The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: The Galaxies of the Universe
Chapter 6
The "empty space" is not empty
One would, if one were an initiated being, discover that the empty space between all the stars or particles was an empty space merely from a physical point of view, and that it in reality was filled by the being's true self and the essence of its being, an enormous area, a gigantic central system of high-psychic matter. From here one would see that low-psychic forces flowed out to low-psychic central planetary systems, which means the micro-particles in the psychic organisms or spiritual bodies of the enlarged human being in question. Through the empty space one would in turn see huge streams of force and impulses being hurled between micro-particles, each of them finding its way to the respective physical suns and planets in the system.
      The initiated observer would see that from the so-called empty space the entire system was in reality maintained and directed. From here the speed and rotation of the particles was organised and controlled. New physical planets and worlds would arise, be developed and face their destruction in order to be replaced by others. It would also be evident to the initiate that impulses and vital forces reaching the physical particles, or suns and planets, came from a particular system in this galaxy, namely its organs of consciousness (its brain and nerves). The initiate would also see how these thought impulses created a reaction in the micro-systems.