Stone, Water, Air, Spirit
by Martinus

1. Solid, liquid, gaseous and ray forms of substance
One of the first things the thinking individual begins to experience is that he exists as a centre in a boundless ocean of energies which create movement thereby releasing a series of processes of change. Yet, he does not perceive all these energies as movement, on the contrary. Many forms of movement are perceived as stillness, as something at rest. When we see a large stone lying in a field, we do not experience it as an expression of movement. Rock formations and mountain peaks are also perceived through our senses as something which express absolute stillness. Wherever we look at the mineral kingdom we regard its details as motionless, in fact as almost unchangeable, as a dead world. The mineral world differs through our senses from everything that we can see is moving and changing. We see the movement of the water through brooks, streams and rivers, the surf of the ocean and the flight of the clouds across the sky. We sense the light breeze or the storms rushing across land and sea, just as we have discovered the movements of the heavenly bodies through space. We observe how water evaporates and how steam condenses and in what manner other substances change through subjection to varying degrees of temperature. We acknowledge that the changes of the substances can be divided into four large sections or four main states, namely solid, liquid, gaseous and ray forms of substance.
The last-named state is somewhat less known than the other three in the way that it is not directly accessible to the physical senses. The existence of the ray form state is therefore to a great extent denied, though the acknowledgement of it has lately accelerated through the knowledge of electricity, radio waves and other forms of rays and waves with which the technical science work and which is now increasingly used by every single individual in his daily existence. One must admit that invisible energies and forces exist which unimpededly penetrate the "solid substances. It is these energies one attempts to measure in frequencies and wavelengths, although we still, after all, are relatively ignorant about them. For many thousands of years, mankind lived without knowledge of this fourth condition of substance; yet there was nevertheless an instinctive notion that it existed, and it was upon this notion of invisible powers that their attitude to a "spiritual world" was based.
2. The relationship of the religious instinct to the ray world
Primitive man had an unwavering, instinctive feeling of the existence of an invisible world even populated by living beings. They were totally convinced that within this invisible world there existed beings even more powerful than the physical beings both in good and evil. Gods and goddesses, angels and devils, guardian spirits and demons populated their world of imagination. However, all these spiritual beings had been in "the image of Man" so to speak, in the sense that Man's ability of imagination and fantasy was active when creating pictures of them in order to worship them or composing myths and legends about them. Therefore, a spiritual or invisible world with invisible beings has later been considered exclusively to be a product of the fantasy of primitive man. But millions of people could not have lived and died through thousands of years believing in something which does not exist at all. Faith is a faculty and a faculty cannot exist without being an organic function. And as an organic function cannot possibly develop without an influence from Nature, Nature must have influenced the living beings in such a manner that this faculty has developed. The spiritual world is not an "invention" by primitive people, it is not a product of their fantasy. On the contrary, Man's belief in the existence of the spiritual world is a product of the influence of waves and rays to which mankind on this planet has been exposed to in the form of cosmic impulses, ever since primitive animal man began being able to distinguish between "I" and "IT". The fact that man in his fantasy endows the spiritual or ray world and its inhabitants with very special forms such as beings with wings, merely indicates that he finds it difficult to imagine the nature and the lawfulness of this ray world. Therefore, it was largely imagined as a heaven, or a world of air, the inhabitants of which needed wings in order to move, just as they saw the birds had. They could only make use of what fantasy and logical sense they possessed. Not until Man has evolved to the stage when he is able directly to perceive the ray substance in full day-consciousness that he no longer needs to form notions that are of a more or less superstitious nature, but he will experience the ray world and its inhabitants as something just as natural as the physical world and its beings, with their physical bodies constructed of solid, liquid and gaseous substances. Before they acquire such a conscious contact with the ray world, there is a transitional stage, once they have given up the blind Faith, against which their awakening intelligence now reacts. Then they find themselves in a type of mental no-man's land where they can only believe in that which they can experience with their physical senses. It is such a condition of pure materialistic conviction in which so many people find themselves today.
3. The Materialist's form of Superstition
As man develops intellectually, Faith begins to waver and doubt to prevail. One denies the existence of a spiritual world and even goes so far to believe that thoughts are a product of the chemical processes of physical matter. One does not realize, that then an old superstition is replaced by a new one. The spiritual world does not disappear because one ceases to believe in its existence and gradually, as mankind becomes less dependent on its intelligence alone and develops its intuitive faculties it will be able to survey not only stone, water and air, - solid, liquid and gaseous substances, but also the concept of spirit and the ray forms of substance, which this concept implies.
The person with a materialistic viewpoint does not realize how paradoxical and inconsistent this attitude in fact is, and that the more he denies and tries to support his denial of the existence of the spiritual world, the stronger he has been forced to use "spiritual matter". His denial is not a physical product which he has been able to create by means of physical tools, it is a product of spiritual matter, a thought construction, which is an expression of an idea or a conception. And as the spiritual world precisely is a ray world, the living being will work his way into the matter of this world, whether or not he confirms or denies its existence. The more hypotheses and conceptions that are put forward as a proof of the non-existence of the spiritual world, the stronger it is proved that it exists. The whole function of the human being, when he thinks or attempts to survey the connection of causes and effects, is precisely a manifestation in spiritual matter, and his denial of the existence of this matter, is comparable with a swimmer, who maintains that the water in which he is swimming, does not exist. The human beings are in fact surrounded by a sea of spiritual energy or substance, but as they cannot see, hear, feel, taste or smell it directly, they do not believe that it exists. They do not realize that they would not be able to experience anything at all through the physical sense, if the spiritual matter did not exist, as it is in the matter mentioned in which all images of hearing, seeing, smelling, feeling and tasting are formed in their consciousness.
4. The ray form of substance of the consciousness as a primary factor in the organism
A physical being appears as a combination of four conditions. He has in his organism a substance which we call solid, the skeleton. The fluid condition is represented by several liquids in the organism in addition to the blood. That the gaseous condition is represented as well, is felt by every human being when he breathes. These phenomena in the living being are accessible to direct perception and they are therefore not denied. But most people will probably admit that they consist of more than minerals, liquid and air. Well, they also consist of the so-called organic matter from which glands, heart, lungs, kidneys etc. are constructed. But they consist furthermore of something which thinks. Is it the organic matter, that thinks? Is it the heart, the lungs or the kidneys which think? "No, it is the brain", someone may answer. The brain is an instrument which is constructed from organic matter, and this in reality means SPECIAL combinations of "stone, water and air". Electrical impulses are flowing through it, and without these impulses it is dead and will soon decompose, and the result will be the death of the individual. When an organism has turned into a corpse, it is because the electrical or ray form impulses have ceased to flow through the organism. Only the components of the body are left, "stone, water and air", from which also the organic substances are constructed. What is it that has left the corpse? It is the ray form of substance which gave life to the organism. It is the substance from which thoughts and experiences are constructed, as well as it is the substance which starts the movement of the physical substance, whether it is the movements, which are the inner functions of the physical organism or the movements of the body in the environment, or the movements which appear as the ability of the individual to work and create. As the physical body only receives life and movement through the individual's power of consciousness or ability to juggle with the ray form of substance, it is not very difficult to understand, that the composition of the physical matter into an organism is an effect of the ray form of substance and that solid, liquid and gaseous substance altogether constitutes something which is secondary compared with the ray form of matter. The ray world is the real domicile of the living being and that it incarnates in physical matter only means that it temporarily by means of its ray form of matter also can create effects in "stone, water and air".
5. Everything is cycles of thought at different stages
Through all the movements of substance, its transformation and change and the regularity or logic which is hereby revealed, being the characteristic of the perfect spirit or consciousness, it is revealed to the developed investigator, that there is more between heaven and earth than "stone, water and air". The individual who has lost the blind faith and who perhaps for some time has been living at the intermediate stage of doubt, but who has managed to change the doubt into something positive instead of a one-sided negative condition, he will gradually discover that the reality or existence of Life itself is a state or of such a nature that it can penetrate everything. It is of such a nature that it can change spirit into air and air into water and water into stone. And vice versa change stone into water and water into air and air into spirit. It sounds like magic or miracles, but it is based on the laws of cosmic cycles, of which mankind is still ignorant. The Godhead, who is the living universe itself, the universe in which we live, move and have our being, change His thoughts into stone, water and air, and stone, water and air into thoughts or ray form of substance. All movements, all creation, everything which happens around us and in us is in fact cycles of thought at different stages. It is spirit or thought creating physical matter and thereby becoming experience of Life, that means back to thought or spiritual substance. Even behind the movement in the "solid" mineral matter that are inaccessible to the human physical senses there are thought and purpose. All manifestation or movement in whatever form it occurs - whether as the orbits of the heavenly bodies, as the movement of the elementary particles in microcosmos or as the thoughts or acts of an earthly human being - all of it are thoughts on their way from the spiritual stage of their respective I's transforming into air, water and stone and back again into water, air, stone and thought in order to enrich the living beings in the universe with new impulses and variations in the experience of Life.
Through his own world of thought and his cycle of consciousness the living being or "son of God" gradually experiences the revelation of the Godhead's life and consciousness. He learns to see "the evil" as the unpleasant good at a special stage in the cycle and that nothing can perish, nothing can be lost, nothing can be useless, but everything is enrichment of thought, renewal of life and a step towards perfection and therefore the highest cosmic answer of life is this that "everything is very good".
Original Danish title: Sten, vand, luft og ånd. A lecture given at the Martinus Institute on Sunday 19th October 1947. Manuscript for the lecture edited by Mogens Møller and approved by Martinus. First published in Danish in Kontaktbrev no. 5, 1967. Translated by Karin Brandt Nielsen.
Article ID: M2110
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 1980
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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