The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 16
Why one should neither judge nor be intolerant towards other people
But, before I continue, let me point out that the previously mentioned individuals, who belong to either the category of feeling or the category of intelligence, are naturally not to be regarded as "scapegoats", as unfortunate and useless fellow citizens in society; on the contrary, such an assertion would be just as naive and flagrantly against the eternal laws as any assertion expressing the superfluousness of children in the community. Just as the stage of childhood is the gateway to the zone of adulthood, so are each of the two categories expressive of stages that together form the inevitable gateway to the sphere of humility, which is the great forecourt of universal love from which the absolutely only entrance to the "temple", the "holy place" and the "Holy of Holies" is to be found. Just as children are on their way to becoming adults, so too are the above-mentioned categories of beings inevitably on their way to the great wisdom, to "seeing God", to the experience of the great love, quite regardless of how much they may today be regarded as intolerant, power-seeking, judgmental and so on. The real or perfect human being can perceive all such manifestations only as the manifestations of children with regard to real life or as the manifestations of individuals that as yet "know not what they do."
      But such individuals can of course show outstanding love or sympathy within fields that belong to their own conscious realm, such as family, relatives, friends and co-religionists as well as for things that they perceive as the "one thing needful", though they may be quite insensitive and judgmental towards everything that is foreign in nature to them.
      Equally, one must not forget that a great number of the beings of the above-mentioned categories are of enormous benefit to mankind through material, scientific research involving inestimable self-sacrifice and struggle, indeed often at the risk of their lives. All derogatory criticism, intolerance and feeling that one is superior to beings of these categories can thus be but expressive of a thought climate that shows that its originator is himself not in possession of the humility or reverence for everything and everyone that gives rise to the faculty for understanding and experiencing the real life, the eternal truth and the kingdom that is not of this world.