The article: Meditation
Chapter 11
Cosmic glimpses come entirely by themselves and not by any kind of artificial training
A cosmic glimpse with such unfortunate consequences can, however, take place only if brought about artificially, which means that in one way or another, by harmfully concentrated meditation or thinking, the being concerned has brought about the cosmic glimpse. As the general, everyday thought-climate of the being is not on a level with the vibrations and wavelengths of the cosmic glimpse, dangerous mental short-circuits that can lead to abnormality, nervous breakdown and other forms of unpleasantness arise. How does it then happen that people can bring about cosmic glimpses prematurely? In certain cases it can happen that the cosmic glimpse occurs during meditation, even though the person meditating is much too immature to experience such an impact on the consciousness. It is then that the short circuit occurs. It can thus be very dangerous to meditate if one is totally unacquainted with the laws of the cosmic structure. When people in the East practise meditation very much and can achieve natural results, it is mainly due to the fact that they respect the holy activities in quite a different way from people here in the West. In the East, where people are to a great extent pupils of eminent wise men and are instructed by them in the correct attitude towards meditation, then meditation will not present any danger for the pupil, since he is under the care of his highly advanced wise man and will not get a harmful attitude to this particular activity. Here we must first and foremost understand that cosmic glimpses have to come entirely of their own accord and not through any kind of experimentation whatsoever, nor as the result of training. And the real and beneficial experiences of cosmic glimpses come, as previously stated, when the person in question in no way suspects or expects it. Indeed, in most cases, he would not be able even to dream of his being so developed as to be able to experience cosmic glimpses, that divine connection with the holy spirit. This experience comes quite by itself when the human being is mature enough. This does not mean that one should not meditate – on the contrary – but this meditation must be absolutely harmless and be as appropriate as possible for producing that maturity which qualifies the human being to receive the holy spirit in his consciousness. Artificial attainment of cosmic glimpses can cause insanity and nervous breakdown.