World Religion and World Politics
The article: Pilate, Christ and Barabbas
Chapter 9
The release of the Christ-mentality leads to "crucifixion", but also to "resurrection"
If one doubts the Christ-mentality in one's own inner being and believes that one can save oneself only by setting the thief or Barabbas free because one may momentarily benefit from this behaviour, one need only look at the world culture, which is of course a product of the Pilate-being's mentality. Is it not common here to set Barabbas free? To use violence and power, to make atom and hydrogen bombs with which one can wipe out millions of fellow-human beings in a second, to earn fortunes through other people's work, sweat and tears, ruin and debasement have nothing to do with releasing the Christ-mentality that characterised him who was born as the earth's poorest human being in a stable in Bethlehem, who was laid in a manger and who, when he grew up, said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive", "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you....", and who prayed for his enemies: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." He who does not set this Christ free in his own temperament, sets Barabbas free. He becomes, in such a situation, to a greater or lesser extent a Barabbas, a distressing and fatal factor for his neighbour.
      It is true that the freeing of Christ in one's own temperament leads at first to crucifixion, but after this crucifixion there inevitably follows a morning of resurrection. He who always sets the Christ-temperament in his own consciousness and behaviour free becomes cleansed of the lower, animal vibrations that are a total hindrance to the attainment of the state of being one with God, the attainment of cosmic consciousness. Is there then such a consciousness? Yes, such a consciousness will gradually become a living fact for all human beings on earth as their evolution proceeds.