The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 24
My cosmic experience or the experience of the Holy Spirit
What does this promise say, and what does it have to do with my books and lectures?
      Well, the true understanding of this promise is a criterion for assessing whether my work constitutes the real "fruits".
      Christ, who did not have his knowledge from other people or from any literary sources, experienced that knowledge could be experienced in a way that is quite different to the purely material earthly form. And the fact that this knowledge was always elevated and absolutely true and loving inspired him to express it as the "Holy Spirit".
      Since spirit is the same as consciousness, then the "Holy Spirit" means the same as "holy consciousness". The fact that the disciples, because they did not have this consciousness themselves, were confused about this state of consciousness and the knowledge that emanated from it, is only what is being repeated today, where thousands of people are quite ignorant of the real and true nature of this consciousness. But Jesus proclaimed that everyone will attain it, and that it will teach them all things. And we know through the Christian religion's own teaching that on Whitsunday this spirit overshadowed the disciples, and they spoke in "strange tongues", which of course does not as much mean foreign languages as it means strange or new wisdom. At the same time it is said that this event began with some phenomena of light in the form of "tongues, as of fire" that shone over the heads of the apostles.
      These phenomena of light give us, however, a sign that this spirit has overshadowed other beings on several other occasions in the distant past. We can go all the way back to Moses who was tending sheep in the desert. What thornbush was it that was burning? And what was the voice that told him to take his sandals off, for the place where he was standing was holy ground? Neither the voice nor the fire was physical in nature; they were superphysical. Moses had thus received the ability to correspond with superphysical realities; he had received a new consciousness that transformed him into a great leader for the people of Israel.
      Something similar happened to Paul, who was enveloped in a white light on the road to Damascus. Was not his consciousness transformed too? Was not his "tongue" transformed from being that of an antagonist to that of a protagonist?
      But when such things have happened once before, why could they not happen again?
      When, at the age of thirty, I was repeatedly enveloped in a strong spiritual or superphysical light and experienced different variations of a baptism of fire, this resulting in the fact that I too "spoke in strange tongues", which means, spoke from a new knowledge, from an understanding that I formerly was unable to use, is it not then the same divine phenomenon as that which the people in the Bible experienced?
      Since my speech, my writings and my pictures demonstrate, for those who have sufficient prerequisites, that what has been said here is the truth, just as my closest associates who knew me during these years can testify to this fact, I feel not only justified but also duty bound to enlighten others about the identity of my own faculty to experience as the Holy Spirit or the fulfilment of what has been promised each individual when the time is ripe. I would surely be a traitor to the real facts if I concealed my condition merely because some people in their ignorance and naivety would regard me as a blasphemer, and particularly since I know that such beings are infants with regard to the great knowledge, and thus do not really know what they are doing.