
A freedom which only can be obtained by capturing it from other beings by power, cannot be any legitimate property, if one wants to be recognized as a real Christian. A human being cannot be a being who altogether bases his existence on animal laws, the life principles of the animal or the fundamental animal rule: "Everyone for himself alone". As this law is divine, or in other words a condition of life within the domain of unintellectual beings - beings more or less guided by instinct - then this form of existence is completely impossible, a deprivation of freedom and thus life destroying, within the real human zone of life. A real Christian has not come into the world in order to be served, but to serve. Therefore the terrestrial human sphere of existence will continue to be a jungle, an animal zone, as long as the principle of power, the right of the stronger, is the ruling factor in civilization and does not only divide terrestrial humanity into states, and thus into inner battle-fronts, but also divide the population of the states into two battle-fronts. But terrestrial humanity does not only live on the inner battle-front where there is never peace. The single nations or states are not only in war among themselves, but also find themselves more or less exposed as a battle-front outwardly in their relation to the surrounding nations or states. Here there is in reality never absolute peace, but only in the most fortunate case more or less doubtful armistice.
6. The two great outer battle-fronts and their slave-chaining of humanity in primitive darkness
The outer front is constituted by the peoples' or the states' fight for world dominion or ascendancy within all humanity. Now this outer front has simplified itself only to constitute two big fronts, the so-called Eastern and Western Powers. We all know that these two great divisions of humanity are only two battle-fronts between which there exist a very uncertain armistice, solely based on fear on both sides that the other party might begin a war. Thus each party concerned is afraid of not being strong enough to conquer the other party; a fear which causes an enormous arms-race between them. Each of them sacrifices many important cultural factors solely for the advantage of being first with the most cruel and most refined mass-murder weapons and machines of destruction. A peace or armistice based on such conditions is as a spark near petrol fumes, besides which the ruling authorities are to a great extent godless, because their original world religion, only created for instinct or belief, consequently cannot give nourishment to the intelligence, cannot possibly have any influence on such materialistic intellectuals, who today have preferred admittance to posts in Governments and the consequent power to rule. Such godless beings have in reality nothing to keep to but the animal's basic rule of life "the right of the strongest". However, because of its developed intelligence it has the ability to practise and realize this way of life in a very over-dimensional extent in relation to the animal. It ought to be obvious even for less intellectually developed beings that humanity will find itself permanently at war, with only doubtful periods of armistice, as long as the ruling powers and authorities are not yet cleansed of this over-dimensional animal way of life or the instinct of self-preservation. And consequently humanity has to live in a dark condition which determines that all it is able to perform of value and good outside the daily bodily needs must be to create armaments, militarism, armies and fleets, and consequently millions in money are tied up in military preparations, lethal weapons and all the other means of destruction which modern civilization believes able to develop culture and peace. The chief interest of the two fronts is thus mutual fear of each other's destruction of each other. Human beings wish to kill each other. A greater cosmic darkness does not exist. The lost son of God worships death instead of life.
7. No superior power can guarantee any real peace
The godless materialistic human being clings to weapons and power; it does not see any other road to happiness and well-being other than suppression and murder of other beings. But just as one cannot exterminate weed by sowing it, so one cannot create happiness by sowing unhappiness, or reap freedom by sowing oppression. After every sowing comes the harvest. And all beings in the world promoting unhappiness and murder, are now experiencing an extensive seed and harvest. At last this harvest will unveil to the world that neither atomic bombs nor any other over-dimensional lethal weapons will be able to guarantee real human happiness. No form whatever of pure physical power can guarantee even the least form of absolute peace.
8. Police and administration of justice do not create peace, but is a strait waistcoat within which the worst animal instincts in the human being can be kept in check
Peace is not a question of power, it is only a question of sympathy or love. The idea that weapons and power are the only necessary things, is just the culmination of human error or superstition. In a barbaric world where the "animal side" in the human being is so powerful, as in terrestrial man of today living in crowds, and where - if there is any form of unselfishness - regard for one's neighbour comes last of all, then of course there must be an authority, a police force and administration of justice, to form a defence against the most barbaric expressions of this "animal side". But this safeguard has nothing at all to do with absolute peace. It is only a strait waistcoat in which to hold the human beings' worst instincts in check, and thus prevent anarchy.
9. Worship of national sovereignty and power instead of right
As already mentioned, it is animal instinct that manifest itself between the states, the nations and the people. But there do not yet exist an effective police force or administration of justice common for the nations and the states of all the world. The single peoples and states maintain and aim at sovereignty. They want to decide themselves whether they should share the goods and advantages with other states, at times they even want the right to take possession of other states' possessions and goods. Therefore, a single state may do as it likes, put forward conditions and suppress other states, all according to its superiority in military power. Power thus becomes the decisive factor. If the people of the society or the individuals did not have a common police force or administration of justice (which is the case regarding each single state), then a bloody anarchy would rule, where the strongest robbed and plundered, killed or murdered all the people who stood in their way. Here the people already realized long ago that a strait waistcoat in the form of a common police force and administration of justice was absolutely necessary. But as far as states or people are concerned, the great superstition still rules that sovereignty is absolutely the only thing. The worship of sovereignty is in reality the same as the worship of a strait waistcoat, in which one - although unconsciously - is forced to release the animal powers, instincts, thirst for power and desire for conquest. This sovereignty is praised in literature and poetry, in art and education. Expressions as "the field of honour" just indicates a mental realm, within which these beings - possessing the highest record of murder and killing of the "enemy", his culture, house and home etc. - are praised and worshipped as heroes, are decorated with gold and silver crosses and hearts or other symbols of that Christianity, the real foundation of which was pointed out by the World Redeemer in the few words: "Put up again thy sword into his place; for all they that take the sword shall perish by the sword"! Indeed, a total undermining of war. Where is that Christianity to be found today?
10. Christianity and war
It is quite natural that the Christian states, the people of which are formally baptized by the clerical authorities, authorized by the states, in the name of the "Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost", have become humanity's greatest warriors, the greatest conquerors, the greatest oppressors, the greatest representatives of power, the highest record-holders in murder technique, manufacturers of war machines and exploiters of millions of horse power from the elements - all to the annihilation of "the enemy". Is it really believed that this is Christianity? How can this be in accordance with the proclaimed Christian way of living, which is expressed quite simply in the following: "... but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek turn to him the other also"! How is it possible in the name of Jesus to bless the murder weapons which are a thousand times worse than the sword which Christ asked his disciple Peter to put again into its place? How is it possible to ask God to help to destroy one's "enemies", at the same time as wanting for oneself all His protection? Does not the same Christianity say: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples - if ye have love one to another". Is it not thought that true Christianity was revealed on the cross through the words of the World Redeemer: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do". Is there here any indication of inspiration to the praise or assertion of the principle of war?
11. Paganism within the Christian priesthood
How can a really true Christian priesthood, professing to be the servants of Christ and the preachers of His teaching, be stamped by nationality? True Christianity can neither be German, French, English nor Russian. Christianity is a true maxim of the developed human being, no matter where on the globe or in what country it may be born, and to which race it belongs. But when the priesthood of a country dedicates or blesses soldiers in the murder and destruction of soldiers of another country, then this same priesthood is tremendously far behind understanding who is their "neighbour", quite apart from the fact that they have no legal authority, whatever, in the name of Jesus to consecrate and bless people to violate the Sixth Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill". The performers of Christianity, priests or authorities all over the world ought long ago to have become a mental or spiritual state in which other states existed. Christianity and its priesthood ought to be a refuge for all unhappy and troubled beings, quite independent of nationality, politics and outlook. Christianity itself is raised above primitive sympathies and antipathies. It is in its basic nature as manifested by the World Redeemer "charity in pure culture".
12. The cosmic death, which should be the result of the eating of the tree of knowledge, has come to pass
All that is against this, to love one's neighbour as one self, is paganism. Truly, much paganism is found in the terrestrial human being's Christian society of today. True and pure wisdom of love has been split up in many different derailments in the form of many specially one-sided interpretations. Around such a special interpretation a group of beings has gathered itself, which in the form of religions and political sects and unions call themselves "those chosen by God" and believe that they belong to the elite of humanity and have the monopoly of salvation. In their illusion of self-appointed greatness they feel themselves entitled to judge all fellow human beings who think differently to excommunicate and condemn them to the stake, perdition or to hell. Imagine what deluded Christianity, what culminating superstition it is that, in the name of Jesus, can defend war, murder and killing, and further believe that one has the right to condemn others to darkness and suffering, in spite of the Christian world religion saying: "Judge not that ye be not judged! For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye measure ye shall be measured again"! Everywhere we see that paganism, and thus death, has conquered true Christianity. Gradually Christianity has been confused to a great extent with so much paganism and made it a defence for many of the killing animal customs, against which it should really warn and protect human beings. Pure Christianity is like a useful plant sown amongst the weeds. The weeds have grown up around it and have more or less stifled or dwarfed this cosmic plant, this divine grain of mustard seed which should become a big tree in which the birds of heaven could come and build their nests, yes, should become a great kingdom in which all build their daily life, culture and way of living in culminating love to all. But this beginning kingdom of heaven, Christianity's cosmic planting in the terrestrial human mentality, is thus being suffocated in the killing weed of paganism or the animal customs. Many of the dark mental weeds are, in the name of Christianity, being cultivated instead of being weeded out. This cultivation of the darkness or the paganism's selfish traditions under the motto "everyone for himself alone" characterizes the Christian or cosmic unconsciousness. The ruling part of humanity neither believes in the existence of a Godhead nor in a logical world government, just as its own immortality and eternal identity is not within the scope of its understanding or senses1; it is almost an insult to plead -the existence of these realities. By this mentioned part of humanity, the solution of life's mystery or first cause can only be perceived as coincidence. Death thus rules over the terrestrial human sphere. All is hidden in a cosmic night. The effect of the enjoyment of the tree of knowledge has come to pass!
13. The world cannot be saved neither by prophets nor by a new belief
But terrestrial man, the dead Adam, is again beginning to arise. Just as the water shall not eternally continue to be a sewer, but unshakably, alternately, must constitute not only the clear well water, by which the living being can quench its thirst, but which also helps to form the blue sky, morning and evening glow or other atmospheric gilding of existence in order to become again a sewer or the water in the gutter, and then again to be transformed to beauty and enjoyment for both body, soul and spirit, so shall the cosmically dead Adam and Eve, the terrestrial man, not continue to live in the cosmic night, the death sphere of the cycle. As neither dogmas, hypotheses or the like - however beautifully they may be formed - can bring human beings to a faith, then there is no road forward in any new religious belief. Therefore, neither dogmas nor prophets will be able to help the world now. This situation Jesus indicates when talking about the last days and "the advocate the Holy Ghost".
14. The holy spirit is life's most supreme science or cosmic analysis
As spirit is consciousness, and consciousness again constitutes thoughts, then the holy spirit thus becomes the same as holy thoughts. But holy thoughts can only be thoughts which express absolutely the highest truth. The highest truth is again the absolute solution of life which again means: the absolute world picture. The holy spirit is thus a science about life, about the living being, wherefrom it comes and whereto it goes. As the analysis of this science is just as real a documentation of life's psychic or cosmic aspect as the materialistic weight and measure science or science of figures is a documentation of life's material or physical aspect then it will just as little be partially coloured or be sect forming as the modern materialistic science. The materialistic science tells us amongst other things that two plus two is four This conclusion can be neither French nor Danish; it can be neither Democratic, Communistic nor evangelical. It is in Itself culminating internationalism. It is universal. It is the same throughout the universe. The analysis of life in the form of the Holy Ghost or spiritual science is thus universal, international and interplanetary. Therefore, the conclusion of spiritual science manifested as facts, will be the only thing which can form the mentality of the human being into an interdependent cosmic unit. All nations-of the earth will, through spiritual science, be gathered in the only world perception which solely constitutes the absolute truth or reality.
15. The difference between spiritual science and dogma
Spiritual science thus deviates from all former accounts about the psychic or cosmic side of life in that these have been only revealed as dogmas, hypotheses or handed down perceptions, which are created as objects of belief only - not as objects of knowledge, while the spiritual science, on the other hand, is purely concrete and acceptable cosmic information for the intelligence and by its logical elucidation, has been made fact for the intellectual research worker. Through spiritual science the investigator comes to live on facts and thus on reality or truth, while through dogmas, hypothesis or postulates he only came to live on belief or suppositions. Objects of belief, suppositions and postulates cannot preclude doubt. They always contain possibilities for error. Facts, on the contrary, cannot create doubt. Here man does not live on supposition or contingencies but on pure inevitable reality. And only this pure reality can become a common conception of life for people of the world. All must acknowledge facts but not objects of belief or hypotheses. As long as one bases one's life on hypotheses and suppositions, highly different perceptions and different grades of lack of confidence will prevail. All cannot be equally sure about the reality of the hypotheses; this has become the basis of all the many religious sects which occur within the same religion. Where the facts have become a basis for life this would never happen. Spiritual science will transform the human beings into one herd and one herdsman, which means: a humanity united in a common understanding of the absolute truth and moral, the Godhead and the world picture.
16. The salvation of the world
The salvation of the world does not consist in gathering around one person anymore, but, on the contrary, to come to understand the real truth through spiritual science with all its cosmic analyses, which are available on earth now. The cosmic analyses give to the dead Adam and Eve the resurrection from the dead, which brings them back that light making the eternal conclusions of Christianity into living verifiable facts and thus into nourishment - not only for the feeling - but also in a high degree for the intellect. When the many conclusions of Christianity (which all merge in the one conclusion: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself", and "everything is very good"), become living scientific facts, visible to the intellect, then peace begins to lighten the world.
17. When love becomes science we are again united with God
When love becomes science, daily life is not a question of the best murderous technique, of frontiers, of camouflaged or undisguised slavery, it is not a question of money, interests or pay per hour, it is not a question of taxes, seizure or bankruptcy, it is not a question of State secrets or espionage, it is not a question of resources, substances or materials, it is not a question of unemployment, public assistance, philanthropy, it is not a question of religion, politics or traditions and other kinds of common belief. When love has become science, the problem of money exists no more. Then the human faculty is the most beautiful thing which human beings have to protect and cultivate, the human faculty by which they make the earth submissive to the advantage of the "neighbour" whom one loves just as much as one loves oneself. Then the cosmic course of the earth goes into the gates of heaven and we see the dark clouds fade away and become one with the vanishing cosmic death or night behind. Before us glitters and shines the radiance of God's countenance, and we enter that glory, beauty and joy in the kingdom of light, which were prepared for us already long before the world was, and God breathed the breath of life into the continents and seas of the earth. And so we are again united with God in the garden of Paradise.
Original Danish title: Ud af mørket. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos nos. 5-8, 1951 and in book no. 15 in 1969. Translated by Anna Ørnsholt.
Article ID: M2402
Published in the English edition of Contact letter, November-December 1965
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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