The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 6
On the concept that the "ways of God are inscrutable"
Being "high-intellectual" is thus the same as being "all-loving", which is the same as loving everyone and everything with understanding. Such a being cannot criticise, think disparagingly or act badly towards anyone or anything because he senses and sees God as a fact and as the fundamental source of every form of manifestation, of every form of creation, of every form of experience.
      A perception that only partly recognises God as the cause of all creation – in that it denies the Godhead His identity as the cause of everything that may appear as "imperfect", "wrong", "evil", "bad", "unpleasant" and so on, and attributes these realities to a source or sources separate from God – is quite devoid of all intellectual insight into the real analysis and laws of the mystery of creation. The sources of such a view and adherents to it cannot either demonstrate or stabilise through any form of mathematics the identity of this as absolute truth or as an expression of the highest justice and love and have therefore had to replace this lack with the spiritual "anaesthetic": "the ways of God are inscrutable". And it is under the influence of the delusion or hypnosis caused by this that their imperfect feeling is expressed as misunderstanding, indignation or hatred towards those beings that have actually begun to get a talent for being able to "scrutinise the ways of God".