The Immortality of Living Beings
The article: The Necessity of Spiritual Science
Chapter 7
Only a real science of thought or spiritual science can re-establish mankind's mental or spiritual stability
Someone will perhaps object here that no one is so unfamiliar with the thought-world as suggested above. Indeed, one can even, through authorised science, be trained as a psychologist, that is, an expert in everything that concerns the living being's psyche or soul. In addition to this there is of course also the philosophical training within the same science. But what do these authorised psychologists and philosophers know? How much insight into the mystery of human mental life or into the solution of the mystery of life itself have we, through the authorised academic training, been able to give such beings? Indeed, here one must keep in mind that this aspect of authorised science is still in its very first, weak beginnings. And even if it can now begin to be of some use within certain superficial branches of terrestrial human mental life, it has still nothing positive that can undermine materialistic science's denial of, and attitude contrary to, the existence of the real spiritual world. This branch of authorised science cannot therefore possibly bring mankind into the real, perfect, intimate relation to its thought-world or mental world, that is necessary in order to abolish war in the inner world of the individuals as well as in their relation to the outer world, their surroundings and neighbours. Authorised materialistic science will not therefore be able to replace the loss of the fundamental security, spiritual stability or peace of mind that people – with the loss of their religious ability to believe and the thereby broken intimacy in their concept of God or relation to Providence – have lost.
      Terrestrial mankind's real and absolute hope in its present culminating state of darkness can therefore only be the creation of a real, concrete science of the area of intellectual or mental life. People must become familiar with the mental or spiritual structure of the living being and the eternal laws of life, not as something "abstract", but as a real scientific reality in awake, day-conscious analysis. Such a science is spiritual science.