The Immortality of Living Beings
The article: The Necessity of Spiritual Science
Chapter 14
The delusion of the great majority
It is natural that the masses in their ignorance and disappointment will react in a revolutionary way against this crash-dive towards the abyss, against the deprivation of freedom and the lower standard of living that their governments, out of vital necessity, must maintain. The great masses believe that it is only a matter of trade organisations and wage rises, and join political parties that, to a particular degree, have as their aim the persecution of private initiative or undertakings, in favour of state takeovers of all production, and do not understand at all that this change is not a solution even if it, some time in the future when mankind in another way has matured enough for this, will take place. They do not understand either that all the difficulties will be the same under any national government whatsoever, no matter which one is in power. Dictatorship will still to a greater or lesser extent prevail. The crash-dive towards cultural breakdown or deprivation of freedom that people within the democratic countries of today are subject to, and under which the citizens in the totalitarian states already groan, and that has laid so many of the cultural centres of Europe in ruins and sent millions of people to torture, invalidity, slavery and gas chambers, cannot be stopped by strikes or lock-outs, wars, treaties or agreements of any kind whatsoever. Price-rises or wage-increases do not count either in this great play. The misery, as we previously touched upon, does not at all originate in effects to which these measures can, in any way whatsoever, be an antidote. On the contrary, these measures can only make the evil even worse.