Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Mental Sovereignty
Chapter 8
The culmination of terrestrial mankind's materialistic knowledge and the resultant cosmic death
What is it that life, Nature or the Godhead is revealing or saying to people here? Are these not solid, serious words of admonishment to all those who today harbour the same or related egoistic dreams? The fact that these dreams are perhaps to some extent unconscious because the beings in question, out of overexuberant egoism and self-worship, have suggestionised themselves into believing that the whole of their being, their urge to subjugate their neighbour, other peoples or states, is idealism, "world salvation" or the road to peace, does not change the power of these dreams to bring about total destruction and ruin. They will without fail bring sorrow, illness and the agony of death to their originators as well as to their originators' followers and henchmen. Do you not think that all who attack with the atom bomb shall perish with the atom bomb? Is it not precisely the principle of the sword, magnified thousands or millions of times, that we are faced with in this monstrosity? Do you think that you can evade the law of neighbourly love by making "the sword" more effective? Do you think that the thunderous roar of the atom bomb and its hellish flames in the sky over a city's destroyed population and cultural creations can be construed as God's praising of its originator? Is there anything in this manifestation of hell that expresses its originator as: "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased"? Were not the atom bomb's flaming clouds of dust over Hiroshima and Nagasaki the culmination of the fulfilment of the divine promise that he who eats of the tree of knowledge will "surely die"? Where is the wisdom in this "hell" that enveloped these two cities and that perhaps still rages unseen across their desolate, deserted terrains? Was it not precisely a complete lack of wisdom that brought about the destruction of these two cities? And was it not the same complete lack of wisdom and the resultant enslaved mentality that created the rashness to release the atomic power against life itself and its cultural riches? Is this not the very highest form of primitiveness or complete ignorance with respect to the innermost being of life itself, and at the same time an extraordinary, in fact downright oversized, knowledge with respect to material energy? Terrestrial human beings have gorged themselves so much on the fruits of the tree of knowledge that they are now no longer among "the really alive". They are therefore unable to see real life, or what is really alive. They see only energy, energy and yet more energy, which is the same as matter. They believe themselves to be matter. They believe that their neighbour is matter. They believe that the universe is just matter. They cannot see that there might be something else, something more behind the matter that, for example, exists as the master of matter. And this complete mental or cosmic blindness or sensory deficiency is the same as true or real death.