The Road of Life
The article: Mental Prisons
Chapter 19
As long as the individual hates and persecutes
So it is absolutely useless to want to fulfil the morality of a higher step if we have not undergone precisely the evolution necessary to make us identical with the beings on that higher step. No being can by an act of will suddenly miraculously raise himself to a higher step in evolution. The lion, the tiger or, in other words, the animal does not become a human being simply by an act of will. This transformation or change is not an act of will but a question of evolution. And in the same way, the transition from one view of life or morality to another is not an act of will but a question of evolution. One thus understands that it would be foolish and glaringly against all justice to insist that one's fellow beings absolutely must manifest the same morality or view of life as oneself. This foolishness is the greatest undermining factor in the fate of the uninitiated terrestrial human being. Since he is still, in principle, a plant among a profusion of plant-species in a meadow, he cannot possibly be happy as long as he lives under the illusion that all the other plants or fellow beings should have exactly the same colour or mentality as himself. He will never be able to fulfil this desire. Disappointment, feelings of martyrdom and depression will fill his soul, since the flowers of the field do not change colour or allow themselves to be standardized because a single little flower in its foolishness wishes it. And so this little flower, which is called "a terrestrial human being", must learn as quickly as possible to understand that it is not a matter of getting all his fellow beings, the profusion of colours and beauty of the flower-meadow, standardized according to his foolishness, lack of wisdom or illusion; on the contrary the absolutely only thing necessary is to rid himself of this illusion or foolishness as quickly as possible by trying to realize that the flower meadow's profusion of colour-orgies, whether in the form of fellow beings or in the form of plants, exists exclusively in order to be divine instructions to the individual and not in order that the individual, through these, should instruct the Godhead. As long as the individual hates and persecutes everything that does not appear in his own image or his own favour he is taking part in destroying and wiping out everything that creates "God's image" in life.