The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: The Galaxies of the Universe
Chapter 4
"The human being in God's image" is about to be created
Spiritual science aims to convey to the seeker an understanding of the interaction between its own will and consciousness and the cosmic forces that manifest themselves in the microcosmos and the macrocosmos, so that through logical thinking it can come to realise its own potential and consciously take a share in the work on its own further development. We need only study the expressions of life on our own planet in order to realise that vast, strong, cosmic or universal forces have for millions of years worked on it appearing in the purposeful form and state that it has today. Why is it round? Why does it turn upon its own axis and move around the sun? Why are there minerals, plants, animals and human beings on it, and why does there exist in the human being a longing for the Earth to become a world of peace, where something beautiful and of benefit to the whole is created? Is it the effect of coincidental combinations of matter that could just as well have been quite different? No, it is the result of logical thinking and creation, a manifestation of the consciousness that exists behind the entire universe, and which the human being calls God. From having been an ocean of fire the Earth, over an immense period of time, has been transformed into an inhabitable planet for animal life and a dwelling for the future "human being in God's image". This latter human being already exists on the Earth in a kind of embryonic state. Its creation is not complete yet, although the creation of the Earth is just about complete; the human being is about to come about by it getting to know itself, just as it is getting to know the world in which it lives. It calls itself "human being", because it feels superior to the other animals on the planet, but it is in reality still only part human being and part animal. The planet and mankind are, however, now undergoing an accelerated evolution, and in the course of a relatively few thousand years there will exist a manifestation of life on this planet that will far surpass people's dream of "one world" or "the united states of the world".