World Religion and World Politics
The article: Pilate, Christ and Barabbas
Chapter 10
"Resurrection" or "the great birth"
To be one with God is the same as to be overshadowed by or filled with what the Bible calls "the holy spirit". The holy spirit is in turn the same as God's consciousness, God's knowledge about the universe, God's knowledge about the eternal life of living beings, God's unfoldment of love, which is the basic note of the universe in which all creation takes place. The human being who has gradually trained himself to set Christ instead of Barabbas free in situations where it is difficult for him to know how to behave can, as shown already, indeed lose at first and at worst die on his cross, but this death is the key to the resurrection from the zone of the dead. God's consciousness enters into this human being's brain and heart, flesh and blood. And the radiance from his shining way of being shatters the stones of the grave. And in this sparkling flood of rays the triumphant son of God arises in front of his executioners who, before this divine light, must fall to the ground. And through space the voice of the risen son of God resounds: "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall live." This is the great birth that lets the human being appear in "God's image". This is the innermost revelation of the mystery of Easter.