Cosmic Consciousness
The article: Mental Sovereignty
Chapter 6
What neighbourly love brings to those who practise it
But even though in the first instance for Jesus of Nazareth this meant crucifixion, terrestrial mankind's fundamental response to this world redeemer's neighbourly love has been the greatest ever manifested on Earth. If one wants to see what neighbourly love brings to its originator one only has to study the paths of those three great world redeemers' terrestrial lives and one can gain the most solid glowing proof of what a life in neighbourly love eventually brings its originator. Is it not the case that the lives on the terrestrial plane of those three great holy beings are each one a story so great, divine and all-radiant that it is impossible for it to be outdone by anything at all. It therefore constitutes the very highest form of experience of life, it is in fact the very culmination of life. From being born in a stable, of parents who were physically poor and ordinary people, in fact even being born out of wedlock as an illegitimate child, being laid in a manger and thereby belonging to the lowest social layer in society, becoming a craftsman, associating with "sinners and tax collectors", poor fishermen and Mary Magdalene, the prostitute, as well as other beings ignored by society's great and mighty, in fact on the whole being treated as a person one could only in deepest secrecy have anything to do with if one belonged to society's cultured or intellectual class, as did for example Nicodemus, and perceived as lowly by society's ruling and well-to-do circles, this person grew to be recognised and worshipped by millions of people over the centuries as a godhead. This mass of worshippers is made up of kings and emperors as well as ordinary citizens, rich and poor within their own area. Can one imagine a more extraordinary story? One wonders how such a story could be manifested so that it could be greater.
      If we look at the terrestrial life of the world redeemer, Buddha, we witness the same divine story, with just a few other nuances or colours. Here we see the son of a terrestrial king, born into wealthy and opulent surroundings as far away from poverty as is possible, yet at the same time endowed with such a supreme neighbourly love that it became quite incompatible with the young prince's privileges and preferential access to all the riches of society in a country and a world in which thousands upon thousands of beings slaved away their lives in great servitude, poverty and misery, so much so that he eventually renounced all these riches to be able to be among those who were suffering and full of sorrow, the helpless and forsaken, so that he with his mind and heart could help them in their need and be a spiritual light in their darkness. And what happened to this being? Do we not also here see how the adventure elevated this terrestrial prince, who renounced his royal privileges, his prince's title, his private life, his palaces and wealth, to a new royal throne as a spiritual ruler over a kingdom that today numbers about 500 million souls, princes and ordinary citizens, rich and poor, and how this great mass of people have honoured, praised and worshipped him as a godhead. Could this story be greater?
      With respect to Mohammed do we not meet precisely the same divine story but appearing like the other two in its own particular variation or shading? Has he not also through his conscious attitude to the Godhead and thereby to the care of the happiness of his fellow beings, similarly become today a spiritual prince, praised, worshipped and admired by millions for whom his special intuition and perception meant the road to the light and thereby to a higher form of experience of life.
      Because neighbourly love was the unshakable foundation of these beings' lives and existences, we have in their history, lives and destiny the most fundamental and therefore the most irrefutable proof that neighbourly love is the absolutely only form of manifestation that leads the person practising it to the very highest form of experience of life or to the most divine adventure that can possibly be manifested as absolutely realistic fact. A way of being based on total neighbourly love thus gave the world redeemers complete mental sovereignty, that is to say, total self-dependence of consciousness and the spiritual and physical freedom and independence that is a natural result of that, plus the homage, praise and worship – that is to say the love – of a whole world over the millennia. Which other manifestations of consciousness or forms of behaviour can be shown to have given their originator or practitioner such a radiant result?