The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 25
The guarantee of the identity of my cosmic analyses with the eternal truth
That my educational work is created by virtue of the Holy Spirit can be recognised by the fact that my analyses in every field whatsoever have no other conclusion than love. In every field my work is a single great defence for the observance of the commandment: "Love one another". It is nothing less than a mathematical explanation of immortality, of "whatever a man sows, that he will also reap". It is the rendering visible of an eternal, glorified existence on the physical plane, scaled down and made accessible to earthly eyes and ears.
      I myself am living proof that one can arrive at this knowledge by other ways and means than those hitherto acknowledged and perceived by terrestrial human beings; at the same time I, through my work, am on public display for anyone who has the ability and the desire to see, hear and perceive.
      Every view that calls me a "blasphemer" and a "swindler", that says I am "arrogant" and "complacent" and so on has thus no root in reality and is based only on ignorance, vanity and intolerance.
      To work against me is to work against truth. To work against truth is to argue with the sun; it is to defy the course of the stars.
      As a further guarantee of my work's identity with truth it can be stated that, for those who have the ability and desire to study it, it is a mathematical explanation of the fact that everything adds up to the divine, all-embracing world plan, which serves an unshakable, intelligent, loving purpose; for the developed spiritual researcher, this loving purpose is in turn the basis for the absolutely greatest guarantee of a world view's identity with truth or reality and for the fact that any world view that deviates from this is evidently more or less false.