The article: Meditation
Chapter 6
Meditation, cosmic glimpses, the holy spirit
Before this strong development of intelligence began, people were guided in religion by their instinct. This manifested itself in people's ability to believe blindly in authorities. We find these believers in ecclesiastical circles and likewise in the temples of the other world religions. In the Eastern religions, where the absolute picture of the Godhead was still somewhat obscure, they meditated, pondered or contemplated and reflected on the very highest concepts of existence. This meditation was, as a rule, guided by wise men who founded schools for a number of disciples or spiritually mature pupils. Of these pupils, a few were so far advanced that they were able to receive "cosmic glimpses". This means that they were able to get a glimpse of their own immortality, or a glimpse of some small area of the eternal truth. Every experience through cosmic glimpses was a clarification as fact of the area concerned that had previously been a mystery. This cosmic ability to experience is the beginning of the future total cosmic consciousness of the perfect human being, which in turn means a consciousness that can be expressed only as the "Holy Spirit". It is this consciousness or spirit with which Christ was filled, and it is the same spirit or state of consciousness that is the goal of all human evolution. It is the attainment of this spirit that removes all the animal tendencies from the consciousness or mentality of the unfinished human being. It is this spirit that makes the human being conscious in the absolute truth. Without this spirit there could be no higher knowledge of the absolute, eternal facts whatsoever.