The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 5
Perfect perception of primitive thought climates
Speaking disparagingly of something, cursing or expressing something as the "devil", the "work of the devil", the "Evil One", "Hell's punishment", "wickedness", "children of Satan" and so on is a thought climate that can have as its originators only individuals who have sufficient feeling to be able to perceive the presence of these realities in daily life but have too little intelligence or an insufficient logical sense to see the true identity of these realities as indispensable links in the divine creation of the possibility for the manifestation of the highest love, a love that in the eternal world order makes these realities the pillars on which the bridge of light over all life and existence rests. Because of this lack of logical sense, the above beings' view of the real facts has also become imperfect. Ennoblement, as the true view of the true identity of these realities as an indispensable planned and purposeful link in the divine creation of love or the foundation or basis for light, is entirely lacking in these individuals. Their perception of the absolute reality of these events thus becomes a delusion based on ignoble experiences of feeling. As an ignoble experience of feeling is in turn the same as unkindness, the individual's interpretation of these realities is manifested as unkind expressions. Expressions such as the "Evil One", "Hell's punishment", "the children of Satan" and so on, as well as their view that those individuals whom they believe belong under these realities must be "burnt", "tormented" or suffer all the "worst punishments of Hell", represent a thought climate that does not inspire one in any way to "turn the right cheek when one is smitten on the left". It is a thought climate that is more akin to hatred than to love. But as its appearance is caused by too little intelligence in relation to feeling, which thus means ignorance in its originator, it is here clearly apparent that such an originator cannot possibly be "high-intellectual", regardless of how many degrees he may have in other fields of knowledge. And the god-son-like realisation – "for they do not know, what they do" – is here more evident as a "high-intellectual" view than in any other case.