The Principle of Reincarnation
The article: The Galaxies of the Universe
The Galaxies of the Universe
Chapter 1
Physical space
What do we know about the vast starry sky that we see arching above our heads on cloudless nights? Materialistic science has developed so much it is able to show us that this sky surpasses everything that can be measured in terms of size, distance, time and space. Science cannot use ordinary everyday terms when describing the scale of distances in space. These distances are so gigantic that one has had to create a new unit of measurement in order to think in these perspectives, a unit that has been called a "light year".
      It has thus been possible to measure the distance to remote solar and galactic systems that can be observed with binoculars and telescopes and that are located hundreds of thousands of times further away from the Earth than the distance that light, with the speed of 300,000 kilometres per second, travels through in a year. But this in reality means that the further we try to look into the universe, the further we see into the past. When, with the aid of optical instruments, we see constellations or galaxies several hundreds of thousands of light years out in space, we do not see these as they are today but as they were several hundreds of thousands of years ago. The fact that these constellations and galactic systems are tremendous oceans of fire and glowing suns of varying degrees of heat provides no actual solution to the riddle or the mystery shrouding them for the ordinary human being.
      Physical science does a great and invaluable job of weighing and measuring things and estimating speeds, but the riddle of the universe cannot be solved solely through these methods. They provide perspectives for thought to be able to work in, but thought, within this area of research as everywhere else in life, must attain to solutions in terms of manifestations of life and not merely solutions in terms of weights and measures.