The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: The Galaxies of the Universe
Chapter 3
Chaotic consciousness and cosmic consciousness
The materialistic world view of our time, which is based on research into bodies, organs and particles, and on measuring movements in time, space and matter, is actually a view of death rather than life. It cultivates death instead of life, and lives on unreality instead of reality. Solutions in terms of weights and measures become expressions for something merely local and relative when one neither knows nor acknowledges the living "Something" that expresses itself, creates and experiences through all the movements and cycles that the human being can measure and even more that it cannot measure. This is of course no criticism of science and its methods, which are a tremendous benefit for mankind and will become even more so when the human being finds out how to use them more in the service of peace and neighbourly love. It is merely an analysis of the state of mankind in a world where the forces are moving in the direction of war, chaos, explosions and short circuits, both in the case of the individual human beings' mutual relations and the mutual interdependence of peoples.
      The human being on Earth creates a chaotic state in the relationship between itself and its surroundings because of still having a chaotic consciousness. This consciousness is also used to do research into the riddles of life and has of course a tendency there too to find circumstances chaotic. What is seen depends on the eyes that see, it is said, and this is true when one understands the eyes as the consciousness that uses them. The chaos is, however, not in the universe; it is in the human being itself. But by becoming acquainted with the cosmic structure and laws of the universe, both as macrocosmic, mesocosmic and microcosmic expressions of life, the human being has the possibility, if it seeks to live in accordance with these laws, of changing its consciousness into cosmic consciousness.