The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 3
The high-intellectual human being
As we have seen, neither intelligence nor feeling alone can allow one to "see God", which in turn means, to have the correct perception and understanding of the eternal facts. For this the consciousness needs to have quite a different make-up. And here we arrive at a third kind of individuals, namely individuals who have a material of experience in the realm of feeling that is regulated and governed by a sufficiently adapted logical sense or clear intelligence that they, by the virtue of their own consciousness, can perceive other beings' lives and condition, their sorrow and joy, their suffering and unhappiness. Beings that have reached this state to an outstanding extent – a state, when at its culmination, that is in turn the same as the firm basis for absolute happiness, namely "universal love" – cannot manifest a thought, an action or a movement without at the same time feeling their influence on their surroundings. They thus feel that hurting other living beings hurts themselves, and, to the degree that this feeling manifests itself, they cannot therefore hurt anyone. They cannot kill because they feel far too strongly the dagger in their own chest. They help even the smallest animal or being out of any mortal danger with the same respect, joy and love, as they would if it were a child of their own race. They have become like a revelation of God, "created in His likeness and after His image".
      Such individuals have thus the faculty to feel or perceive vibrations in realms where the great majority of human beings are more or less insensible and therefore to a corresponding extent still dormant. Thus the former beings, by virtue of their developed sensitivity and corresponding sense of logic, have daily experiences in realms where the latter beings are still more or less asleep, and the former become therefore trained in reasoning or drawing conclusions that fail entirely to touch the majority of earthbound, coarse, materialistic beings because of their still primitive way of feeling and thinking in the superphysical realms, completely regardless of how much the latter are acknowledged as scientists in purely physical fields. And it is precisely therefore that we are obliged to acknowledge the former beings as the rightful "high-intellectuals".