The article: Meditation
Chapter 7
Instances of cosmic glimpses
The attainment of the divine spirit is thus God's supreme goal or plan for all unfinished human beings. It is this goal that is expressed in the Bible as "Man in God's image after his likeness". This is the absolute final result of all physical evolution. And we are not without instances of people who have experienced contact with this spirit on the physical plane very openly and as a day-conscious fact. We can go back to Moses, who suddenly saw this radiant spirit in the form of a burning, blazing hawthorn bush. When Moses approached this bush, he heard a voice saying: "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground...". And the voice went on to command him to go down into Egypt and set free the people of Israel from their slavery. We have yet another instance of a cosmic glimpse. When Jesus was baptised by John in the River Jordan, he experienced a glimpse of God's spirit symbolised by a vision of a shining dove, and at the same time heard a voice saying: "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased". Through this experience, this cosmic glimpse, Jesus experienced God as a father. And this father-son attitude to the Godhead became the foundation for the whole of the life and teaching of Jesus. Without this cosmic glimpse, this father-son attitude to God could hardly have come into existence. Who at the time of Jesus would have dared to call God "father"? The God of the Jews was an avenging and punishing god whom one should actually fear. This father-son attitude, which applies to every single person in existence whether they know it or not, was thus to a particular degree introduced into the mentality of terrestrial mankind by virtue of God's spirit in the form of Jesus' cosmic glimpse at his baptism in the River Jordan.