Two Kinds of Hunger
by Martinus

1. "Bread" and "the words of God"
When we were children we learnt that Christ said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God". Such a symbolic expression as "words that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" can be a bit difficult to understand for people of the present day who are used to taking everything literally. What did Christ mean by it? And does it have any relevance to present day people? To understand the meaning of these words is even more important for the people of today than for the people who lived at the time of Christ, because a great many people today are becoming satiated with what Christ symbolized by the word bread, and they are longing for what he called the words that proceed out of the mouth of God. They just do not know what these words are that proceed out of the mouth of God, neither do they know how they can satisfy their longing or hunger.
So what do we understand by bread, and what do we understand by words that proceed out of the mouth of God? Bread means everything that comes under the heading of material hunger or the sort of hunger that can be satisfied through material things. This hunger covers not only physical food and nourishment for the body, it also includes the desire that can only be satisfied by owning something, whether that be goods or gold, honour or fame or possessing power over other beings. So bread means everything that one, from the bottom of one's heart, can desire on the physical plane. Terrestrial human beings have a long epoch of evolution behind them in which they have been more or less exclusively preoccupied with satisfying this hunger at whatever cost.
2. Organisms built to satisfy physical hunger
The form of hunger that is the oldest, most well-known and important for life is of course the purely bodily desire for food. And when we look at the living being's evolutionary step we see that there is on this step a very long epoch during which the question of nourishment is the all-encompassing issue in the beings' lives. The more difficult it is to obtain food, the more preoccupied the beings are by obtaining it, and they are often forced into risking their lives fighting in order to be able to satisfy their hunger. These are the beings we call animals. Their physical organisms have actually been evolved over long epochs to be special organs in this fight to satisfy the physical hunger. Just look at the supple and muscular bodies of the beasts of prey with their sharp teeth and claws. Over many incarnations their longings and desires have evolved the talent to create a body that is a perfect instrument for killing and thereby the faculty to satisfy their hunger for other beings' flesh and blood. One can also mention the giraffe's long neck, the chameleon's long sticky tongue and countless other examples among all kinds of animals that show how these beings over a long period of time have evolved organisms that are formed and equipped to be the most efficient and perfect instruments for satisfying the desire for physical food in precisely those circumstances that the animal is in.
3. Organisms that are built to subdue the Earth
Further up the evolutionary ladder we find terrestrial human beings. A human being is different from a real animal in that its physical organism is not a special instrument for overcoming the problem of nourishment but has become an instrument for overcoming all material phenomena. Over vast epochs of time the terrestrial human being has evolved a physical organism with which it has gradually subdued the Earth. It has begun to control the elements. It does not need to possess a special organism like birds have in order to fly. It builds aeroplanes. It does not have to have a special organism in order to be able to float on water or to move along under it. Also in these cases it can with the help of its organism build the necessary tools. It can build machines, houses, utensils and articles for general everyday use. It is fantastic what the human being's organism can be used for. And it is not only articles of everyday use that human beings have created, they have also created luxury items. It became important what things look like. There has also arisen an aesthetic sense and a hunger for beauty, and people have created art, literature and music. People did this because of a hunger in the human mind that was not just concentrated on food and power; the human being had begun to realize that it did not live on "bread" alone. Even though its stomach was full of food, and even though it had property, gold and power, there were also other desires that it needed to have fulfilled.
4. The satisfaction of longings to cause death
But even though terrestrial human beings have begun to develop new longings and desires, the longing for "bread" has not ceased to be the one that dominates their minds. As already mentioned material hunger in terrestrial human beings has been extended to include the desire to take possession of physical matter, to gain power and honour, fame and admiration, to be superior to other beings and to enjoy being superior even if this occurs at other's expense. In this respect we are faced with that form of hunger that has turned the terrestrial human being's world into an intellectual jungle. This jungle is created out of longings to cause death; the killing is, however, brought about not because people want to indulge in eating another being's flesh and blood but because they are competing with the other being and want to satisfy their hunger for power and honour, property and gold.
It cannot be stressed enough that this sort of hunger is at present in the process of bringing terrestrial mankind into a terrible situation. World wars, devastation, exile for millions of people, concentration camps and many other horrors are, in the cases where it goes beyond natural needs, the result of people's material hunger. The hunger to have power over others will, however, eventually come to an end, and this is irrespective of whether it is the power of single individuals, or that of a powerful group in a country wanting to dominate other groups or that of superpowers wanting to gain power over the world. People will become satiated and they will experience that their longings and hunger have to lead them along another road if they are going to gain the happiness and peace they are longing for. This is the road all individual beings, social groups or superpowers have to take, just as it was in the fairy-tale of the woman in the muddy ditch. She rose higher and higher on the social ladder as a result of her material longings and desire for power, but once she had become Pope and wanted to be the Lord Almighty as well she ended up back in the muddy ditch again. When people during wars destroy cultural assets that they have created out of non-material hunger, and this takes place as a result of their bombing of cities and by every other possible act of war, people end up back in the muddy ditch. This does not mean, however, that mankind will put itself back into the stone-age; things can never go wrong to that extent, because even wars are links in mankind's evolution. Wars will, to those people who have not already had enough of them, create a definite sense of satiation with everything to do with war, and a hunger and a longing for a culture where war is prohibited and where art, science and neighbourly love flourish to the joy and benefit of all people.
5. Camouflaged desires and propaganda
Purely theoretically there already exists a sense that aggression and displays of power are negative things. But this is largely only theoretical. This means, however, that people camouflage their warlike actions and their desires. It becomes a question of making it seem on the outside that it is completely different wishes that are the underlying ones, wishes that are unselfish and based on neighbourly love. Through the manifestation of the principle of world redemption over thousands of years, especially through the teachings of the higher, humane religions, large sections of mankind have not failed to be influenced to see humanity and neighbourly love as something desirable and ideal, as a goal for humans to strive towards. It has been a fine theory for people to pay homage to, but quite another matter trying to live up to these ideals in practice. There are not many who have succeeded. But the ideals have nevertheless had such a strong effect on people's minds that the selfish lust for power has only shown itself in a camouflaged form. In many cases people absolutely do not want to ignore public opinion in matters concerning the offensives of war. Using propaganda, warfare becomes defensive warfare, military power becomes military defences and the Ministry of War becomes the Ministry of Defence. Using suggestion, people have to be made to believe that acts of warfare are defending humanity, morality and humaneness. Propaganda is the triumph of the lie, it is the authorized use of camouflage, slander and demoralization. But despite everything propaganda reveals that a new and greater power is breaking out in human beings' minds, otherwise there would be no need to camouflage war and the misuse of power. What people wish to look like or how they camouflage themselves has to be a factor that is not without interest. And it is this side of human beings that the war-hungry beings are afraid of.
6. From misuse of power to altruistic leadership
But what about those people who are in positions of power and who exploit other people's work and good faith? Many people envy them and regard them as having a happy fate because economically they are very well-off and they have power and fame. But really these people are sitting on a "soap bubble" as long as they maintain their position at the expense of other people's hard work and slavery. Their "happiness" is then only like the "sugar coating" surrounding a poisonous pill. And what is the point of enjoying a moment's pleasure if it leads to this deadly poison? Of course these people are not aware of this, but they will experience it once the poison takes effect and this will be at the point when they have to reap what it is they have sown in order to achieve their position of power at other people's expense. They will be the ones to be exploited, tricked out of their possessions, perhaps forced into exile and set to do laborious work similar to the slavery they subjected other people to in their days of prosperity. This is no punishment, it is a teaching, and teaching is exactly what is needed in order to show the words of the world redeemer to be more than just a neat theory. Human beings do not live on bread alone, they cannot live and in the long run be happy just by satisfying egoistic desires and they cannot achieve final satisfaction just by desiring dead things; they cannot become happy, in other words gain mental equilibrium and freedom from all kinds of fear, as long as they are seeking to satisfy desires that can be satisfied only by involving other people in deprivation, pain, nervous breakdown or other wretchedness.
There are innumerable people in these times that have, either in previous incarnations or in their present one, reaped sufficiently strongly the effect and experience of their former "longings to bring about death" that they are now beginning to harbour longings of a completely different kind. Of course not all people in the positions of power or the key jobs are like the people described above. Also among these people there begin to be found examples of humanity and the desire to use their authority to promote better conditions for everyone. And there will come a time when it will be exclusively such people who are leading the way, governing and managing large concerns. In fact there will come a day when the time is right when there will be a world government consisting of beings who only have one hunger, one longing, namely to create the best possible conditions to benefit the whole of life on this planet.
7. "Every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"
What is it that people long for when they begin to be satiated with material goods, goods that at the point when there is a superabundance of them appear to be evil? Material things cannot create the necessary security in life, or the happiness that is inner peace and stability. People long to live in peace with their neighbour. People long for harmony and love in the same way that previously they longed for wealth and material goods. This longing is really a spiritual hunger and so the world redeemer is right when he says that human beings - the more they are human beings - shall not live by bread alone. But what is meant by the expression "every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God"? The words of God are life itself in all its aliveness, they are not just some sentences from the Bible or other holy books. God speaks through the living beings which are his organs, and God's "words" are not just spoken words but also events and occurrences. Everything that a person experiences is actually God talking to him or her. There are a great many people who still do not understand this, but life or God will gradually teach them it. Generally people believe that a fellow human being is an isolated phenomenon, a completely independent individual. But through cosmic teaching people will be able to gain the knowledge that every single human being is at the same time both an individual being and an instrument of the Godhead, through which the Godhead speaks to other beings. Sometimes the Godhead has to use liars to speak to liars and criminals to speak to criminals. He has to use a language that people can understand. But he has also used a Buddha and a Christ and a number of other instruments through which he could speak a completely different language. He has used artists, philosophers, scientists and engineers and spoken to people through them. Those terrestrial human beings that can no longer "live by bread alone", but that long for an alive, loving interaction with their fellow beings affording mutual benefit, joy and inspiration, are beings that have the possibility of being instruments for the "words of God" in a distinctive way. This does not mean that they should go round proselytizing, quoting the Bible and invoking the name of God at all hours of the day and night. But through their behaviour, their faculty for neighbourly love, their good humour and creative abilities in practical, intellectual and artistic areas, they can make life brighter and better for all that surround them.
Those people who are revengeful, spiteful, bitter, envious or jealous are of course - at the same time as they are individual beings - also instruments of the Godhead, who can be used to relate to beings who have need of the language that such beings speak. And that means to relate to beings that have that sort of karma coming to them due to them having sown it in the past. But if one allows oneself to be used as an instrument of "the unpleasant good", one also has to learn that by doing so one will at the same time be creating one's own future on a similar wavelength. And that is certainly not something one hungers for. So, if one longs for peace and love the best way to come to experiencing it is by sowing it in one's relationship to one's neighbour. And in the cases where this neighbour is perhaps not equally friendly and pleasant towards us, it has some significance, to the extent that one sees it as God telling us about something one has at one time done but which one now does not want to do any more. We have chosen whether to be an instrument for the unpleasant or the pleasant good. And being satiated with the former will gradually turn the human being into a splendid instrument of God's primary consciousness from which his "words" are the way of being and behaving that is forgiving, warming and radiant love.
Original Danish title: To slags sult. From a lecture held in Klint on Monday 28th June 1948. Manuscript for the lecture revised by Mogens Møller. Revision approved by Martinus. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 22, 1968. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2000.
Article ID: M2350
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 1, 2000
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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