Two Worlds
by Martinus

To all people except the so-called initiated, life is a mystery. Well, to all those uninitiated, these "initiated" beings are a mystery too, whom they can hardly believe. Many people absolutely maintain that these beings live in an imaginary world, a world of fantasy. But as in spite of everything it is these beings who have always given to humanity its real basis of culture and the moral basis which forms the basis of a human way of living, it has never been possible completely to ignore the special mentality and comprehension of life of these initiated people. They are called "mystics", because they are in possession of mental abilities which the ordinary human beings do not possess, and which they cannot possibly understand, without having reached a certain advanced intellectual stage.
Terrestrial human beings can be divided into two categories, the initiated and the uninitiated. The former group consists only of a very small number compared to the latter one. The initiated people are only to be numbered in small figures, and if it is a matter of totally initiated beings, really perfect people, one would, even if all those who had lived on earth through past ages were considered, not arrive at more than a one-figured number. It is a very small percentage when it is considered that the total population of earth today is in 10-figured numbers. However, quite a few people have lived who have had a partial initiation, i.e. amore or less limited artificial initiation, which in the past was given to qualified people who were selected to become leaders to a large group of beings. All the beings who, prior to the degeneration of the "king principle" were initiated, anointed and crowned kings, were such partially initiated beings, who had been taught certain psychical things, necessary to know in order to guide and lead the nations occupied by them and lead them further towards a future initiation. The initiation to king was not tantamount to these beings' attaining cosmic consciousness, becoming identical with "the way, the truth, and the life". They succeeded in having developed certain psychical abilities, and consequently they were able to get in contact with the spiritual world, and were able to look at life and human beings in a wider perspective. They could see when they had to be strict and when they should be merciful to benefit their subjects who regarded them as God's or the godheads' representatives. But the real initiation or the experience of cosmic consciousness could in these remote times not be experienced on earth. The few people who had obtained this initiation had experienced it on other globes, further advanced than the earth. Not until such a totally initiated being whose behaviour was an organic, perfect charity had become incarnated among the terrestrial human beings not as a king, but as a being who, on the contrary, happened to end his comparatively short earthly existence in the greatest debasement has it been possible for terrestrial human beings - by taking his life and behaviour as a yardstick - to arrive in the future at the psychical and physical condition where they become "one with the Father", To these totally initiated people, love - not matrimonial and sexual love - is complete charity, which means that they would rather suffer themselves than to see their neighbour suffer. They would even be ready and not afraid of dying, if by doing so they could contribute to an improvement of the possibilities for development and life conditions for other human beings.
To the Western countries, the World Redeemer, Jesus Christ, is a token of such a totally initiated being. His initiation outshines by far the initiation which the initiated kings and high-priests possessed. Indeed, so great is this Christ-Initiation or Christ-Mentality that it can be surpassed in no way. Nobody can reach farther than to experience oneself as completely identical with life, identical with the world laws, identical with his fellow creatures or neighbours, identical with the way of life, the truth of life, and thus with the creator of life itself, God or "the Father".
It is easy to understand that such a behaviour originating from such a mentality is quite incredible to all those who are full of materialistic knowledge and who are only concentrating on experiences from the sensory sphere, where they experience things through their physical sensory organs. They live, so to speak, in two worlds, but since they have excluded the one, they believe that they are physical beings only. Once they were acquainted with the spiritual or psychical world through their belief and religious instincts, and thus they were in a way more cosmically living beings. Therefore, Christ was able to say, "Blessed are the pure in Heart, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs". The blindly believing people within all religions live on the remainder of a cosmic consciousness of a previous cosmic spiral cycle, which works as a religious instinct.
But this development of energy must like any kind of energy follow its own cycle. Any cycle develops towards its culmination and then gradually degenerates, moving towards a condition of latency, whereupon a new cycle begins. Through the religious instinct we get a sort of proof of immortality, as this degenerating factor in the consciousness of the human being must once have been in a culminating stage or in full activity. Thus the human being has been living at a stage in which it was a hundred percent cosmic being, and its relation to the spiritual world was not only a more-or-less automatic function of an instinct, but a day-conscious, detailed life-experience - what is in the Bible called "Paradise". The degeneration of cosmic consciousness is what in the same Holy Writ is called "The Fall of Man". This degeneration actually constitutes "Death", which was to become the result of enjoying the fruits of the "Tree of Knowledge".
After the death of this cosmic consciousness a kind of exclusion of the human being from the cosmic plane of existence, a kind of materialistic existence would be arrived at, a stage at which the individual considers itself completely identical with the created, the matter. This is the winter zone of the cosmic cycle, the cosmic death, the only kind of death that exists, and which does not mean destruction or end of life, but is a condition where the beings believe in death and momentarily have lost contact with real life. It is a kind of sleeping condition, a cosmic "winter-sleep", from which the living being is once more to awake to cosmic consciousness or consciousness of its eternal life and its identity as a "Son of God". Terrestrial man can be compared to the plants which hibernate, to the naked trees in the wood, or to the dahlias the roots of which apparently are withered in winter, but nevertheless are full of life embryo for a colourful self-expression in the light and warmth of summer. All hard-boiled materialists and atheists are such "flower-roots", living a dark shrunken existence, apparently withered and dead." But nevertheless they will - when they in a future time are planted in a cosmic "spring" - grow and in a cosmic "summer" unfold a brilliantly coloured cosmic life. "My kingdom is not of this world", said Jesus Christ. Which "kingdom" did he mean? It was the "Kingdom of Heaven", which is not a place, but a condition, a condition of consciousness, the activity of love, which manifested itself in a way which has never been manifested like that before on earth. He died like a criminal on the cross without anger or bitterness, but with a prayer to God for his executioners and judges, "for they know not what they do". He sowed with the display of his cosmic consciousness a seed which has taken deep roots and has begun to grow in the minds of many people. He was a "harbinger of spring" in the "winter wood", and this cosmic spring will come forth on earth in human consciousness proportionate to their attempts to live according to his example and make his way of living theirs.
But have today's human beings not to a far higher degree moved away from Christ's words and conduct than was the case with previous generations? It is said that the world is becoming dechristianized, and science, technique, materialism, and cold intelligence almost seem to reign supreme, at any rate, to be dominating factors in human life. Human beings have been capable of making the forces of nature work for them; but as they are cosmically dead beings, believing in death, generating more death energy than life energy, they also let these elements work with deadly power instead of making them their servants which can benefit all mankind. It is true that they also use technique to make work easier for man in many respects, but then the result is unemployment, monopolies, fight for power, class struggle, "cold war" and gradually also "warm war", which makes the world a "hell" of war which, due to the human being's creative power and capacity for thought, should have been a "heaven" of peace. Human beings lack the ability to benefit from the control they possess of physical matter. The matter ties them up and although slavery has been abolished, there have never been so many slaves on earth than today. However, this deprivation of freedom has not been caused by physical forces. The cause is psychical forces. Human beings do not-realize that they not only live in a physical world but in a psychical world too. They live in two worlds, quite different, which cannot be sensed with the same sensory organs. The psychical world cannot be observed directly with the physical eyes, and cannot be heard with the physical ears. Psychical sensory organs are required as well as physical sensory organs are needed to sense the physical world. Do human beings possess these psychical sensory organs? Yes, indeed. For which specific purpose was the matter experienced otherwise? The psychical world is actually the human being's own world of thought and imagination, in other words its mentality or consciousness. It may be "heaven" or "hell", all according to whether the human being's thought combinations are concentrating on charity or on anger, bitterness or egotism. The consciousness is built up of sensory impressions. These become thoughts. These thoughts are built up or combined into ideas which constitute belief and knowledge. Real knowledge frees the beings from wrong ideas, that is, give them a life based on right ideas, ideas which are in harmony with the laws of life, which again results in a way of acting that is the same as a life experience which is a completely harmonious life, a life in cosmic consciousness.
But when the world apparently is dechristianizing, how can human beings get into contact with the thoughts and ideas which remove war and create peace on earth? How will it be possible to think the thoughts and form the ideas that through course of action and conduct can change war into peace? For it is only apparent that our world is dechristianizing. Also Christianity runs in cycles, and as some people believe, it has not yet reached its climax. On the contrary, it has only reached the first stage of the cycle, its "childhood", or the "winter-zone", and is now proceeding towards its "spring". As a dogmatic religion, it is degenerating; dogmas, rituals, and sacraments are gradually losing their power of inspiration, because the intelligence of human beings requires a relation to the Godhead which cannot be based upon religious suggestion but upon knowledge and understanding of the laws of life. Just as the human beings who once lived at a primitive stone age stage, abandoned to the mercy of gales, thunder, lightning, and other catastrophes, now control the physical laws, they also have to control the psychic laws. Within the psychic domain they are still living at a stone age stage, in the same way as their forefathers. They must learn to protect themselves against these psychic forces which manifest themselves in their daily life, such as wars, illness, divorces, gossip, intrigues, and other kinds of unpleasant fate.
And in what way can they be helped? Through psychic science or the spiritual science that reveals the psychic structure and the spiritual laws of life. This science has come into the world at a time when human beings gradually begin to become ripe for it, after first having learned physical science and by means of this science learned to control the physical forces.
But spiritual science is not only a cultural factor that continues where the physical science cannot reach further with its measurement and weight results. It is also the living factor that can help many seeking people, who are not any more inspired by dogmas, to open their consciousness to the cosmic impulses, which are still vibrating in the globe's atmosphere. But now it must not be a mystery any longer, it must be day-bright science. Human beings are in the future to become acquainted with cosmic chemistry in the same way as they are today acquainted with physics and chemistry, i.e. they will learn how to mix the cosmic energies in their minds in order to create peace and charity. We have not come so far yet, but the cosmic science exists; and the human being who really wants to study it and try to live according to its analyses, will gradually attain greater power than all armies in the world with their deadly technique and chemistry. When the words "to love God above all things and thy neighbour as thyself" become something understandable to human beings and something they can carry into effect, the "Spring of Christianity" will become a reality on this globe. But it must so happen that the magical power called love should radiate through each single individual's psyche out into the physical world, not only as feelings, but as clear, creative thoughts.
Original Danish title: To verdener. From a lecture given at the Martinus Institute on Sunday 25th September 1949. Manuscript for the lecture edited by Mogens Møller and approved by Martinus. First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 2, 1959 Translator: unknown.
Article ID: M2360
Published in the English edition of Contact letter sep, 1963
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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