The article: Meditation
Chapter 4
People need a particular kind of meditation or spiritual thinking
People need something that can make their daily lives more perfect and happy. What is this "something"? This "something" is to the very highest degree spiritual thinking. This in turn means meditation, research or thinking to the advantage of their lacking spiritual or mental stability. But here people are not so well placed as they are in relation to the material or physical side of life. Here there are ample books about material knowledge. There are wonderful, more or less brilliant books about specialised material knowledge in nearly all existing fields. In addition to this we have a great number of schools, universities and colleges where people can acquire the material knowledge that can turn them into skilled material creators, that is creators in inanimate matter or substance. But where can one find universities and colleges that teach a corresponding spiritual knowledge or science? The fact that one can be admitted to universities to study psychology is very far from being sufficient, even though it can of course be of some help in certain cases. Compared with real cosmic science it is almost to be regarded as no more than the sea air by the sea. Of course there are also the churches, which are intended to be institutions for the creation of religious nourishment, forming the basis for the development of morality.