The Road of Life
The article: Mental Prisons
Chapter 5
"Heathens" and "Christians"
The average terrestrial human being is located between these two forms of steps of evolution. In the evolutionary step of the Viking human being we see our close affinity with the tiger's step, while in the step of the advanced "Christian" we see kinship with the mental step of the high-intellectual or initiated being. The mental light or shadowy side of the Viking human being is thus a complete antithesis to the step of the modern humanistic man of culture. The Viking human being is happy about being able to conquer and oppress other beings and rob them of their property. The humanistic man of culture is, on the contrary, happy to help others with their property, just as he to a great extent gets pangs of conscience if he does not sacrifice himself enough for his fellow beings. It is not so surprising that the Viking and the later man of culture could not live by the same morality, and that we have gradually differentiated between "heathens" and "Christians".
      By "heathens" should here be understood beings who still live in the belief in a god or godheads who become "angry" and "eager to fight", who "punish" and "take revenge", godheads whose ideals are more or less war or oppression of other beings. By "Christians" should, on the other hand, be understood beings who believe only in a truly supreme, humane or loving God who neither "punishes", "takes revenge" nor becomes "angry" but who, on the contrary, through his creative power determines that "everything is very good" and that every being is absolute master of his own fate and can decide his own light and darkness.