The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 20
When one is disappointed in friends who are not interested in spiritual science
Friends of my work would of course like as many of their acquaintances as possible to share the seed and knowledge that are available through my work. They therefore try, out of love of my cause, to get others to study my books and attend lectures. But sometimes the friends or acquaintances they persuaded to go to lectures turn out to be more or less representatives of the two previously mentioned forms of less good soil. These beings then express criticism that at times borders on indignation and opposition to my cause. Fortunately this does not happen in very many cases, but the friends of my cause in question, who had hoped for a happy outcome of their efforts, are naturally disappointed and begin to wonder if my educational work is after all far too difficult for most people and if too few can thus accept the new seed. And it is very much this that has prompted me to publish this book and uncover the true facts of the matter.