The Small and the Great Resurrection
by Martinus

1. The church's view of present-day psychic occurrences
As a part of our study of the spiritual world or the psychic or non-physical aspect of terrestrial human beings, it can be worth spending some time looking at what we have been told about this subject according to the ecclesiastical Christian view of the world. Here we are to a large extent told about an eternal life and a spiritual world, a kingdom of heaven, that the majority, the saved beings, will attain, and about a hell that the godless beings are condemned to. We are told about revelations and visions that prophets and other men of God have experienced, but the strange thing is that nothing whatsoever of this sort of thing should happen these days. If someone nowadays has visions or witnesses revelations, they have to be very careful about talking about their experience, otherwise they will quickly be labelled as someone who is a bit out of balance or a fraudster. In the Bible we can read about Saul who visited the woman at Endor in order to be able to talk to Samuel. What was it that took place when the woman conjured up Samuel? Was it not precisely what we would today call a "spiritual séance"? The woman at Endor was a spiritual medium. The fact that Samuel said that one should let the dead rest in peace is another matter. That fact provides no grounds for denying that one can establish contact with the dead. In several places in the Bible we can read about angels or spiritual beings that have revealed themselves, and Christ speaks about angels or beings that are of help to all those who are destined for salvation. We have also heard about the account of the writing on the wall and many other psychic occurrences that took place. The psychic occurrences in the Bible eventually come to their culmination in the account of Jesus' resurrection and his appearance before his disciples. If it was possible for such things to have taken place in the past, why should they not also be able to take place in our time? But despite this, the ecclesiastical authorities would prefer not to accept such occurrences today, they would in fact rather deny them, or at best treat them as occurrences of a completely different nature than those that occurred in the past. They would say that Jesus' resurrection and appearance to his disciples has nothing whatsoever to do with spiritism.
2. The denial of reincarnation is a strong superstition
So what is spiritualism? Spiritualism is the acknowledgement of the revelation of psychic or spiritual forces and beings on the physical plane. But what else can the resurrection of Jesus and the other biblical accounts be other than the revelation of psychic phenomena on the material plane? The fact that within official spiritualism there exists a great deal of humbug and deception does not mean that all spiritualism is a fabrication. In the field of science and within the religions there is also very much that does not coincide with reality. But this does not mean that all religion and science is a fraud. But because within religion one has left behind the acknowledgement that revelations, visions or psychic phenomena can take place, one has become the victim of a great superstition – and one that is extremely central to one's spiritual life – that results in the denial of reincarnation, one of life's most important facts. One believes in only one life on Earth, and once it has come to an end one sleeps until the Day of Judgment when one will rise up and go to either heaven or hell, depending on whether you are among the saved or the damned. Today the church upholds only one of these great psychic occurrences in the Bible, namely Jesus' resurrection from the grave and his revelation to his disciples. The concentration and the wonder focussed on this occurrence has been so strong that it has put Jesus' true, great, all-meaningful resurrection in the shade. Even though Jesus' revelation to his disciples ought in reality to have been seen as proof of the continuing existence after death, and therefore for reincarnation, it has now become a shadow darkening and rendering invisible the true, blinding resurrection that is God's goal for all human beings, and that Jesus was the incarnation of.
This article is a reproduction of an unfinished manuscript that Martinus wrote in preparation for a lecture at the Institute on Sunday 8th May 1949.
Minor corrections and headings by Torben Hedegaard, approved by the board on 04 09 2011. Original title and date of publication: Den lille og den store opstandelse, Danish Kosmos 2012/5
Original Danish title: Den lille og den store opstandelse. The 13th lecture, given on 8th May 1949, in a series entitled "The Mystery of Death". Approved by the Council of the Martinus Institute on 4th September 2011. First published in the Danish edition of Kosmos no. 5, 2012. Translated by Andrew Brown, 2012.
Article ID: M2069
Published in the English edition of Kosmos no. 4, 2012
© Martinus Institut 1981, www.martinus.dk
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