The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: The Galaxies of the Universe
Chapter 5
The necessity of spiritual perspectives
The solution of the mystery of life cannot be found by staring out into space towards distant constellations and galaxies nor by discovering the constituents of the nuclei of atoms. These physical perspectives, however, are of great value as parts of an outlook on the world and on life, but they must be supplemented by spiritual perspectives in order that the human being can experience the reality to which it contributes and which it experiences. Life is so wisely structured that nothing whatsoever can go on being a mystery for living beings. The structure of life exists in all sizes or formats, so there will always be a format that suits each intellectual set of senses. Through the format of the life structure that precisely suits our set of senses we can attain the experience of the solution of the mystery of life.
      Looking out into space is looking at a format that is too large, and the nucleus of an atom is too small. We have the mystery of the universe concentrated in a format that in quite another way suits our sets of senses, namely in our own organism. It contains a combination of systems that are analogous with the systems of the universe outside us.
      We already know that all matter appears in the form of atoms or small micro-systems that look very like the solar systems and the galaxies. In the micro-world the atoms are small centres of force around which there are small planets or globes, the so-called electrons. This means that our organism is no solid phenomena, but consists of small particles between which there is empty space, which is many times greater than the particles. This in turn means that if we imagine a human organism enlarged so much as to be analogous with our starry sky we would see it not as an organism but as an entirely new starry sky with specific constellations and systems. By observing it more closely we would be able to learn to differ between the various systems. We would see that the stomach constituted its starry sky, the musculature constituted another, the heart and lung regions would be a particular constellation, the brain and the nervous system another, just as the sexual organs would constitute a system on their own.