The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 22
When I use the expression: "I and the Father are one"
Since my lectures are public, people who are not already familiar with my work will inevitably attend them. Some of these people, even those who one would otherwise regard as receptive, may find my lectures somewhat unnatural or perhaps even boastful. What offends their view is that I, in the interest of truth, am obliged to say that "I and the Father are one" and that my educational work is caused by "an overshadowing by the Holy Spirit". Such declarations may of course seem arrogant or blasphemous. And this view can therefore in turn, depending on the temperament of the audience, act on their otherwise very receptive attitude in such a way that their attitude is undermined and a tinge of indignation creeps in.
      Here I can refer the reader only to the instruction given by Christianity's own great teacher and founder himself, namely that "one shall know the tree by its fruits", and otherwise remind the reader of the concept: "Judge not. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged".