The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 13
The greatest obstacle to the attainment of the highest knowledge
One of the unbalanced conditions that can follow the individual farthest on his journey towards the light and that ultimately becomes an absolute obstacle to the experience of the highest knowledge is the desire to shine. As long as it is the highest wish of an individual to be able to shine more than others, this wish will permeate his research – very often without the individual being fully conscious of it. This research becomes in fact therefore more a "race", an extended battle or expenditure of energy to gain knowledge first, knowledge that one's neighbour should gain access to preferably only through oneself, rather than it becomes an expression for a real desire to train oneself in the great love or in "loving one's neighbour as oneself". The research of such an individual does not then stimulate him to forego something to the advantage of his neighbour but, on the contrary, it stimulates "hoarding", a conquering of spiritual goods, a manifestation of the desire for gold, the desire to become a "wealthy man" transferred to the spiritual plane. Such beings would thus have the chance to become this plane's "capitalists" if the desire to shine were not the greatest obstacle to the appropriation of the greatest spiritual wealth. Access to "seeing God" cannot be "hoarded"; it cannot be given out as a "prize" for a "race" that is stimulated or bourn by the fear that one's neighbour might come first. The "kingdom of God" is not something to compete about. This does not of course mean that these individuals cannot acquire or "hoard" a lot of knowledge – on the contrary. But since all real spiritual knowledge cannot possibly be personally experienced as long as it finds expression in "hoarding", in satisfying vanity and in striving for power, then these individuals' spiritual knowledge can be only theoretical, where it has not stagnated in dogmas. The "hoarded goods" are but empty labels for products that they have not yet experienced. Their "great knowledge" or supposed "high spiritual standard" is only outer glitter; it is only a series of "good words". But as these, as is well known, impress or "gladden fools", then these individuals can actually gain followers and admirers and become leaders of small "religious unions" or "circles", thus getting a certain satisfaction for their vanity.