The Road to Initiation
The article: On My Cosmic Analyses
Chapter 10
The talent for experiencing the Godhead or the universe
As we see from the above, a talent is needed in order to be able to "see God", to be able to experience the true world picture and to see the great solution to all riddles, that is the "living something". This talent is thus identical with the ability to sense impartially, since all partiality immediately biases the individual's perception too much in favour of the preferred field and correspondingly makes it feel repelled by the field that it does not prefer. Its research becomes a "turning of a blind eye" to details that disagreeably expose the researcher and an exaggeration of details that have the opposite effect. Such an individual cannot possibly represent a one hundred per cent truth. The talent for experiencing the Godhead or the great analyses of the universe thus requires a one hundred per cent balance of one's mind, one's thoughts and one's consciousness.