The article: Meditation
Chapter 23
The Lord's Prayer is life's greatest meditation-object and the way to eternal light
Through meditation on this entire divine and absolutely unique cosmic prayer-structure, Christ has given mankind a way to the very highest support and assistance in the many troubles of daily life for unfinished human beings. A more perfect meditation-object and a more perfect meditation than on this object does not exist. If one daily meditates and prays in earnest, using this prayer-structure of the Lord's Prayer, one cannot avoid discovering that one begins to live more and more in harmony with the very highest thought-climates. Indeed, one begins not only to overcome difficulties oneself more easily and lightly, but one also begins to give out light to other beings around us – animals and people, plants and minerals. And here, through the meditation-objects of the Lord's Prayer, the human being himself begins to help the Godhead in his transformation of him into "the human being in his image after his likeness", and little by little the beginnings of a transfigured existence appear ahead. In this way, these meditation-objects formed in the structure of the Lord's Prayer will gradually cause meditating terrestrial mankind to shine and sparkle in the last great epoch of its transformation into mankind in God's image after his likeness.