The Immortality of Living Beings
The article: The Necessity of Spiritual Science
Chapter 9
Mankind finds itself in a crash-dive towards dictatorship
Philosophical systems or points of view have not been able to give people the mental insight necessary to prevent the tremendous crash-dive towards totalitarianism or dictatorship in which all states today find themselves, regardless of what they at the moment call this dive or their physical or mental fate; regardless of whether they call their condition "democracy" or "communism".
      Both these ideas began in their time as excellent theoretical ideal systems but did not have a very long lifetime because of an invisible force of which people have not yet become aware. This force inevitably compels all political systems of today, both in the West and in the East, whether in the South or in the North, deeper and deeper into dictatorship. Dictatorship deprives mankind of its freedom. This deprivation creates hatred and the desire for liberation from the yoke; it creates tendencies of rebellion against the system. This in turn compels the dictatorship or those in power to maintain growing secret and open police forces, greater and greater bodyguards, which must make so many arrests that the ordinary prisons do not suffice. One must therefore make use of the so-called "concentration camps", that is, barrack-towns with barbed-wire fences, watch-towers, armed guards, torture and gas chambers and other sadistic contraptions to such a degree that "here all hope is abandoned" for the unfortunates who, in their rightful demand for freedom, have ended up here. Indeed, these concentration camps have long since been revealed as pure mental and physical cancerous tumours in terrestrial mankind's physical structure, arousing all the most appalling, sadistic tendencies in those individuals who are the executioners and slave-drivers of these terrains of hell.
      It is foolish to believe that not all countries or states today are in an enormous landslide towards this sadistic hell, which must end with the wiping out of all culture from the face of the earth if people do not steer their "democracy" and "communism" of today away from the glaringly false course by which they, in their intellectual blindness throughout the last decades, have begun to swear.