The article: Meditation
Chapter 8
The transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain
But even greater things were to be revealed through God's spirit in Jesus' consciousness. We are informed, again through the Bible, that shortly afterwards Jesus was again overshadowed by the divine spirit. This event was expressed as "the transfiguration on the mountain, where he was seen with Moses and Elijah". But this event was not merely a cosmic glimpse. It was the opening of a permanent cosmic consciousness in Jesus. It was this experience and the ensuing opened permanent cosmic consciousness in Jesus that revealed him as Christ or as the finished human being in God's image after his likeness. Why was he seen with Moses and Elijah? It was in order to show that he was the new great personality who was to carry the tradition of Moses and Elijah over into an entirely new course of life, away from the God of vengeance and hatred towards love's shining Godhead and father of the universe for every single living being. And "The New Testament" was later added to the Bible.