The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 21
How people for whom spiritual science is the basis of their lives ought to behave towards other beings
As these friends of mine have now seen, there are thus three kinds of soil, of which only the third is actually good enough. From the other two there will in the main come only ill-natured criticism and opposition. Developing one's ability to discriminate is therefore imperative if one is not to influence the wrong beings. They have their own view of life, their own path to the light. And it would be nothing but an encroachment if one interferes with their view or their path. Those who are receptive will turn up eventually. "It is not the honey that goes to the bees, but the bees that go to the honey."
      Moreover, students of my work must also take care not to be directed by vanity, like the above-mentioned individuals are. Vanity may still be present in some of those who are interested in my work and who are still at the border between the categories of imbalance and of balance, which may express itself in a desire for many followers rather than for followers of high quality, which is just the opposite of what is reasonable, namely, a greater desire for high quality than for many followers. A thousand individuals with true, one hundred per cent receptivity are of course a much greater advantage and force for the cause than ten thousand individuals with only ten or twenty per cent receptivity. The remaining ninety or eighty per cent will constitute only a resistance and will outwardly be a false and harmful representation of the cause. Quality is therefore the principal condition; the number is of secondary importance. If the quality is unshakable, the work will also grow unshakably, a fact that is expressed to a great extent in my work.