The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 17
The good soil for the new cosmic world impulse
We have now come to the third kind of beings, those whose feeling and intelligence are more or less in balance with one another, and who therefore, whether they possess a lot of feeling or a little, always have it under the control of sufficient common sense. As common sense or intelligence creates harmony between the manifestations of the individual and laws of the universe, then the magnetic attraction of such individuals to the various factors surrounding them in their daily lives will be in balance.
      An intensified or excessive desire for a certain thing is caused by the failure of reason. The desire or feeling gets the upper hand, and the exaggeration is manifested and gives rise to the unfortunate elements that became the characteristics of the two previously described categories. These unfortunate elements are thus not present in a being whose feeling and reason are so developed and so much in harmony with one another that the keynote of the individual's character is "universal love", which is in turn absolute balance or impartiality between the individual's self and its surroundings. And the talent for understanding, and thereby the receptivity to life's great analyses, is thus based on this balance.
      As stated in "Livets Bog", chapter five, these categories can be further specified into categories and sections, and I shall therefore limit myself here to mentioning only that the beings of the category of balance, like the two categories of imbalance, are naturally not all equally advanced in evolution, but appear in degrees. And it is thus only those of its beings that have begun to outgrow the old world impulse, which in turn means outgrow the prevalent religious dogmas and literal forms, that can be called "high-intellectuals", and can therefore be identical with the "good soil" for the seed of the "new cosmic world impulse".